Arabic Recipes for Hair Benefits


Hair is an undoubted decoration of a woman, an accessory that requires careful and thorough care. For women born and living in Arab countries, long thick hair is more than just an element of the image.

Therefore, it is in the Eastern countries that there are special recipes for giving your hair a healthy and beautiful look.

Olive oil - A storehouse of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements, contains fatty acids, in particular oleic acid, is most often used in procedures. Both in pure form and in combination with other oils, it nourishes, softens, and gives the hair a healthy shine. Due to the content of vitamins A, B, E, olive oil is one of the most useful oils.
When choosing olive oil, you need to consider its quality. Preferred is the use of Extra virgin olive oil - oil of the highest degree of purification and best quality. This oil is the highest quality and therefore, the most expensive. Its production does not include the use of chemicals during the first extraction, which makes it possible to obtain a product with the maximum number of useful qualities.
When choosing, it is better to pay attention: the content of fatty acids should be negligible.

For growth and shine

In order to accelerate hair growth, and get a healthy shine, the following recipe is used. It is necessary to take a glass container with a volume of 500 ml, pour 400 ml of olive oil into it.

Then make powder from dried cloves, which is commonly used as seasoning. Such a powder will need 20 g.

It must be put in a container with olive oil and thoroughly mixed with a non-metallic object.

Such a tool is infused in a dark, cool place for 7-14 days, then rubbed into the scalp 1 time per week.

For growth and protection against overdrying

We recommend preparing an oil tincture with rosemary.

You will need the same capacity as for the previous tool.

It is necessary to place 350 ml of olive oil and 150 g of fresh rosemary herb in it, then insist under appropriate conditions for 7 days.
After the tincture is ready, it is stored in the refrigerator.

Apply the oil more efficiently warm and on the roots, and along the entire length. After this, the hair is wrapped with a bag and towel for a better result.

After several applications, the result will be obvious.

Before using these recipes on the scalp, you must pass a sensitivity test.

If redness and discomfort occurs, it is better to abandon the application.


Watch the video: African Hair Growth Secrets Revealed. Grow Long Hair Fast! (June 2024).