Doctors told why in the heat you need to eat watermelon


Watermelon is recognized as one of the most nutritious foods. Due to the presence of the amino acid citrulline in the berry, which is converted by the kidneys into arginine, watermelon prevents the accumulation of fat, thereby helping to lose unwanted pounds.

In addition, watermelon contains a large amount of vitamin A, which plays a large role in the production of pigment in the retina. This vitamin helps to preserve the youth of the skin, bone and soft tissues, mucous membranes, teeth.

Organic pigments in watermelon help to improve heart function. Berry does not allow cholesterol to accumulate, lowers blood pressure and body temperature. It is because of this property, doctors strongly recommend to use watermelon in the heat: it protects against heat stroke, stimulating sweating, contributing to the overall cooling of the human body.


Watch the video: What Happens to Your Body when You Eat Watermelon Everyday Benefits of Watermelon (July 2024).