How our grandmothers cooked semolina porridge, recipes: classic and options without whole milk


Semolina was once the first lure and the most important dish on the children's table. Now she is not in fashion. You can hear a hundred arguments in favor of other cereals, the emptiness and calorie content of semolina. But this should not change the attitude to the once popular porridge. The taste of a dish prepared by your beloved grandmother is impossible to forget. Yes and no! Here is the same recipe from childhood.

Secrets of Grandma's Semolina Porridge

  • No water! Our grandmothers made porridge only on whole milk. It has now been proven that the dish is tastier and lighter with the addition of water, the cereal with it boils faster.
  • Oil porridge can not be spoiled! Our grandmothers added up to 150 grams of butter per liter of milk. Unlike modern options, in old recipes the oil was laid in the finished dish. Now it is often administered along with semolina or even before it.
  • No sugar in any way! Grandma’s porridge was always distinguished by a rich sweet taste. In addition to sugar, jam may be present in it, sometimes honey.
  • Be sure to cook. It is believed that semolina just boil. Then the porridge can be turned off, it will certainly reach readiness on a hot stove. But they always cooked semolina from childhood, and they did it for at least five minutes.

No lumps!

The most difficult to prepare semolina porridge for many housewives is the launch of cereals. If you make it wrong or rush, lumps form. It will not work to get rid and stretch them after boiling. Filtering porridge is a complex and not very pleasant process. You can grind it with a blender, but inside the lumps there remains raw groats, the taste of porridge will suffer.

The easiest way is to learn how to fill the cereal correctly.

How to avoid lumps:

  1. Pour the cereal with a thin stream, do it with one hand, at the same time stir the milk with the second hand. You can pour the croup into a mug or cup with a handle, it will be convenient.
  2. Add semolina to boiling milk through a large strainer. At the same time, do not forget to stir, lift the mass from the bottom.
  3. You can mix semolina with half a cold liquid, and then pour it all into boiling milk. So lumps do not form.

If friendship with semolina does not work out in any way, then simply mix it with a prescription liquid, most often it is milk, put on a stove and cook. While continuously stirring. After boiling, cook a little less than indicated in the recipe.

By the way! You can stir semolina not with a spoon or spatula, but with a hand whisk. He certainly will not leave the lumps any chance.

Semolina porridge "Grandma's"

It was according to the old recipe given here that our grandmothers made porridge. The amount of semolina is indicated for approximate preparation of a medium consistency dish. You can adjust it yourself. Also remember that if porridge is cooked in advance, it is better to add less cereal to it. The dish will stand and become much thicker.


  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 4 tsp Sahara;
  • 0.3 tsp salts;
  • 60 g semolina;
  • 60 g of oil.

Cooking method

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, put on a stove and almost bring to a boil. As soon as the foam begins to gather, turn down the heat.
  2. With a thin stream with constant stirring, pour semolina. If you want to get a thick porridge, then enter 80 grams.
  3. Cook for about five minutes.
  4. Add salt and sugar, stir. Cook the semolina for another minute, turn off the stove.
  5. Add butter, stir. Leave the porridge for five minutes to insist.
  6. Serve the dish in wide plates, as semolina porridge cools down for a long time. Often, grandmothers complement it with raspberry or strawberry jam, which makes the taste and appearance of the dish richer.

To get tender and lush semolina, you can beat it lightly with a whisk or just a spatula.

Grandma’s recipe for cereal without milk

Porridge without milk was also often cooked. This was especially true in winter, when the feeding nurse went on vacation, did not milk. A dish on the water to improve the taste was supplemented with jam, nuts, dried berries and fruits were added to it. Here's a simple recipe for semolina porridge on water with butter and sugar.


  • 6 spoons of semolina;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 0.5 tsp salts;
  • 50 g of butter.

Cooking method

  1. Mix water with salt and sugar, put on a stove. Boil.
  2. Pour semolina into a liquid with a thin stream, while quickly stirring with the other hand. Again, let the porridge boil, then reduce the heat.
  3. We cook semolina porridge for about five or seven minutes, the cereal should swell well.
  4. Turn off the stove, lay the butter cut into pieces. Stir intensively for a minute. The oil should dissolve.
  5. Cover the pan, leave for five minutes.

Before serving to the table and laying on plates, the porridge must be stirred, brought to a homogeneous consistency.

How to replace whole milk

If there is no whole fresh milk, and the prospect of making porridge on the water is not good, then you can look for a replacement. With lactose intolerance, plant-based milk types are usually used; now there is no problem with their purchase. In addition, such a product has a long shelf life, you can always make a small supply at home. But there are times when whole milk just ran out. This is also not a problem, there are alternative options. Depending on the product used, the recipe may vary slightly.

How to replace whole milk:

  • Condensed milk. It is necessary to reduce or completely eliminate granulated sugar. Condensed milk can be mixed with water, boiled porridge or added when serving dishes directly to the plate.
  • Powdered milk. It is diluted with water before making porridge, you can do this directly in the pan to immediately put on the stove.
  • Cream. They need to be diluted with water, the amount of which depends on the fat content of the product, but not less than 60%. Next, the porridge is cooked in the usual way. You can pour cream on the finished dish, cooked in plain water.

Semolina porridge is a wonderful independent dish, which can become an ingredient in various desserts. Puddings, soufflés and various casseroles are prepared from it. But it is important to learn how to cook the correct base, in which there will be no lumps. Our grandmothers knew how to do it.


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