Delayed monthly test is negative - what does it say? Find out for what reasons there is a delay of menstruation for 5 10 or 15 days if the test is negative and what to do.


It's funny how women react differently when there is a delay in menstruation, and the test is negative for pregnancy. Some are terribly upset because they are looking forward to the happiness of motherhood, others are ready to jump for joy, that this difficult burden has passed them. But any deviations from the normal functioning of the female body require careful attention to themselves so that in time you can notice the beginning of the development of any pathological changes. Therefore, it is necessary to understand why menstruation comes late and whether it is worth worrying about it.

When there is a monthly delay and test is negative

The situations when a lady is wasted for nothing, and because of her own fault, are quite typical.

Often, the delay of menstruation and the negative test happens with banal negligence and lack of desire to control the menstrual cycle. Therefore, a woman sometimes can not answer even the simplest questions about the date of the end of the previous regulations and the beginning of the next, the number of days between them. Naturally, such a frivolous lady will certainly confuse the terms once and will be absolutely nervous in vain, being sure that the failure of the cycle occurred due to pregnancy.

The delay in itself does not mean that the fertilization of the egg has taken place. Usually, other conditions are accompanied by violation of the terms in such cases: in the mornings the girl gets nauseous, feels heavy in the mammary glands. But there are situations that even these signs are false. This happens because of the psychological attitude. Sometimes a woman is so passionate about getting pregnant, that there are similar fictitious changes in her body. Therefore, it is not necessary to reach fanaticism with the idea of ​​having a child, so that then there would be no nervous breakdowns on the basis of unfulfilled hopes.

The reason for the delay of the month if the test is negative

The first assumption, if the critical days did not start in time, is associated with pregnancy. But if a woman is sure that she has not had unprotected sexual intercourse for the last month and the cycle is counted correctly, then it makes sense to think about other reasons.

1. The resulting violation may be associated with hormonal contraceptives. Such means quite often provoke failures in the frequency of menstruation. Especially if you take into account the frivolous attitude of many women to this issue. After all, it is widely believed that it is not necessary to consult a doctor for the appointment of contraceptives. What a dangerous delusion!

Actually, taking hormones every day to prevent pregnancy does not make sense, given that dangerous in this regard, only five days a month (three before the start of ovulation and one after the egg from the ovaries). And if this is precisely the reason for the delay in menstruation (if the test is negative as well), then it is better to think about other ways of protection. Naturally, the woman herself chooses such measures, but it is better if she consults with her gynecologist.

2. Diseases postponed during the last month can also easily cause a cycle failure. This happens due to fluctuations in hormone levels during the illness. And the result is a slight delay in menstruation, if the test is negative and pregnancy is excluded.

3. A hormonal imbalance causing disruptions in the onset of the regulations may also be associated with polycystic ovary syndrome. It interferes with the stability of ovulation. Usually in such cases, the menstrual cycle exceeds the average value, and the chances of having a child in women with similar problems are quite low. There is a hypothesis that excess insulin in the body is to blame for this pathology.

4. If a woman has recently given birth, then a delay in menstruation and a negative test may be associated with a gradual recovery of the reproductive system and regular menstruation. Moreover, if a young mother, as recommended by the World Health Organization, independently feeds the baby with her own milk. The reason is the suppression of ovulation, the signal to which the body receives while the baby sucks the maternal breast. It takes time to stabilize the disturbed hormonal level, so the regulation cycle normalizes gradually.

5. There is no perfection in the world, so the reasons for the delay can be weight problems - either overweight or deficient. And in fact, and in another case, it would be good to consult with the doctors, who will help to make the best diet and daily diet, which will solve such problems.

Monthly delay for 5 days: test negative

If the expected period to a specific number has not yet come, then there are two possible scenarios. First, the delay in regulation for a couple of days is considered to be an absolute phenomenon, so it is likely that all unrest is not worth a damn. Secondly, if the test is negative for a 5-day delay, then it is worth considering other reasons besides pregnancy.

1. A strict diet leads to the depletion of the vital forces of the female body and the disruption of the cycle. This is due to the so-called critical menstrual mass. That is, in adolescent girls the first periods come when they reach a certain weight. Accordingly, striving to gain an ideal figure promoted in all advertisements, a woman can lose so many kilograms that the body decides that the required mass is not reached and the beginning of the menarche is postponed for a period of five days to two months.

2. Constant stress, experienced strong emotion provoke a failure in the normal functioning of such important female organs as the uterus and ovaries. Frequent disorders, deep depression, problems in the service and at home - are malicious enemies for the health of any person. As a result of such negative situations, the delay of menstruation for 5 days, if the test is negative, becomes part of the phenomenon.

3. Excessive physical exertion is another factor provocateur. Most women after the start of active sports, for example, note the initial failure in the menstrual cycle. Only after the adaptation has been completed, the ovulation frequency is restored.

If during the delay of the month for 10 days the test is negative

The painful expectation of a “miracle” can drag on for a whole decade. Perhaps it makes sense to contact your trusted gynecologist to pass the time before the start of the lost regulations with benefit. It is he who can clarify the situation and identify the causes of failure in the functioning of the reproductive system.

1. It is likely that moving to another place of residence is to blame. Whether temporarily, whether the woman has constantly changed the climate, but her body is at first confused, so she has to get used to the new external conditions. In this case, you should just give him time to adapt.

2. There are much more concerns if the test is negative for a 10-day delay and causes endocrine system diseases, infectious diseases, and gynecological pathologies. Violations of the cycle can also occur in various inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. It is clear that in such a situation it is imperative to urgently contact a gynecologist and undergo an examination in order to quickly determine the causes and begin treatment.

3. Forced abortion is fraught with hormonal imbalance. Also, during an abortion, the gynecologist may overdo it and scrape away excessive amounts of uterine tissue in the place where the fetus developed. Naturally, it will increase, as it usually happens during the menstrual cycle, only with violent intervention in the natural process to restore the impaired functional layer takes more time.

If during the delay of 15 months the test is negative

Each woman once begins to fade ovarian function. The most typical age for this process is forty years. At the same time, the term of ovulation is postponed, it happens later and later than usual and one day it may simply not occur at all. Naturally, this reason provokes a delay of 15 months for menstruation and a negative test only confirms that such suspicions are justified. Still, you should consult with your gynecologist to facilitate the passage of this transition period.

Such a long-term failure can be caused by taking hormonal contraceptives in combination with other drugs. Moreover, some women risk taking special means in order to artificially delay their periods. Therefore, when the use of such pills is stopped, it will take a long time to restore the ovulation cycle - up to two weeks, and in some cases up to two to three months.

If during the delay of monthly pulls the stomach, and the test is negative

Most often, the failure of the menstrual cycle does not cause pain. However, there are exceptions.

1. The case when a delay in the month pulls the abdomen, and the test is negative, may indicate an extremely dangerous pathology - ectopic pregnancy. Having bought a test strip at the pharmacy and received confirmation that this time she will not become a mother, the woman no longer pays attention to such alarming symptoms as nagging abdominal pain, slight nausea, dizziness, general malaise and weakness. This is natural, being sure that there are no serious problems, she takes these symptoms as a banal premenstrual syndrome. But the usual procedure, carried out at home in the bathroom, to establish an ectopic pregnancy is not enough. It is diagnosed by specialists in a medical institution.

It represents a situation where the embryo, for one reason or another, without getting inside the uterus, is attached to a different surface - the ovaries, the peritoneum. And literally in three or four days, the first disturbing symptoms described above begin to be felt. This pathology is very dangerous for a woman, so it is very important to diagnose her as quickly as possible.

2. If during a delay of menstruation pulls the abdomen, and the test is negative, then it is likely that a gynecological disease develops, most often of an inflammatory nature. This happens either because of hypothermia of the woman, or during infection. The first sign of future problems is a seemingly harmless delay of menstruation for about three to four days.

The disease is easily recognized by the attendant symptoms:

- pulls a stomach, and these pulling pains are periodically aggravated up to cutting;

- violation of a cycle over three days;

- there is a burning sensation and itching in the region of the labia, the perineum begins to itch;

- spotting with an unpleasant and sharp odor, having a brownish color, appears;

- during sexual intercourse, even in the usual postures, there is a certain discomfort;

- Feel discomfort during normal urination.

Whether it is inflammation of the pelvic organs of the pelvic organs or gynecological disease, rather long treatment will be required.

When a delay in menstruation pulls the abdomen, and the test is negative, the treatment to the doctor most often reveals the following pathologies that correspond to the above symptoms:

- colpitis or vaginitis is essentially inflammation of the vaginal walls, with this disease there are cutting pains of a pulsating nature, there are discharges, there is a burning sensation with itching, sore back and literally the entire lower abdomen;

- endometritis, in which the mucous surface of the most important organ of the female reproductive system (uterus) inflames, is accompanied by secretions, pains in the lower abdomen;

- adnexitis is an inflammation of the ovaries with fallopian tubes, as if a mild pathology is in fact rapidly moving into a chronic stage and provokes sterility.

Any of these diseases can be cured only with great difficulty.

If during the delay of the monthly pulls the stomach, and the test is negative, then, sometimes, symptoms of inflammatory processes are observed:

- nagging pains;

- delay of menstruation up to five days or its complete absence;

- pain is felt in the lower back;

- there is an increase in body temperature;

- there is a palpable itchy enough of the genital lips, accompanied by a burning sensation.

What to do if during the delay of the menstrual test is negative

Regardless of whether a test is positive or negative, if the delay is more than two to five days, you should go to a gynecologist.

This means that a woman will be examined by a specialist, will receive professional advice, will know her diagnosis. As a result, she will be prescribed a full-fledged, competent course of treatment that will eliminate the causes of irregular menstruation.

If there is a shortage of endogenous progesterone, the gynecologist usually prescribes duphaston and similar drugs. It is recommended for pronounced premenstrual syndrome, with endometriosis. In no case can not take drugs that have not been appointed by a specialist. This applies, above all, to the credulous women, who prefer instead of visiting a doctor to consult their girlfriends or women's forums on the Internet. No less dangerous is the use of traditional medicine recipes for delayed menstruation, because most medicinal herbs have their own contraindications. Only qualified medical care can get rid of problems without serious consequences.


Watch the video: Missed Period But Negative Pregnancy Test (June 2024).