Carrot face masks: remove wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin


Look in the mirror and get upset at the sight of a nondescript, with a grayish tint, face tone?

From time to time, “decorations” appear in the form of inflammations and acne, does the skin look flabby and exhausted? Do not lose hope and do not panic. Nature always has a correct and effective answer to any problems.

In our case, this method is the most common and well-known, but not always loved, carrot from the very childhood.

So save your wallets from unnecessary waste, but rather go to the market (or garden) and stock up on fresh, healthy and vitamin carrots!

The use of carrots for the body is huge - even children know about it. Beauticians advise making carrot masks to all women, regardless of age, because its rich chemical composition has a positive effect on the skin condition:

• carotene and potassium - nourish with moisture, making the skin more elastic, give the tone a beautiful and velvety hue;

• Vitamin A - protects cells from free radicals, increases the regeneration process, which makes the skin feel very smooth to the touch;

• Vitamin PP - increases skin tone;

• ascorbic acid - heals small cracks, eliminates all kinds of inflammation, promotes collagen growth;

• folic acid - protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation;

• Vitamin K - eliminates skin pigments;

• antioxidants - fight against age-related changes, restore skin to its former youth.

You should not make carrot masks if:

• there is an allergy to carrots or other components;

• there are open sores on the skin of the face.

Rejuvenating Carrot Face Mask

If you really want to visually “get younger” for 5-10 years, then this recipe is a real find for you! She will visibly rejuvenate her face, making her skin incredibly soft and silky!

Recipe number 1. So, run to the kitchen and prepare such products: carrots, honey, lemon, olive oil, oatmeal (flour). Now we begin to manufacture a truly magical mask of youth. First, the carrots need to be cooked until soft (preferably steamed) for about 15 minutes. Mash the cooled carrots thoroughly or rub on a fine grater. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and olive oil, a tablespoon of grated cereal (flour). Squeeze juice - ½ teaspoon from lemon and add to the mixture. You should not get too cool mixture - the consistency of sour cream. Cover with a uniform layer not only the face, but also the neck, hold for about 15 minutes. Wipe off the residue with a cotton sponge and rinse with a little warm water. Cream the skin. To do a course in 1 month, 1 time per week.

Note: the amount of citrus juice should be varied, guided by your skin type: if oily - then increase the volume to 1 tablespoon, and if dry, then vice versa - reduce to 8-10 drops.

Recipe number 2. Here you need fresh fresh carrots. Mix 1 yolk with 3 tablespoons of fresh, 1 spoon of sour cream and 3 tablespoons of oatmeal grated in flour. Hold for 10-15 minutes.

Refreshing & Smoothing Carrot Face Mask

Recipe number 1. This mask will delight you with an excellent result: your face will shine with freshness and small wrinkles will be smoothed out. Grate a spoonful of fresh carrot puree, combine with grated oatmeal. Add room temperature egg white and beat with a blender. To prevent carrots from staining your face, spread the mask with a few drops of cold milk. Put on your face and wait about 15 minutes. After rinse your face first with warm, and then with cooler water.

Recipe number 2. If you make this miraculous mask once every 7-10 days, then you are guaranteed velvet and smooth skin with a luxurious shade. Turn 1 small root vegetable in mashed potatoes, combine with a spoonful of enough fat yogurt (yogurt) and a small spoonful of olive oil. The exposure time is from 15 to 20 minutes.

Nutritious Carrot Face Mask

Recipe number 1. Prepare 2 tablespoons of fresh carrot fresh, add a spoonful of fat cottage cheese and a small spoonful of cream. Mix everything as it should, and cover the skin of the face, neck and décolleté with an even layer. Relax with this mask for 20-30 minutes and go rinse with warm water.

Recipe number 2. Here you will need one large boiled carrot (preferably steamed). Mash carrots with an incomplete spoon of fragrant honey and apply to the face and neck. Wait 1/4 hour and rinse. Honey perfectly nourishes, and a huge amount of antioxidants (when boiled, they do not break down, but increase!), The root crop will benefit the health and beauty of the skin.

Deep cleansing carrot face mask with clay

For this mask you will need white clay. First prepare carrot juice (2-6 tablespoons). Dilute 4 tablespoons of clay powder in 2 tablespoons of carrot fresh, shake well. If the slurry is very steep, then it is worth adding a little more carrot juice.

Cold Carrot Wrinkle Facial Mask

Take live yogurt without various additives - 1 spoon, mix in equal proportions with mashed carrots. Send the finished mass to cool for 2 hours in the refrigerator. Apply the mask on the face and neck for 10 minutes, then rinse with refreshing water.

Aloe Carrot Face Mask for Sensitive Skin

Prepare: carrots (2-3 pieces), kefir (2 tablespoons), fresh aloe leaves (2-3 pieces), vitamin E in a capsule. First you need to peel the carrots and cook. While the carrot is cooling, chop the aloe leaves and combine with kefir. Kill the carrots in mashed potatoes and add to the mixture with vitamin E. Carefully mix all the ingredients. Cover the entire face and neck with an even layer. Hold for 20 minutes, rinse. Moisturize the cream.

Lifting carrot mask for face and neck with avocado

Peel and cook one medium root vegetable until soft. Let the carrots cool and mash thoroughly with a fork, add mashed potatoes from the fourth part of avocado, 2 tablespoons of fat cream, 1 chicken egg (not cold) and a spoon of dark honey. Mix everything as it should, and apply on cleansed skin of the face, neck and décolleté for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off gently with water.

Pore-tightening carrot face mask

Rub medium-sized carrots and half a tomato. Using this gauze, squeeze the juice out and mix wheat flour with it. You should get a fairly thick mixture. Apply it generously on your face, and after 20 minutes rinse with cool water.

Nutritious Carrot Face Mask with Beans

Boil until soft 2 tablespoons of beans and 1 carrot, mash with a fork or grind through a sieve. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream or cream. It should be applied to skin slightly moistened with water and kept for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off with a damp cotton sponge. This procedure nourishes and refreshes the skin well, gives it a pleasant shade and even tone.

By the way, carrots can be used not only in the preparation of masks, but also other home "benefits" for the skin.

Carrot Cosmetic Ice

You just need to make a carrot fresh, pour it into forms and send it to freeze. Wipe the face with carrot cubes (in the morning, after cleansing), so that the skin is saturated with moisture and health. Just do not immediately run into the bath to wash - give the skin the opportunity to absorb the necessary substances and moisture for 2-3 minutes.

Carrot scrub

Gommazh for the face to prepare also elementary. It is enough to mix 2 tablespoons of grated carrots with a spoon of semolina. Apply with gentle massage movements and after a couple of minutes rinse your face with water. Such facial micromassage should be performed no more than 1-2 times a week.

And carrots provide first aid to the skin with sunburn. Just grate the carrots, add a little milk and apply a compress to the affected skin for 20 minutes.

Many ladies who add carrots not only to various dishes in the kitchen, but also to home beauty recipes, have already seen that this vegetable is truly the perfect solution in skin care. And you? Be sure to try it!


Watch the video: 5 Simple Ways To Naturally Reduce Wrinkles! (June 2024).