Sore feet - what to do. For some reason, feet hurt and how to diagnose and treat.


How unpleasant when something hurts you. Then it is difficult to have fun on the road of life. It is especially painful when one doesn’t even walk on it. This usually happens if your feet, phalanxes, and the whole foot are at once hurt.

Why do your feet hurt

There are two main diseases that can cause severe cutting, stabbing pain in the foot. The first disease is a funicular myelosis, the second is a painful form of polyneuropathy. It used to be thought that the funicular myelosis mainly occurs when a person does not receive enough vitamin B12. It turns out that with proper nutrition in such a disease, people should not suffer. Why then do patients come to the clinic who receive enough vitamins but experience unbearable pains caused by myelosis? They, as a rule, can diagnose diseases of the stomach. Due to problems in the gastrointestinal tract, the absorption of vitamin B12 is impaired, as a result of which funicular myelosis develops. For this reason, in patients, despite an adequate supply of vitamins, their feet still hurt.

Patients who are concerned about the feet, as mentioned, may also have a painful form of polyneuropathy. It occurs most often in people with diabetes. The second common clinical cause of this disease is alcoholism. An interesting fact is that the pain in the foot can signal the initial stages of diabetes, which the patient does not even suspect. Pain in the foot can also often provoke plantar fasciitis, against the background of which the heel spur is often formed. The likelihood of its development increases in people with excess weight, flat-footedness, arthritis. Neuroma Morton (benign tumor) also causes pain in the foot. Its cause of development is not fully known, but it is believed that it occurs during chronic irritation of the nerve. For example, this happens if you constantly walk in shoes with a very high heel.

Many feet suffer from the fact that they form lumps, calluses, corns, suspicious deformations, swelling. People are accustomed to think that this happens because of wearing uncomfortable shoes or because of improper or inadequate care of the foot. Often also hurt, deformed by the negligent foot injured. But the causes of edema and cones are often not as commonplace as it seems.

Described maloesteticheskie troubles that can cause pain, often talk about the development of diseases of internal organs. Therefore, if your feet hurt, pay attention to all the defects that appeared on the lower limbs. For example, finding a lump at the base of the thumb, it will not hurt you to find out how well the pancreas performs its functions. Coarse natoptysh located in the support zone of the foot, may indicate problems with the kidneys. Horny hem on the heel is to some extent a sign that you need to check with a specialist for the presence of diseases of the pelvic organs.

Deformities near the little fingers, corns at the same place sometimes indicate a disorder with the urogenital system. But natoptysh near the fourth finger can talk about problems with the intestines. Pay attention to the liver and gallbladder, if you see that the skin under the third finger has become rough. When the third fingers just hurt, this is also not very good. Discomfort of such a plan sometimes indicates a torsion of the gallbladder. Emerging edema under the joint of the thumb can tell about the malfunction of the thyroid gland. Calluses on the pads of all the fingers indicate nervous exhaustion.

Sore feet: diagnosis

When your feet hurt, you do not need to self-medicate, thoughtlessly swallowing analgesics. First of all, you should go to the diagnosis to a good specialist who understands the reasons why unbearable pain in the foot could develop. He should conduct a survey and assign tests. Thanks to adequate research, doctors will be able to find out why the pain has arisen, which will allow them to conduct immediate and correct treatment.

For example, to confirm / exclude the funicular myelosis or the painful form of polyneuropathy, doctors need to identify the content of vitamin B12, glycohemoglobin, and insulin in the patient’s blood. Since we have determined that many have sore feet because of problems with the liver, intestines, thyroid, kidneys, because of nervous exhaustion, then, feeling uncomfortable sensations, you should check with a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, nephrologist and neurologist.

Treatment of pain in the feet

The choice of therapy for pain in the feet and the duration of treatment depend on the causes (diseases) that cause discomfort. For example, to get rid of pain in the funicular myelosis is real for seven to ten days. At the same time, polyneuropathy, due to which the feet are also unbearably sore, requires a longer treatment. In case of plantar fasciitis, massages and mud applications are prescribed. Also, the patient may need laser, ultrasound and radiotherapy. They are prescribed corticosteroids, etc. Patients with Morton's neuroma are given corticosteroid blockages and help to select orthopedic shoes.

To eliminate the pain in the feet caused by the malfunction of the liver, thyroid gland or kidneys, you should first treat the underlying disease, which causes unpleasant sensations in the limbs. As a rule, after the elimination of the main disease of the patient, the feet immediately stop hurting.

To cope with pain and correct the resulting deformation, some experts advise buying special insoles with foot support. They reduce the load on the foot and relieve pain in the legs. You can also purchase a variety of orthopedic fixators.

If the problems with the feet have arisen due to the deterioration of the psycho-emotional state, you should consult a doctor for the passage of body-oriented therapy. Of course, not all have heard of this direction of treatment, which is suitable for the restoration of the musculoskeletal system. The selection of a specialist knowledgeable about psychological methods should be approached seriously. Such a doctor should understand how closely psychological state and physical health can be intertwined. Ordinary doctors, who are accustomed to work according to the old schemes, find it difficult to understand what relationship arises between the foot and the experiences, the emotional exhaustion of the person.

Attention: in order to end the pain in the foot, which was the result of a serious injury, you may need to undergo surgery.

We treat feet with folk remedies

Such a title in the article is present only because many are accustomed to being treated at home. But if your feet hurt, go to the hospital right away, because in case of delay your condition can worsen to such an extent that the problem can only be solved surgically. Moreover, it is possible to get rid of not pain from the feet, but from serious diseases of the internal organs that cause them.

But our people, of course, can not be weaned to heal all folk remedies. For example, they treat their feet with salty lard, applying it to places that respond to pain. Also, hot mashed potatoes are applied on the feet, after cooling of which the legs are treated with the juice of celandine. Salt warmers, etc. are used.

Preventing pain in the feet

So that in the future your feet do not hurt, massage them more often. Do not miss the opportunity to walk barefoot in the sand, green grass. No need to walk in too narrow shoes. Avoid frequent wearing shoes, boots, high-heeled sandals. Exercise in sports shoes only.

Knead the foot, not only with his hands, but with the help of available tools. For example, you can prevent pain in the feet or remove the discomfort that has appeared by rolling a tennis ball under your foot. It is also proved that the feet are less likely to hurt people who regularly go to the pool, prefer leisurely daily walks, and ride a bike.

Sore feet: exercises

To restore the once-injured foot, to reduce the pain in the foot caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes, to cope with stagnation, you need to perform a set of exercises. Total exercises - five. Each of them should be done 12 times. You can engage in a day. Let's take a closer look at how to exercise if your feet hurt.

Exercise with a chair for lowering fingers

Sit on the chair. Let one leg be lowered, lift the other onto a chair, bending it at the knee, and place your heel on the seat board. Put your fingers on the toes and take the last ones as far as possible, bending them down. Now begin to exhale, raising your toes. In this case, the fingers should not be removed, they need to put pressure on the legs. That is, the fingers on the legs during lifting should overcome the resistance. In extreme positions, fix for one second.

Pulling thumbs up

You should sit on a chair and rest on it with a heel, as in the previous exercise. Only this time you need to pull up your toes with your fingers. Exhale when you lower your toes through resistance. Exercise should be completed by lifting the 12th toes up.

Stretch the feet

This time the fingers are placed at the base of the toes. You have to stretch the foot down. After raising it through the resistance of the fingers up as far as you can. It is impossible to tear off the heel from the chair. Exhale on the rise.


You need to grab the right foot from the inside with your right hand. Fixing the hand, we begin to turn the foot to the right. When the foot returns and turns inward, we exhale.

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Now you should load the foot outside. Take the right foot from the side with your left hand and wrap it inwards. Hold the foot with your hand and turn it in the opposite direction through the force. On the reduction of exhale.


Watch the video: Whats Causing your Foot Pain? (June 2024).