How to treat a lump of the big toe?


The presence of bumps on the toe of someone seem to be nonsense, not worth the attention and talk. But the owners of such a "decoration" strongly disagree with this statement. In fact, at first glance, a small lump can cause great suffering and inconvenience. His gait deteriorates sharply, and elegant shoes turn into a real instrument of torture, causing unbearable pain.

The problem is that the chances of acquiring a similar cosmetic defect are quite large. According to statistics, about 40% of people suffer from bumps on their thumb. Primarily in the risk group are women in adulthood. Therefore, ladies should be extremely attentive to the state of their legs, in time to notice the problem and take action.

By the way, about the measures and ways to combat this scourge. Can you get rid of the ugly bumps that poison your life? There are many popular councils. For example, it is often recommended to walk in raznoshennoy, loose shoes, so as not to experience discomfort when walking. Or they share recipes for miraculous lotions and compresses, it is advised to abundantly lubricate the problem area with iodine.

There is some reason in these recommendations, otherwise they would not be shared by thousands of people from year to year. You will get rid of edema with the help of these measures, but do not solve the problem fundamentally. In other words, the unpleasant symptoms temporarily subside, and the cause of suffering will remain. And at the first opportunity the lump will come out again at the most inopportune moment.

The fact is that the growth on the thumb, which we used to call a bump, is not. From a medical point of view, the lump is the head of the metatarsal bone, which has become dislocated and has grown to a size that exceeds any rate. Plus, the feet in Latin are called Hallus Valgus and in a sense, it can be considered an analogue of the pastern of the hand. Dislocation of the head of the metatarsal inevitably entails a change in the position of the thumb: it gradually shifts outward, moving towards the little finger. In the most severe cases, the thumb rests on top of its finger-neighbor. Because of this, ordinary shoes become impossible to wear - fingers simply do not fit there! The upper part of the shoe presses, causing sharp pain, and squeezed fingers and calluses appear on the squeezed fingers over time.

Why does such a phenomenon even occur?

Doctors are still arguing about this. There is no consensus, which means that an exact and unambiguous reason has not been identified. Some speak of a genetic predisposition to this growth, associated with the initial weakness of the ligamentous apparatus. Others cite overweight and uncomfortable high-heeled shoes as factors contributing to this disease. As a prevention of the formation of bumps on the big toe, doctors advise massage, supporting instep supports and special rollers made of silicone between the first and second fingers.

The most effective of these methods is to use such a simple latch.

Many surgeons believe that only an operation can fundamentally solve the problem, eliminating the annoying bumps once and for all. The complexity of the operation depends on how everything is running. Sometimes surgery is carried out even on an outpatient basis. Doctors remove only the "extra" lump, almost without affecting the rest of the foot bones. In addition, ligaments are strengthened, and the correct transverse arch of the foot is modeled. Recovery in this case occurs as soon as possible.

But there are cases when a more complicated operation is required, in which the metatarsal bone is first dissected and then straightened in the correct position. Parts of the bone are attached with special bolts. After that, plaster is applied to the leg to avoid displacement. After such a serious intervention, the patient has to move on crutches for a while. But if you comply with all the requirements of doctors, the risk of relapses and complications is almost zero.

Fortunately, in addition to the surgical method of treating bumps, a rather effective method has recently appeared. It consists in the use of a special clamp "Valgus". Within 3 weeks, most patients have significant improvements. You can learn more about it and place your order on this site.


Watch the video: Is that lump a Sarcoma? (July 2024).