The main advantages and disadvantages of a woman according to the zodiac sign


Each person in this world is an individuality, a separate, full-fledged and inimitable personality, possessing its own unique features, character traits, advantages and disadvantages. It is such a diversity of human qualities that makes communication between people so interesting, vibrant and rich. But, despite the fact that we are all individuals, we owe some of our traits and characteristics to the stars. Stars can tell a lot about a person’s personality, habits, habits and even addictions.

So, what advantages and disadvantages have given us, women, stars?


The main advantages of beautiful rams are their absolute honesty, decency and friendliness. Representatives of this sign will never turn their backs on a person trying to establish contact with them. They willingly establish new relationships with people, bring others closer to themselves and share with them part of their endless positive energy.

Aries are extremely decent and honest people. They consider a lie an unacceptable thing in a relationship. They do not tolerate deception and do not forgive.

Of the most striking shortcomings of rams, one can single out their impulsiveness and excessive emotionality. Not every person can easily endure the sharp changes in mood that women-rams have. They vigorously express both positive and negative emotions. If the Aries ladies love, then they cover the beloved with a wave of love, if they hate it, then every cell of them is saturated with hatred.


Women - bodies are very welcoming, hospitable housewives. They are always happy to welcome new guests. Being in their house is a pleasure. The lady - Taurus will certainly pamper guests with the best food and immerse them in an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. Also, female bodies are extremely motivated creatures. They know how to achieve their goals, because they know exactly what they want and how to fulfill their desire.

Taurus masterfully draws up a plan of his actions and follows him in everything.

Perhaps the most noticeable drawback of the Taurus ladies is their pathological jealousy. Taurus has a rich imagination and always finds reasons for jealousy. From the little things, she can create a real disaster picture in her head and create an unforgettable scandal. A woman-Taurus should be the only one for her man, other options are not considered by her.


Gemini - ladies are rightfully considered one of the most positively minded, energetic and good-natured signs of the zodiac. Many people sometimes wonder how easily and quickly the twins arrange their lives, fulfill their dreams. And their whole secret is in the correct thinking and ability to get rid of everything negative. With twin women, it will never be either boring or lonely, but morally difficult. On the contrary, they help get rid of excess load and recharge with positive energy. But twin ladies have a significant drawback. They are overly dependent on the opinions of other people and try to adapt to others.

Gemini women sometimes lack self-confidence and self-sufficiency.

From there and all their internal problems, suffering. They need to learn to listen to themselves.


Fidelity is the middle name of every woman who is a representative of this sign. Relationships, whether they are friendly, family or love, crayfish are extremely responsible. They strongly believe that fidelity is the root and foundation of harmony in relationships.

A woman - Cancer will never betray, will not stick a knife in the back and will not change.

But Cancers - women cannot adequately perceive criticism. Any criticism immediately leads to self-flagellation, depression and other troubles. They also tend to panic often and come up with problems for themselves. Cancers - ladies know how to "make an elephant out of a fly." Therefore, the relatives of women - crayfish often have a hard time with them.


Leo - women are one of the most punchy and persistent signs of the zodiac. They quickly and easily succeed both in their careers and in their personal lives, thanks to their reasonable stubbornness and determination. Also, ladies - lions, like no other, know how to listen to the interlocutor.

A woman - a lion, talking with a loved one or even with a neighbor on the landing, will never float in the cloudsx

She will listen carefully, trying to understand and feel the words of the interlocutor. Therefore, lionesses always have many good friends. Beautiful lionesses are very conceited. They are sure that everyone is obliged to read them, admire their amazing abilities and other virtues. If the lioness is not praised and not admired by her, she will quickly lose interest in a person and disappear from his life or find a replacement for him.


Beautiful maidens have ideally developed logical thinking. They can calculate human actions in advance and prepare for them.

They are hard to fool. Virgo is one of the most developed and intellectually rich characters.

But cute virgins are overly touchy and vindictive. They take to the heart the most insignificant little things and can recall them, even after a few years. For this reason, many people are morally annoyed by communication with virgins.


Creativity is one of the most striking personality traits of women - weights. From childhood, they see the world differently from the rest.

Women - scales are able to catch the most seemingly insignificant details, see the beauty in everything.

Ladies - scales are non-standard for any life task of a lady, therefore they always attract attention. They are very curious and interesting in communication. The disadvantage of ladies' scales is wastefulness and inability to say no to a person. Other signs often manipulate weights, since these ladies are very susceptible to the influence of others and are afraid to refuse. Sometimes they act to the detriment of oneself.


Women - scorpions have an excellent quality - in any situation they are not afraid to express their opinion and defend it. They are able to protect themselves and become a worthy adversary.

Scorpions - ladies are very consistent, stubborn and persistent, moreover, they are great activists. They make successful business women.

But women - scorpions - are real owners. If they struck up a relationship with a man, then from now on he should look exclusively at his soul mate and report on everything to her. A woman should be aware of all his affairs, without her permission, a partner cannot take a single step. Otherwise, the scorpion quickly loses its temper and does not hide its destructive forces.


Ladies - archers are so lucky and lucky that many other signs are openly envious of them. Good luck seems to be following them tail. No matter what the archers, ladies, take, they succeed. Another bright dignity of women - archers - they have an incredible sense of humor, which rivets people to them, like a magnet. Never discouraged, always looking at life with humor, archers rarely get depressed and get killed.

The main drawback of the ladies - Sagittarius - is selfishness, which sometimes transcends the boundaries of the rational.

For a woman, an archer, always and in all cases, in the first place is herself and her personal interests, and only then family, children, friends.


Natural leaders are women - capricorns. And this quality is one of their greatest virtues. From an early age, the girl - Capricorn leads, directs, organizes, leads. She can make her listen and hear.

Lady - Capricorn - an ideal boss.

Arrogance is a negative quality of ladies - capricorns. It is difficult for them to establish close ties with people because of their arrogance. The habit of putting oneself above everyone and everything usually does not lead to anything good.


Aquarius - women have one of the most valuable qualities - the ability to understand people well. At first glance, they can determine the energy of a person and feel his essence, therefore Aquarius is extremely selective and few people are allowed to approach. They are rarely deceived, betrayed.

After all, insightful women - Aquarius in advance feel any catch.

Straightforwardness can be called a lack of ladies - Aquarius. They will not think about what a person who has heard from them often unpleasant truth may experience. Aquarians all speak into the eyes and sometimes hurt with words more painfully than a knife.


Pisces - women are very generous. Without hesitation, they will share with others the last piece of bread. They have a sensitive, kind heart, which is also quite vulnerable.

Pisces cannot remain indifferent to human grief and sincerely engage in charity work.

But Pisces women are sometimes too gullible. They tend to quickly believe people, not look for evidence of their words. Therefore, communication with others often brings them frustration and pain.

They say that beloved people always seem to us perfect. Their shortcomings are erased, and virtues, on the contrary, are tripled. Therefore, we can safely say that every zodiac sign, in spite of everything, is absolutely perfect when he is loved.


Watch the video: Top 10 Reasons Why Gemini is the Best Zodiac Sign (July 2024).