Heat: learning to fight acne


In the summer, when the heat reigns in the street, many women face the problem of acne. Skin rashes spoil the appearance and mood. Neither on dates nor on business meetings there is no desire to go, because problematic skin repels other people, does not make a favorable impression about a person. Getting rid of acne is not that difficult. Just care for your skin properly.

Why do acne appear in the heat?

Towards the summer, skin rashes occur on the face, chest, back due to the enhanced functioning of the sebaceous glands. Normally, sebum creates an acidic environment on the body, protecting the skin from microorganisms. With hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands, the composition of secreted secretion changes. At sebum bactericidal properties are lost. On the skin surface, favorable conditions are created for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms. It is they who provoke inflammation and the formation of acne.

Another cause of skin rashes is the accumulation of dead cells, dirt and dust on oily skin. Small particles clog the ducts of the sebaceous glands. The secret can no longer be allocated as before, and because of this, the inflammatory process begins.

How to prevent acne?

To avoid the appearance of skin rashes in summer, special attention should be paid to cleansing the skin. In modern stores that sell cosmetics, there are a lot of tools that can prevent acne:

  • wet wipes for problem skin;
  • cleansing gels;
  • scrubs;
  • tonics.

If you prefer to use natural cosmetics, then pay attention to the clay. You can buy it at the pharmacy. White clay is very popular. From it you can make a mask that deeply cleanses the skin, removes dead skin cells, relieves inflammation and irritation, narrows the pores, evens out the complexion. Clay not only prevents the occurrence of acne, but also eliminates them.

Elimination of skin problems with medicines

In some cases, getting rid of acne is not easy. No gels, creams for some reason do not give proper results. If you are in this situation, then seek medical help. The specialist will write out the appropriate drugs.

To combat acne can be used various drugs. Some of these are antibiotics (for example, clindamycin, erythromycin). They have an anti-inflammatory effect. Acne and stains after them quickly pass.

Copes with acne salicylic acid. This remedy reduces the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands. Many women who used salicylic acid, note that it relieves inflammation, makes lighter spots remaining on the skin after acne.

Before using the medication, be sure to consult your doctor. There are contraindications for drugs. In addition, when using drugs can worsen the overall condition due to the occurrence of side effects.

Folk remedies to fight acne

Laundry soap - the most natural cosmetic product that can get rid of skin rashes. It has bactericidal properties. Use laundry soap for washing twice a week. Frequent use will cause skin dryness. After washing with laundry soap, do not forget to apply a nourishing cream on your face.

Acne works great with acne. Based on this, you can make a mask using the following recipe:

  • take 2 tbsp. l hercules flakes;
  • fill them with boiling water;
  • wait a few minutes for the flakes to flow;
  • Cool the product slightly.

Apply the mask on the cleansed face and hold it until it dries. After that, rinse off with cool water. Repeat the procedure every other day during the week.

A good remedy is calendula. For oily skin prone to acne, tonic will be useful. You can cook it as follows:

  • take calendula flowers (2 tbsp. l.);
  • fill them with boiling water (1 cup);
  • after half an hour, strain the infusion.

With a cold tonic you can wipe your face daily in the mornings and evenings.

Do not despair if any remedy does not give the desired effect. This does not mean that it does not help. Just every woman is individual. Keep looking for the right tool for you. Be sure to contact a specialist for help. It is possible that health problems (for example, hormonal failure) have caused acne.


Watch the video: How to Treat Different Types of Acne (July 2024).