What will it be for you on April 13: a special female horoscope for all zodiac signs


Each new day adds spring charms, like a blossoming petal of charm to a rosebud. And so the stars have developed, that for all the signs of the beautiful female Zodiac, this season is strikingly different from those that have happened in past years.

We can say that now the results of the past are being summed up and the doors to the future are opening. Perhaps the thirteenth of April will seem to some of the symbols of the horoscope not so noteworthy, but there is a hidden meaning in it, it will just show up, perhaps later.



Do not offend yourself - decorate the weekend with something that will please, for example, with a cup of hot chocolate. If you meet friends, refrain from gossip, which will only confuse your ideas about your immediate environment. Midday hours, if the weather permits, it is better to spend on the street to "absorb" the spring on the energy plane. And also, to improve it, restore order in your handbag.



Decisively reject home care postponed for the weekend - spring did not come so that you would hide like a groundhog in a hole. Better feel like a gazelle, trying on heels and taking a walk listening to bird's twitter. It is possible that relatives will try to draw you into a quarrel as a wise judge, but remember that consent can turn into a direct and figurative sense of a migraine.



Today you are not a master of negotiations, so put off the debate and the search for compromises until later. But what you are good at is fun. You can dress up and play the bartender, mixing cocktails at a home party or initiate a romantic dinner with your loved one. It is worth noting that by the will of the stars you are today especially photogenic - a real star. Drink less coffee and tea, preferring herbal drinks to them. If you thought of starting an old man, this Saturday will be his brilliant beginning.



One of the best spring days for the one who wants to lead a healthy lifestyle. Do morning exercises and monitor the calorie intake. Do not be sad gloomily - this provokes facial wrinkles. And try to listen to your interlocutors very carefully today - not everything will be logically clear the first time, but your leisurelyness and insight will dispel illusions that could harm you in the future. This is a good day to buy inexpensive jewelry, preferably silver - metal of spring.


a lion

If you don’t absolutely like yourself, this April provides a chance to fix everything - without the help of stylists, you can find something that will emphasize your dignity and create an image in which you can live happily. And you can start with the aroma. Thanks to the influence of the moon, your nose today is extremely and truly sensitive. But be careful with a candy treat - a new one can cause an allergic rash on the face. Today you can turn off the phone - important is not expected, and frivolous - there is nothing to bother you.



Conceived today for your household chores will be easy for you, especially since your relatives will be happy to help. And do not be afraid to overload them - they feel guilty for some trifle, but helping you will perk up. If a beloved man will demand attention - defiantly ignore him, because inaccessibility is sometimes the best feminine jewelry. Today you can get a special relaxation and benefit from intellectual, creative relaxation, so that you can reach for chess and anti-stress coloring.



Your charm today knows no bounds, so use it with the excitement and grace of a panther. But be sober about compliments - of course, you are praised, but this is only a fraction of what magnificent words you really deserve. Be careful and even a little stingy with money - they will still come in handy for something large and necessary. Perhaps in the evening you will want to be a little alone and mourn about unfulfilled hopes ... This is quite natural, but remember - spring has come into the world, a time more suitable than ever for the realization of opportunities.



An excellent day for experimenting with appearance - try a new make-up, hair style and finally approach the wardrobe, decisively throw away what is worn on the principle of "I go home, no one sees - and it will do." Despite the weekend, you may be overtaken by certain business issues that will have to be resolved quickly and probably the first, impulsive look at them will be the most correct. And someone will try to offend you - the reason will be petty, but sharp. Do not please the “dark side” of the Universe with tears; instead, let go of the misunderstanding and believe that such a thing will not happen again.



This spring there are days based on a special energy, when the care for beauty will be reflected in your appearance doubly perfectly. And this Saturday is one of them. You can choose home cosmetology - skin cleansing, masks. But even today it is useful to recall the truth that happiness is still a little in money, so think about investing financial surpluses. But for going on a visit - a bad day, because instead of fun, the event will turn into boredom and ugly family showdowns.



Today you are attractive to others, like a magnet, they are eager to touch you, to acquire ... Trouble, if you are an introvert. But if the extrovert is a pleasant day. Today, by the way, you are also more brave than ever, so in the evening you can relax watching a thriller ... But the main thing is that even if this is not felt, you are hungry by nature. A real salvation can be a trip to the zoo, horse riding ... or at least buying flowers in a pot or bouquet. And as the "cherry" of this day, you should take into account the fact that all sorts of cakes are more safe than ever for your figure.



The day when the stars do not advise to put things in order, which means that the creative mess of the house will free up a lot of time for you. Spend it not on something important, but on what the heart will pull. To sleep all day or to walk - there is no difference, the main thing is emotional comfort. Eat fruit, and even better - pick up vitamins for your beauty, because lately the rhythm of life has been dragging you out.



Under the influence of celestial bodies, today you are a little more frivolous and capricious. If the environment is understanding - relax and allow yourself to be so. The time when it will be necessary to be strong and strict will come. In the meantime, become like a forest flower, which should grow stronger and grow in the freshness of spring. For this season, by the way, pastel shades and items with lace trim will especially suit your face - please yourself with something at the weekend shopping.


Watch the video: 10 Unknown facts about Aries. March 21 - April 19. Horoscope. Do you Know? (June 2024).