Poor relations between spouses can cause atherosclerosis


American scientists have found that often heart disease is directly related to the quality of family relationships of a person.

Psychologists examined 281 middle-aged volunteers. They all had a constantly partner.

It turned out that people whose family relationships are far from successful, in the carotid arteries had a significant amount of cholesterol plaques. In addition, the risk of a heart attack, more than 8% was higher than that of people who had a harmonious family.

Of course, quarrels in the family - not the only reason for the possible development of heart disease. However, a comparison of a group of volunteers with the same input data (gender, age, nationality, etc.), but with different situations in the family showed the validity of the scientists' assumptions.

Be that as it may, the scientists are convinced that the presence of romance between the spouses has a significant impact on the health of the couple.


Watch the video: Heart Attack Due to Atherosclerosis (June 2024).