Chicken in soy sauce - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook chicken with soy sauce.


Asian cuisine is gaining increasing popularity. This is caused not only by the unique taste and aroma, but also by the effect on appetite, digestion, and general health. And various spices, spices, sauces contribute to this.

Soy sauce is very good for many dishes. Consider the various options for using it for cooking chicken. Those who have tried it do know how spicy and tender the meat marinated in this sauce becomes. And for those who are still unfamiliar with the properties of soy sauce, we advise you to do this using one of the suggested recipes.

Chicken in soy sauce. Best recipes

Recipe 1. Chicken Breast in Soy Sauce

Chicken breast is very useful, but rather dry - everyone knows about it. Many of this quality stops. But if you try to apply soy sauce at least once while cooking chicken breast, you will love this category of chicken meat.

Ingredients Required:

- chicken breast (400 g);

- garlic (4 cloves);

- three tablespoons of vegetable oil and potato starch;

- chicken broth (half a cup);

- soy sauce (4 tbsp. l.);

- sesame (for powder).

Cooking method:

Free the chicken breast from the bones and skin. Cut fillet into strips.

Sprinkle meat with soy sauce, leave for ten minutes.

Powder fillet, soaked in soy sauce the day before, with starch. Mix well.

Cut the garlic cloves into slices.

Heat the butter, put the chicken fillet and garlic.

Almost continuously stirring, fry. Spend on this process about five minutes, then pour the broth.

Bring the ingredients to readiness, the dish - to thicken.

Delicious chicken breast fillet is ready, it remains only to sprinkle with roasted sesame seeds.

Recipe 2. Chicken thighs in soy sauce

Chicken thighs cooked in a marinade of vinegar and soy sauce are very tasty. And garlic will make its own, very positive, adjustments to the taste of chicken meat.

If you keep the meat in the marinade a little longer, the result will be stunning - you will get tender, melting in the mouth meat.

Ingredients Required:

- chicken thighs (about one and a half kilograms);

- half a glass of vinegar and soy sauce;

- garlic (3 cloves);

- bay leaf and black ground pepper.

Cooking method:

Mix vinegar, soy sauce, chopped garlic, pepper, bay leaf.

This mixture pour washed thighs. Keep them in marinade for at least an hour. During this time, the meat must be turned at least once.

In the preheated oven, bake for about an hour.

Recipe 3. Chicken fillet in soy sauce

The meat will have to marinate all night, so try this tasty food only on the next day. But the wait is worth it, you want to enjoy the extraordinarily soft and fragrant chicken meat.

Ingredients Required:

- chicken fillet (500 g);

- soy sauce (4 tbsp. l.);

- Sesame (2 tbsp.);

- grated ginger (2 tsp.);

- vegetable oil (3 tbsp. l.).

Cooking method:

Chicken fillet, washed and dried, cut into pieces.

Mix sesame, soy sauce, butter, ginger.

In this marinade fold the chicken, leave for the night in a cold place.

And in the morning fry the chicken fillet in vegetable oil. Let the fire be average, and the meat should be rosy.

Recipe 4. Chicken with honey and soy sauce

The most ordinary dinner of a weekday can suddenly turn into a festive one, it costs only to add traditional soy sauce, a bit of white wine and a spoonful of honey to the traditional chicken. So little, but how does the flavor and taste of meat change? And now you no longer just chew a piece of thoughtfully, but with pleasure reach for a plate to take more and more.

Ingredients Required:

- chicken meat (600 g);

- One tablespoon of honey and dry white wine;

- soy sauce (3 tbsp. l.);

- vegetable oil (for roasting);

- ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

Wash meat and lightly repel.

Mix honey with soy sauce and wine.

Put meat in hot oil, pour over it with this delicious mixture.

The fire will need strong. On it fry the chicken, shifting it, while pouring the honey-soy sauce.

Recipe 5. Chicken in soy sauce with oranges

A recipe for those who love some sweet note in the meat dish. The chicken meat cooked over it just melts in your mouth. And its aroma is so pleasant that it immediately causes appetite.

The recipe is exactly the chicken carcass. You can use chicken thighs, wings.

If you want a thicker orange sauce, you can add a couple of tablespoons of starch.

At this experiment does not stop. Instead of sugar, try putting honey. Add a little ginger.

Ingredients Required:

- soy sauce (4 tbsp. l.);

- the same amount of sugar;

- mustard (2 tbsp. l.);

- garlic (4 cloves);

- oranges (4 pcs.);

- water (200 ml);

- chicken (about 1.5 kg).

Cooking method:

Boil oranges. To do this, they need to peel, cut into cubes, put in a saucepan, add water. Water - one glass.

Bring to a boil, add sugar. Boil on low heat for no more than five minutes.

Put aside - let it cool.

Meanwhile, peel and chop the garlic, mix it with soy sauce and mustard.

This mixture is put in an almost cooled orange decoction.

Chicken cut into pieces, put in a baking dish. Do not forget to pre-lubricate it.

Turn on the oven, let it heat up to 200 degrees.

Pour the chicken pieces with sauce from the saucepan.

Bake the meat for three quarters of an hour.

Chicken in soy sauce - tips from experienced chefs

Use high quality soy sauce in your kitchen. Only this is good for health. There is no place for flavors, dyes, flavor enhancers. Therefore, buying a product, study the label - find out from what and in what way it is prepared. Know that the most useful method of production is fermentation of soybeans.

Get the sauce, which is poured into a transparent glass container.

If you want to cook a very original chicken for the festive table, try, in addition to soy sauce, to use a can of canned pineapples. To 100 ml of syrup, drained from a jar of pineapples, add 1/3 cup of soy sauce. Marinate meat in it. And when you put the chicken pieces on a baking sheet, cover each with a pineapple ring, pour the remaining sauce and bake. At the very end of cooking, sprinkle with grated cheese. Get the exotic mixed with the usual - in one dish.


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