7 ways to learn any information


The modern world increasingly relies on information. Today it is valued very highly, as a result of which people often have to learn one or another volume of new knowledge. Not everyone is able to absorb it like a sponge, so biologists carefully studied the process of remembering new information in humans and identified the most effective and fastest ways to learn the necessary amount of information. Let's look at each one individually.

Audio recording

According to many, information is perceived easier and faster with repeated listening. It is best to carry out this process with the help of headphones so that extraneous sounds do not prevent you from concentrating on remembering information. Also, it will be a plus if you yourself pronounce the text / words you need, etc., and record it on an audio recording on the phone. The native voice is always perceived more familiar and more pleasant than a stranger. Basically, you don’t have to listen many times. Most 4-5 repetitions are enough for complete memorization.

Reading out loud

This method is quite simple and shows the first result already at the first repetition. It is important to note that it is necessary to read aloud and thoughtfully, that is, to fully understand the meaning of what is read. Otherwise, there will be little use for such a method. It is best to retire in a room, which will allow the brain to concentrate on receiving a new volume of knowledge. You also need to minimize the number of audible extraneous sounds. As mentioned above, the result will not be long in coming.

Memorization before bedtime

Our body is designed in such a way that at bedtime it perceives information more easily and faster. However, it is worth noting that this pattern is fulfilled only if the body has the necessary energy supply. If you are very tired and sleepy during the day, then this method will be useless, just like everyone else.
So, you already understood the essence of the method. You just need to try to learn the information you need before going to bed. For many, one such repetition is not enough, so it is better to repeat this procedure twice. It is imperative that immediately after gaining new knowledge you go to bed. Otherwise, your brain is unlikely to remember well what you recently tried to learn.


The principle of sorting information allows the brain to perceive it easier and in a shorter time. You should sort the text / words or something else (depending on what you need to learn) according to certain criteria, topics and the like. Here you are already your own masters, since everyone identifies the topic that is most convenient for him and comes from it. It is only important to memorize this divided information on the blocks that came out during the division. You can pause between blocks, but in no case do not start mixing blocks among themselves. In the end, when you have managed to learn all the blocks, repeat them all together 2-3 times. You can safely be sure that after such a procedure the information is firmly "stuck" in your head.

Notebook and pen to help!

As practice shows, people remember information better when they write it on a piece of paper. This is not only the result of human observations, but also a scientific fact. The fact is that when writing, the human brain concentrates only on what needs to be written and sends neurons to the hand. It is easy to guess that it is precisely when using this “fraud” that information is perceived easier, more practical. Basically, people need 2-3 repetitions to fully remember what is written.


When retelling the newly acquired knowledge, it is being consolidated. Of course, you cannot learn the whole volume of information at one time, but several fragments of it will be remembered. After the first attempt to completely retell the text / words, etc., you need to read it / them again, and then again try to retell the information you just read. Repeating a similar process is worth a full memorization of the received. You can take breaks between retelling attempts, but no more than 2-3 minutes. Believe me, the result will not be long in coming.

Visible spot

Print out the information you need to "memorize" and stick it on a prominent place, for example, on the door to the room, on the desk, on the TV off, etc.

Thus, you will constantly remember what you have to learn, and, accordingly, periodically read and remember this or that information. It is important to note that the place must be truly visible. The room in which this place is located should be frequented by you. Otherwise, as you might guess, there will be little sense from this method. For the most part, people remember information easily, but throughout the day. If you need to learn something as soon as possible, it is better to use the sixth or first method.

Useful Tips

  • Create an atmosphere of isolation, that is, do not let extraneous sounds and noises prevent you from concentrating on remembering certain knowledge.
  • If noise cannot be eliminated, then use your own headphones or special “plugs”.
  • Try not to postpone memorization of information in a long box, but rather harmoniously allocate free time and spend part of it to remember what is needed.

Learning a certain amount of information is not as difficult as it seems to many. You should only use one or more (meaning in the aggregate, but see that one method does not spoil the effectiveness of the other) in the ways described above and adhere to some tips that make this task easier and faster.


Watch the video: 7 Memory Tricks to Learn Anything Faster! (July 2024).