Feminine opinion: The holiday was fun, although not all expectations came true


For most of us, with the onset of December, plans and expectations about the New Year meeting were piled up. The closer was the night cherished, the greater the anticipation. We were waiting for a holiday, fun, gifts. Perhaps some surprises. And maybe a little magic. How these expectations were met - such a question was asked to Russian women by the portal “Women's Opinion”.

Just as they expected, 25.2% of respondents spent New Year's Eve. And 13.2% met the new year even better than planned. Thus, a little over 38% of respondents were quite pleased with the holiday.

You can not say about the rest. 30% of respondents said that the festive night was not quite as they had planned. Someone had no one to leave the children to plunge into the holiday. Someone did not arrive scheduled guests. And for various reasons, someone himself had to stay at home.

But these 30% did not express much frustration. After all, in the end, the new year is just a family holiday and it is not the worst option to spend it at home in a narrow circle.

Worse was the remaining 31.6% of which all went completely wrong. There were many different reasons that managed to spoil the holiday and mood. Maybe it was partly in the gifts?

On the question of the gifts received, the Russians responded as follows. Exactly what they wanted - received 24.5% of women. And 14.1% received gifts even better than expected. Not exactly the kind that 18.3% of respondents wanted. And in 8.4% of cases, unlucky givers donated something completely different from what they wanted.

The saddest figure in this survey is 34%. This is the percentage of women surveyed who did not receive any gifts this year.

4330 people took part in the survey. Age from 20 to 45 years. From 149 cities of Russia.


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