Which zodiac signs prefer a “free relationship” and which are legal marriages


While supporters of traditional values ​​are nostalgic for a classic patriarchal marriage, a society where with joy, with a creak, takes on new forms of relationship. Now everyone can arrange their personal lives to taste, choosing between a traditional family, a civil, a guest, a “Boston” marriage, a “Swedish” family, polygamy, and various variations of these official and unofficial types of family arrangements.

The main thing is that your views on this coincide with your chosen one. And to figure out what is closer to your partner, his zodiac sign will help. The sign where the Sun is at the time of the birth of a person contains a lot of information, including about his attitude to the family.

Signs of Fire - Aries, Lions, Sagittarius

Men Fire in love, sincere, temperamental and direct. They fall in love quickly and are ready to lead their beloved right away. They themselves do not really need it: they believe in feelings, not in cliches. But they so want to prove their love, so they want to make some feat for their beloved! And what in our time is better to prove the seriousness of feelings than a marriage proposal and a willingness to take responsibility for the family? So they make an offer soon after meeting. And women need to keep in mind: do not test the patience of Fiery men. If you keep them in the dark for a long time, saying neither yes nor no, they will get tired of it and they will find another object of passion.

Women Fire once married among the first. But not because they were so drawn to the family hearth, but quite the opposite: marriage gave them the opportunity to move out of their parents and live the life of an adult, because these girls grow up early and want independence. Now, when there is nothing special in the fact that the girl is separated from her parents, living on a rent alone or with her friends, the Fire Signs are in no hurry with marriage. But they do not deny a completely official marriage. Aries will marry because they have fallen in love, Lionesses - because pride will not allow them to be in a relationship with an unclear status, and Sagittarius - when they travel enough and make a career.

Signs of the Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Men Earth Signs gravitate to official marriage. They love stability and respect the time-honored traditions. It would seem that the ideal suitors for those women who need to get the coveted ring. But alas, no one is perfect! If you start living with Taurus before marriage, he will be so drawn into it that he will no longer want to destroy the established life by a wedding. Why make a difference when everything is all right? Virgos often turn out to be inveterate bachelors. And Capricorns for the realization of their business ambitions can forget about the family. So if you are interested in the man of the sign of the Earth, take the organization of marriage into your own hands and do not let him back down!

Earth Signs Women also appreciate the traditional way. They, like the men of this element, want stability and reliability from life. And they see this reliable harbor behind a wide male back. Formal marriage gives them confidence in the future and financial guarantees. They become beautiful wives and mistresses of the house when they know that they are not on this bird’s rights in this house. Moreover, they prefer to have children legally married. If the marriage did not work out, they do not decide for a long time and can remain alone, but they will not be interested in cohabitation (unless they got a solid bank account from their first husband and they are not profitable for the second marriage: they know what, but they know how to count money )

Signs of the Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Well, those who care less about conventions are airborne men. Even Libra’s incredibly high value partnerships do perfectly without a stamp, let alone the more frivolous and freedom-loving Gemini and Aquarius! Their ideal is a relationship based solely on the desire of partners. They are modern in relationships: they willingly share the budget and responsibilities at home, see in a woman not only her beloved, but also a friend, like-minded person, and interlocutor, respect her interests. These are good partners for women who are not eager to immerse themselves in family life. In the family of Airmen it’s always interesting, free, fun, noisy, so that it’s not clear whether this is a family house or a student’s free-will.

Twin women also do not like to bind themselves with obligations. It is important for them to know that no one can press on them and fetter their freedom. They will enter into an official marriage only when they are convinced that the man is ready for equal partnership. Aquarius women do not mind experimenting with forms of marriage. And they marry those whose ideas they share, such as the famous Aquarius Yoko Ono and Elena Roerich. Female Libra is an exception among both men and women of the Air element. They love harmony and peace. They like when life is streamlined, including by official statuses. Therefore, they will seek formal marriage.

Signs of Water - Crayfish, Scorpions, Pisces

These deeply emotional, impressionable men are drawn to the warmth of the soul. Family ties are important to them. And to become their own among relatives of their "half", they go to the registry office. They also prefer to raise children in a full official family. Although they themselves do not need a stamp as a proof of love. Their intuition is well developed, and if the wife falls out of love with them, they will immediately feel it. After that, the family for them will become just a formality (although they will not officially run to divorce right away).

Fear of betrayal in general often makes men-Water stick to a single family that will not abandon - the parent.

Women of Water able to love deeply and selflessly. They give their partner themselves without a trace, and want to receive reciprocal feelings. Love for them in the first place, fictitious marriage, marriage of convenience, marriage based on friendship and respect - not for them. It would seem that a stamp is not needed for the senses. But with the Water, this is not so. They tend to worry about the future, and they need an official marriage as proof of their partner’s love. In a free relationship, they are constantly unsure of tomorrow. And the Aquatic women who have fallen into alarm and melancholy are something. So a man should sign with his woman-Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, if only for his own peace of mind.


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