Girlfriends-bitch and girlfriend-sisters by zodiac sign


Friendship is one of the most beautiful and brightest types of communication that exist between people. Each person wants to have a reliable, loyal friend nearby, who will never betray, but in difficult times leave everything and rush to you. But sometimes in life it happens differently: a person whom we consider close and whom we trust in our innermost thoughts, at the most unexpected moment betrays us, destroying everything that we believed in.

How not to make a mistake with a girlfriend? How to understand that she is a real friendship? How to see a bitch in a friend in time or find a sister in her face? Stars will help to answer all these questions.

The most faithful and loyal friends in the zodiac signs

One of the most faithful, reliable and loyal zodiac signs are rightfully considered Scorpions.

It is known that representatives of this sign have a very complex character: they are overly emotional, sensitive, demanding, jealous. But if there is a person nearby who will be loved by a scorpion with all his heart and who will be able to accept it with all its bright merits and demerits, then the scorpion will be immensely faithful and selflessly loyal to him.

Female Scorpions, as a rule, do not have more than 1-2 girlfriends, as they are extremely demanding of those who are considered friends.

It’s not easy to enter the Scorpio’s chosen circle, but once you get into it you can be sure that the scorpion will always help, support and never say “no” to your girlfriend.

Scorpio woman is ready for a lot of things for her friend. If necessary, he will rush at three in the morning with a package of medicines or give his last money. But in return she demands the same attitude. It is important for a scorpion to know that his feelings are reciprocal. If a friend is ready to prove every day, every minute, and show that she was not let into her heart for nothing, then she will receive the world's best wealth - a friend who sometimes gets closer than her own sister. Scorpio always keeps this promise. If he promised, he will fulfill the promise, no matter what.

How Cancer Perceive Friendship

No less good friends are women crayfish. Crayfish are very tender, soft and warm-hearted creatures that place warm, sincere relationships with people above all else. It is easier and easier to be friends with cancer than with a scorpion. After all, a woman-cancer is not inclined to constantly doubt, check, wait for evidence of devotion. She quickly becomes attached to her friend and lets her into her heart, sharing with her all the good that she has. Crayfish are generous. A friend will never be left without a chic gift for any holiday received from a good-natured, open cancer. Cancer, having done something pleasant for her friend, will not sit and wait for the return step. It is more important for her to give than to receive.

Communicating with Cancer is always beneficial. After all, a cancer woman considers it her holy duty in everything to be a mentor, counselor, second mother to her friend.

For her, friendship is almost the same as a blood relationship. Do not hurt cancer. Once hitting her sick, she will never be able to treat her friend as before. Cancer loves faithfully, which is why it pains more acutely. Instead of the word girlfriend, cancer often uses the word sister. It is extremely important for her to feel a spiritual connection with her friend. She is not as demanding as a scorpion, but strives to be on the same wavelength with her friend.

Is it good to be friends with Fish

At first glance, it may seem that these silent, constantly immersed in themselves, too serious creatures are not friendly, but this is not so.

A fish-friend is good because she respects not the word, but the deed. One can hardly expect a beautiful talk from her about the importance of friendship and love that she has for her friend, but she will certainly be there when her friend needs it.

The fish silently does good deeds. Sometimes she helps her friend out, brings her benefit secretly, as she does not expect praise or approval from her.

If a friend took a loan from a fish, time is running out, and there is nothing to give, then the fish will not make a scandal about this. She can easily forget about debt and still throw money.

How to relate to friendship Taurus

Taurus is also on the list of the most friendly and loyal zodiac signs. They are good friends, but there should always be a “guideline” on friendly terms with them. They are often dependent on a friend (her opinions, words, decisions, moods) and perfectly adapt to her.

Taurus are afraid to offend, hurt, hurt a girlfriend, so they treat friendship as a job that must be done in good faith.

They sacredly believe that you receive from friendships what you invest in them. Taurus often suffer because of its excessive credulity. They are ready to surrender to friends with all their being, quickly become attached and open to their girlfriend, but this is not always appreciated by others.

What signs do not know how to be friends

Extremely careful woman needs to be with Aquarius girlfriend.

Representatives of this sign have one bright advantage, which sometimes turns into a disadvantage in friendship - they masterfully speak beautifully. Their deeds and actions often diverge, which causes a storm of emotions among those with whom they are friends.

Aquarius is hidden, closed and not always even the closest friend manages to find out what Aquarius really thinks and feels.

Aquarius is not capable of truly low deeds, but one does not have to wait for help and support from him in difficult minutes. Aquarius values ​​distance above all and extremely rarely allows friends to get close to themselves. It is good and pleasant to spend time with her, go shopping, watch a new movie, but for more important and responsible matters it is better to have a backup option.

Is it worth it to be friends with Leo

Leo women rarely need friends. She is a very self-sufficient person and can do without friendships. You cannot call her responsible. She can easily forget about the promise made to her friend or act differently than conscience tells her to.

Lions are often selfish.

This means that in friendships they have in the foreground their own emotions, feelings and needs. If the girlfriend is not an obstacle, does not hurt the interests of the lion, then the lion for some time can quite safely be friends with her. But, as soon as the lion feels that something is not going according to her script, she will immediately take a sharp and sometimes painful step.

To be friends with Libra - weigh all the pros and cons

Libra - women for the most part belong to those friends who are accustomed to take more than give.

They will gladly accept birthday presents from their girlfriend, but they themselves can forget about her name day.

Also, in difficult times, they will gladly run to their girlfriend for advice and support, but they themselves can be eliminated at times when the girlfriend will need their presence. Libra seeks profit in everything. They will be perfect friends as long as they feel that they have something to receive from this friendship. It is not so much about material values, but about other benefits of friendship (personal growth, development of self-confidence, boring pastime, useful connections of a friend). Do not expect much attention from the scales. Another disadvantage of friendship with the scales is their constant hidden rivalry with a girlfriend. They will not wish harm to a friend, but deep down they always want to be better in everything, to surpass her. If they do not succeed, the relationship most often crashes.

You always need to select friends carefully, checking them with time, life tests that fall to the lot of every person. And the stars will help not to make a mistake.


Watch the video: Your Girlfriend's Six Friends (July 2024).