Melancholic child and his character. Recommendations: what is unacceptable in raising a melancholy child


Already at the time of birth, the child has an inherited temperament. So it was conceived by nature that all people are different, not like each other. To the reaction of the nervous system: mother's voice, hunger, pain, resentment, children react differently. Some, feeling discomfort, begin to cry, scream, others, not paying attention, calmly continue to play. The fact is that the brain in this case is still immature, so this little man is in depending on your temperament.

Melancholic - an obedient child, quiet, soft and shy, responsive, ready to help the victim in difficult times. In the new team, it is not easy for him to make friends with children, therefore he either closes himself in himself, prefers to remain in the shade, while suffering from loneliness, but can also easily fall under the influence of other children. He does not like to communicate with new people, in such situations he feels awkward.

Also, touchiness and anxiety, suspiciousness - character traits inherent in the melancholic. A negative assessment or punishment is perceived as a tragedy. The slightest failure they consider as a real tragedy.

It is hard for melancholy people in conflict situations. They get lost in them, they become timid, therefore they are not able to repulse the enemy.

The speech of the melancholic is slow, the child stretches the words a little, the voice is quiet, sometimes it turns into a whisper.

These children do not like public speaking, they don’t enjoy answering at the blackboard or to the class, on the contrary, the child begins to worry, gets lost, forgets what he had to say. But the written work, as well as homework always performs carefully and accurately.

In the elementary grades, the team feels insecure, keeps aloof, and is easily lost. In a familiar environment, he is more confident, works productively, tactful, delicate, soft. A student with this type of temperament is cautious and prudent. At lessons, he does not violate discipline; he behaves quietly and calmly. He constantly needs to twirl something in his hands, be it a pen or an unnecessary piece of paper. During the lesson, his mood can change several times. He perceives the teacher’s remarks painfully and becomes depressed, although outwardly these changes are hardly noticeable. He answers uncertainly, stammering, even if the material knows well. Underestimates his knowledge, even if they are above average. If the student’s response was interrupted even by the smallest remark of the teacher, the melancholic child is embarrassed, speaks more quietly, slowly.

The melancholic is restrained in the expression of feelings, but at the same time his emotional sensitivity is subtle, which allows him to express himself in music, drawing. Flowers and animals a small child will care for carefully and accurately.

In the classroom, children with this type of temperament quickly get tired, because they have a weak type of nervous system, so melancholic people get tired faster than representatives of other types. After completing the assignment, they need to provide rest, and during study to remove all extraneous irritants.

Although such students sit quietly in the classroom, they are animated at the break, but their movements are not energetic, but rather fussy, facial expressions and gestures are poorly noticeable.

If we talk about recommendations for the education of a melancholic person, then we should rather figure out what should not be allowed in education than what to do.

  1. Do not scream or push on the child. The psyche of a melancholy is very vulnerable, this must be taken into account during communication. You should not call him names, but it is better to express dissatisfaction with a quiet calm voice. Public comments lead to the formation of serious complexes.
  2. Do not skimp on praise and sincere words. It is necessary to praise a melancholic, this encourages his efficiency, strengthens his mental state. Also, these children have a special intuition, so sincere words will help to understand that they are loved in the family.
  3. The slightest manifestation of care on the part of the child should not be missed.
  4. Do not skimp on tactile contacts during communication. Children with this type of temperament need constant stroking, touching.
  5. Do not forget about the weak nervous system of the melancholic. You should not overload it with developmental activities, take small breaks. Otherwise, even games can bring him to stress. In studies and in self-service techniques, the main thing is to take into account the principle of gradualness. The child must learn one thing, only then you can proceed to the study of another material. Also, you should first learn to fold clothes, and only then think about accelerating the pace.
  6. Do not let lethargy turn into laziness. Manifestations of resourcefulness, quickness should be immediately noticed. An hourglass or alarm can be used to activate the child to finish work faster.
  7. Do not be alarmed about the anxiety of the melancholy. Over time, it will fulfill the function of self-regulation of activity, the child will try not to make mistakes, which will increase productivity, high learning ability. Nevertheless, the child needs help to cope with this feeling. Constant praise will help, even if something did not work out to the end.
  8. Do not disregard the fact that the melancholic is left alone, he has no friends. A sense of collectivism, sociability, partnership is worth educating. First, let it be one peer, later the circle can be expanded.
  9. Do not bully a child. On the contrary, try to help him get rid of them, and in no case do not make fun of him. Scary stories, horrors, disturbing television shows are not for children with this type of temperament.
  10. Do not entrust the child with excessive work. He will benefit from feasible classes with timely rest.

If you do not adhere to these simple tips, in the character of a melancholic there may be isolation, alienation, vulnerability, a tendency to increased experience of everything that happens around.


Watch the video: Jonah Dempcy - Consciousness Transformation 2012 (June 2024).