Diet - friend or enemy of immunity?


As the majority of owners of the seductive figure assure, to achieve such results it is necessary to sacrifice their taste preferences. But there are those who deny the usefulness of adherence to diets, arguing that the diet causes irreparable damage to the immune system. But is it really? Is it possible that the protective barrier of the body can suffer from the rejection of certain foods?

An important role in this matter is played by information, through which you can make a competent and comprehensively enriched diet diet

In any diet is always present drinking. On what exactly it will depend 70% of the result. And in almost every diet it is recommended fresh fruits from all kinds of fruits and berries. For the immune system, it is really one of the beneficial types of replenishing the body with essential vitamins. But it is not desirable to use them in the dietary diet, since squeezing the juice out of fruits or berries causes the destruction of their fiber, as a result of which the calorie content of the drink increases significantly. And therefore, during the diet the best option would be to use fruits and berries in its natural form, without the use of a juicer. And the immune system will not suffer, and it will not affect the figure.

The second important component of health in terms of immunity is white rice. It contains the necessary for the normal functioning of the human body vitamins C and B5, which are responsible for the formation of the stability of the immune system. As well as trace elements such as iron, manganese and zinc. From the point of view of nutritionists, rice is indeed the worst enemy of excess weight, but at the same time it refers to the products of "rapid combustion". In other words, white rice is quickly digested and hunger appears much faster. And therefore, dietary foods such as fish or meat boiled without salt should be added to the diet.

Buckwheat is also considered to be one of the immunopreparation products. About this product, nutritionists and immunologists have agreed on a common opinion - this is really a storehouse of useful vitamins and amino acids, which not only help consolidate the result of the diet, but also enhance immunity. With the correct use of buckwheat porridge for a week, you can lose up to 3 kg

Of all the favorite seafood, squids, shrimps, sea fish and sea kale will be the most effective for diet and immunity. Their unique regenerating qualities are achieved due to the presence of vitamins: A, D and B12. And from trace elements are important: calcium, potassium and zinc. But before you start a seafood diet, you need to visit a nutritionist to find out the body's ability to perceive an increased level of iodine. Iodine in seafood is abundant and exceeds the norm by 50%.

Many who want to lose weight do not think about the effects of diet on the body, and its choice is approached independently. But the result is sometimes completely unpredictable. Therefore, it is not worth "juggling" your invaluable health.


Watch the video: 3 Day Dry Fast Benefits: Renew Your Immune System & Burn Fat NO FOOD. WATER (July 2024).