Methods of getting rid of damage in the church


One of the most powerful black magic slanders is deliberate defacement. It destroys the aura of a person at a subtle level; the longer its duration, the more damage it causes. It is necessary to remove the damage as quickly as possible, and magic conspiracies are considered to be the best way of deliverance. But is this not a sin for believers? Is it possible to get rid of damage in the church? Let's talk about this in the article.

The attitude of the church to damage

According to generally accepted church norms, in Christian dogma there are no such concepts as damage or the evil eye. The clergy believe that the symptoms that are observed in sorcery speak of a serious illness of the soul. However, it is not people and the machinations of sorcerers that cause spiritual illness, but the lower forces of the universe — demons, devils, the restless souls of sinners and the devil himself.

Thus, the concept of "damage" Orthodox believers understand such phenomena as:

  • Madness It is the settling of demons in the human body;
  • Obsession. The concept itself comes from the Church Slavonic word "I will gain", which means "firmly hold." In fact, this state is a strong defacement, as a result of which not one demon but whole legions affect a person;
  • An attack. Translated from Church Slavonic, this word means "human obstacle." It implies an endless series of failures brought on by a person attacking by evil forces.

According to the ministers of the Orthodox Church, the concept "damage" does not illustrate the whole picture of what happens to the demonic forces of the human soul. After all, by calling a person "spoiled," we mean that someone outside has brought trouble on him: a secret enemy, a sorcerer, an envious, a rejected lover, and so on.

However, according to Christian dogma, unholy spirits are not able to take possession of a sinless soul. At the same time, in addition to his own sins, a person is forced to answer for the mistakes of generations (parents' sins, original sin). Thus, a person is guilty of damage himself.

The position of the Orthodox Church in regards to sorcery slander is, at first glance, very tough. However, it is still possible to remove damage in the church, subject to certain conditions:

  • Baptism in Christ in the Orthodox faith;
  • Sincere, unshakable and absolute faith in God. For example, if you are an agnostic or doubting atheist, you'd better give preference to a different way of removing damage;
  • Belief in the fact that only an almighty God can relieve from the effects of witchcraft slander, and a genuine desire to heal a traumatized soul;
  • Sincere repentance in transgressions.

According to church practice, a sincere believer can lift a serious patrimonial damage and even a curse to death in the church. At the same time, it does not matter at all what beliefs the sorcerer adhered to, who brought on this negative state of mind. The power of the Orthodox faith allows you to fight even with the machinations of Voodoo adepts and other bloody pagan cults.

Ways of removing damage in the church

It is impossible to get rid of witchcraft slander and get rid of the legions of demons tormenting the soul only by visiting church services. Any ritual of removing damage in the conditions of the Orthodox Church requires careful preparation, which includes:

  • Strongest post during the week. We'll have to give up meat dishes, as well as from sweet, flour and alcoholic beverages;
  • During the Lenten week, prayers must be offered daily to the Lord. A daily visit to the church is welcome;
  • Start each day with a prayer to the Virgin Mary "Virgin Mary, rejoice!", And do not go to sleep without reading "Our Father". It is also advisable to pray before each meal;
  • When attending church, install candles for the health of both relatives and people dear to you, as well as the worst enemies, including those who have sent damage to you. Consider that putting candles for the peace of people who have not yet reposed before God is a great sin. Yes, you will punish your enemy in this way, but you will also incur a powerful church curse on yourself and your loved ones;
  • Begin each morning with washing with holy water brought from the nearest church. To enhance the effect, you can also drink this life-giving moisture;
  • Do not doubt your faith for a second. Before you begin the ritual, tune in to the positive wave. You must fully trust the will of the Lord God and rely on his Mercy.

The most effective options for removing damage in the Orthodox church, which can begin after appropriate preparation, are:

  • Prayers to Holy Apostles, Blessed and Great Martyrs;
  • Rites using the healing power of holy water;
  • Setting a church candle for health;
  • Reading out damage using special sacred texts;
  • Cleansing through the sacrament ritual;
  • Getting rid of damage through 3 and 7 churches.

Each of these methods affects different types of sorcerer slander and differs in strength. Consider all of these methods of ridding a person’s soul from damage individually.

Prayer for getting rid of spoilage

The concentrated power of the Orthodox prayer is always aimed at cleansing the spirit of a person praying. When choosing a prayer from a negative slander for the sake of convenience, you can use the standard classification of damage, despite the fact that the church does not recognize it.

From various types of curses help various prayers:

  • From damage to health - a prayer to the Lord for spiritual and physical healing;
  • From a curse to discord in a family or love relationship - prayer to the Virgin Mary Metropolitan Manuel Lemeshevsky;
  • From damage to divorce (rassorki) - a prayer appeal to the Venerable Prince Daniel of Rostov;
  • From the negative program on alcoholism - a prayer to the great martyr and the taxon Boniface;
  • From the crown of celibacy - the maiden's prayer for a quick marriage;
  • From a curse to the absence of children - a prayer appeal to the Prophet Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth;
  • If you wish to pray for the protection of the soul from any negative attack, you should contact the confessors and holy martyrs Guria, Aviv and Samon.

If the damage is too strong, it is recommended to contact the priest in order to reprimand demonic possession. Only a priest has the right to read this prayer.

Rules for reading Orthodox prayers from spoilage are as follows:

  • True faith in the Lord;
  • Emotional balance when reading the prayer. Even if you are torn by emotions - do not give in to them. Especially not to be angry;
  • A soul full of love and good intentions. In no case should anyone wish evil, reading out a prayer, otherwise the Lord God will not help;
  • In no case do not leave the church, do not signify yourself thrice with the sign of the cross;
  • After the prayer, serve the beggar, and do not use bad language or commit adultery during the day.

The strongest Orthodox prayer of any damage is considered to be Psalm number 90. The following is its canonical text:

Living under the shelter of the Most High
rested in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord: "He is my refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust. "
He will deliver you from the net of the catcher
and from a fatal ulcer.
He will cover you with His feathers
and under His wings you will find refuge.
His truth will be your shield and armor.
Do not fear horror in the night
not an arrow flying in the afternoon
not an ulcer walking in the darkness
no infection devastating at noon.
A thousand will fall near you,
and ten thousand to your right
but you will not be approached.
Only with your eyes you will watch
and you shall see the wicked wicked.
Because you chose the Lord -
my refuge is my abode
evil will not bother you
and the plague will not come near your dwelling.
After all, He will command His angels about you - to protect you
in all your ways.
They will carry you in arms
so that your feet do not hit a stone.
On the lion and on the snake
trample a young lion and a dragon.
The Lord says, "I will save him, because he loves Me,
protect him because he knows my name.
When he calls to me, I will answer:
I'll be in trouble with him
I will deliver him, and honor him.
I will fill it with longevity
and I will give him my salvation.

Psalm number 90 is read after Sunday service in front of the face of Jesus Christ. During the ascension of this prayer, it is especially important to drive away all evil thoughts from yourself and imbued with love for all things. Otherwise, you risk incurring the wrath of God.

Removing spoilage with holy water

The water, sanctified and charged in the church, is a natural weapon against demons, demons, and other astral negatives. It is for this reason that holy water is often used in rituals for exemption from damage or the evil eye.

The ritual of getting rid of damage using this ingredient is carried out sequentially:

  • 3 different churches are visited. In each of these temples should be ordered sorokoust, and then - to take communion;
  • In each of the three churches a small vessel of holy water is gathered;
  • On returning home, all the corners of each room of the dwelling are sprinkled with life-giving moisture;
  • Use life-giving moisture as a rinse after a shower. No need to pour a lot of holy water on yourself, just a few drops. As soon as she touches your skin, cross yourself with the sign of the cross;
  • Over the next seven days, the remaining water is drunk a few sips before each breakfast. This small ritual is accompanied by short prayers to God for health and well-being. You can pray in your own words without using official prayer texts;
  • Spend a thorough cleaning in the apartment on the sixth day of the ritual;
  • On the last day of the weekly ritual, wipe the furniture with which you interact most with the remnants of holy water;
  • Before going to bed three times, without hesitation, read "Our Father."

With the help of this powerful ritual, the length of 7 days, you can remove the negative libel imposed on health, potency, financial well-being and family relationships. If you are under a mortal or centuries-old (generic) curse, you will need to repeat this sacrament several times. In this case, note that evil forces will not let go of your soul without a struggle for it. Therefore, do not be surprised and do not be alarmed if you have symptoms such as:

  • Dizziness and migraines;
  • Bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • Panic attacks and irrational fears;
  • Increased blood pressure and body temperature.

In severe cases, you may have a keen desire to abandon your plans and interrupt the ritual. Do not do this, it is an evil spirit is embedded in your thoughts. If you complete your plans, it will be easier for you.

Church candle

If the damage is not too strong, you can heal the soul from it with the help of a glowing candle. This version of the fight against witchcraft is especially effective if you know exactly who brought it. Despite the fact that, according to Orthodox dogma, there are no strict rules for installing a candle, it is recommended to follow a number of traditions:

  • If you put a few candles, first set near the image of the Virgin, Jesus Christ, or the Healer Panteleimon;
  • Do not light a candle with matches or a lighter. Use a lamp or a torch already lit by another person;
  • If there are relics of holy martyrs in the temple, set candles before them;
  • When installing do not need to read strict canonical prayers. Pray from the heart.

Set a candle for the health of relatives, friends and enemies as follows:

  • Stand in front of the icon of the saint, in front of whom you are experiencing the greatest trepidation;
  • Cross three times before this face;
  • Light the wick from someone else's candles or lamps. At the same time, make sure that the attribute you are using does not go out. If this happens, immediately ignite it;
  • Put a candle in front of the selected icon and fix it so that it does not come into contact with others;
  • Sincerely pray to that saint, before whose blessed face you are standing. Mentally imagine your friends and enemies in good health. Do not wish evil to anyone;
  • Forgive your detractors and wish them good health as much as you wish them to dear people;
  • When you finish praying, do not leave the church right away. Stand under the images of the holy Satisfaction, give free rein to emotions. Do not hold back tears if you suddenly want to cry. You can also set a few more candles, or step aside, giving this opportunity to another person;
  • Leaving the church, sign yourself three times with the sign of the cross, mentally or aloud thanking the Lord for his help.

Candle for your own health is put last.

This ceremony is one of the most effective ways against weak and moderate damage. Negative libel will disappear without a trace for a few days.

Reputation against damage

Report - spiritual cleansing of a person from the effects of demonic influence and magical attack. Under church conditions, 2 variants of this cleansing ritual are conducted:

  • Prayer - is carried out by specially trained priests, in strictly allotted days and not in all temples. The church considers the ritual of exorcism, the expulsion of evil forces from the human body, to be such rituals. From the point of view of religion and esotericism, the rites of exorcion of demons and demons are extremely dangerous, because expelled evil can move into another body. That is why the exorcist priest must undergo spiritual training. When prayer otchitke from damage used special prayer texts, which has the right to read only a prepared person;
  • Magical - is carried out by a strong sorcerer with extrasensory abilities. The main condition is the complete absence of outsiders and priests in the church during the ceremony. Given that the official church is against magic, this is difficult to achieve. Therefore, the magic otchitka from damage is most often carried out in abandoned churches.

The strength of the impact of both methods otchitki equivalent. For the best effect, the church in which the sacrament will be held should be located near the house of the victim of damage.

Does the sacrament help from spoilage?

In any Christian denomination, the sacrament symbolizes the separation from Jesus Christ of his last meal during the Last Supper. This sacrament is the eating of the Flesh and Blood of God, and, accordingly, temporary healing from all committed sins. Experienced esotericists also claim that with the help of the holy communion, damage to the average power can be removed.

Negative libel is removed as follows:

  • 3 days before Communion with the Body and Blood of Christ keeps a strict fast;
  • During these three days, you should read “Our Father” before going to bed;
  • Before the sacrament of the sacrament, the priest takes a confession from a person who intends to get rid of the damage and absolves him of sins;
  • Freed from the burden of transgressions, a person accepts the Blood and Body of Christ;
  • When leaving the church, 3 small candles from natural wax are bought;
  • During the following week, prayers should be offered to the Most High before going to bed. At the same time every night a new candle is lit;
  • At the end of the weekly ritual, candle candlesticks are collected, wrapped in white cloth and hiding in a dark place inaccessible to prying eyes. A nook in a closet or storeroom will do.

It is important to consider! Holy Communion is powerless with extremely severe damage or obsession with several legions of demons or demons. In this case, it is better to consult with the parish abbot.

Getting rid of damage through 3 and 7 churches

With the help of church rituals, you can heal your soul from the negative slander of any complexity. But the stronger the witchcraft, the more difficult the rite of deliverance from it. Getting rid of weak or mediocre damage will help. rite of passage through 3 churches, which is carried out as follows:

  • 3 Sundays in a row need to visit different churches. An important condition is that none of these Sundays should fall on any Christian holiday;
  • In all these temples, one should offer a prayer to the Guardian Angel, praying for help and protection, and then install candles for the health of all the people I know;
  • Before leaving the temple, it is necessary to read any of the prayers, saving from damage;
  • Upon returning home, 3 church candles are lit. You cannot tell anyone about the rite.

In turn, save from strong and destructive witchcraft the rite of purification through 7 churches. It is conducted in this way:

  • The day before the beginning of the ceremony light a candle in the face of the saint who patronizes you;
  • At dawn the next day, embark on an improvised pilgrimage to the seven churches. The tour of the temples must be completed before sunset;
  • Order forty minutes in each of the churches visited, light a candle for the health of the victim of damage and his family members (if you want to remove the family curse);
  • In all the churches visited, dial the holy water. Drink this life-giving moisture and wash it during the next week;
  • At the end of the ritual, go back home. Without telling anyone about your pilgrimage, pray to the Guardian Angel.

Remember that it is impossible to recover from spoilage in an instant. Negative libel is equivalent to a disease, only this is a mental illness. As the condition of the recovering patient gradually improves, so will you feel better over time. But one cannot rush things and be angry at the lack of immediate results when removing damage in the church. Вы рискуете навлечь на себя гнев Господень, а это гораздо страшнее любого, даже самого сильного, колдовского навета.


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