Lean baking for tea - we observe fasting with taste. Interesting recipes for lean pastries: sweet cakes, crispy cookies, poppy seed roll


There are people who do not eat pastries during fasting.

Some argue that it is impossible to cook anything without eggs and butter, while others believe that pastries made from permitted foods are not tasty. But how are they mistaken.

In fact, there are many recipes for delicious lean baking, which are wonderful without these components.

Indulge your near and dear ones with tender and delicious lean pastries.

Lean baking - general principles of preparation

For the preparation of lean baking, prohibited products are not used, but this makes it no less tasty.

Lean baking mainly includes flour, vegetable oil and sugar. Sift the flour before cooking in order to saturate it with oxygen and rid it of small lumps. Vegetable oil is used in high extraction without any impurities and odor. It can be replaced with olive or corn oil.

Soda, yeast, and highly carbonated plain water are often added.

If lean baking is prepared with a filling, then the scope for imagination is great. Use such sweet fillers as sugar, jams, preserves, fruits, dried fruits and much more. You can also bake products with vegetable and cereal fillings.

Choose a lean baking recipe to your taste. The products presented here can be the basis for your own culinary masterpieces.

1. Lean pastry "Charlotte"

Fast in preparation lean charlotte will delight you with its excellent aroma and delicate taste. It is best to use apples of sweet and juicy varieties.


• 400-450 grams of flour;

• a glass of sugar;

• glass of water;

• 10 grams of baking powder;

• 5 grams of soda;

• 25 ml of vinegar (1.5 tablespoons);

• 130 ml grows. oils;

• five apples;

• two tablespoons of honey;

• 50 grams of powdered sugar;

• 30 grams of vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Grease a large baking dish with vegetable oil.

2. We wash the apples, peel the peel, remove the core with seeds, cut into slices.

3. Spread fruit slices in a prepared form with an even layer.

4. Pour water at room temperature, honey, vanilla sugar and granulated sugar into a deep bowl.

5. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients in a bowl until all sugar grains are completely dissolved.

6. Slowly add sifted flour to the liquid sweet mass, knead the dough by consistency resembling very thick sour cream.

7. Pour baking powder, quench soda with vinegar, pour in vegetable oil.

8. Mix all the ingredients until smooth.

9. Pour the doughed apples into the mold so that it covers the fruit completely.

10. Bake in a preheated oven for about forty minutes. Charlotte readiness can be checked with an ordinary wooden skewer or a toothpick.

11. We take out the prepared lean pastry from the mold, cool it a bit, serve it on the table, sprinkled with plenty of icing sugar.

2. Lean baking "Honey gingerbread"

An excellent sweet dish for a lean table, which simply cannot but like. If you do not really like honey, you can, following the same recipe, bake chocolate gingerbread. To do this, you will need two large spoons of cocoa, which will need to be added to the dough along with flour.

Ingredients for Gingerbread:

• 230 grams of flour;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• a tablespoon of honey;

• 60 ml of water;

• a teaspoon of soda;

• a pinch of ground cloves and cinnamon;

• 15 ml of vegetable oil.

Ingredients for Syrup:

• a glass of sugar;

• 60 ml of water;

• two tablespoons of honey;

• 10 grams of soda;

• 15 grams of vanilla sugar;

• 10 ml grows. oils.

Cooking method:

1. First, let's prepare the dough: pour water into a small pan with a non-stick coating, add sugar and honey, mix.

2. Bring the mass to a boil, stirring with a wooden spatula.

3. After boiling, immediately remove the container from the fire, give the mass time to cool.

4. Add cinnamon, cloves and soda, mix, then pour the sifted flour.

5. Knead a homogeneous dough without lumps.

6. Pour the dough into a greased form. We choose a mold so large that the thickness of the raw mantle does not exceed one and a half centimeters.

7. Bake for twenty minutes.

8. While lean baking is baked, we will prepare syrup: in a deep container we mix water, honey, sugar. Bring everything to a boil, pour in vegetable oil, add vanilla sugar. We boil for literally three minutes, after which we remove the syrup from the heat.

9. Pour the ready-made still hot macerate with honey-sugar syrup, distribute it with a neat even layer over the entire surface of lean baking.

10. Leave the dessert for half an hour to soak, then cut into portions, serve on the table with tea or coffee.

3. Lean baking "Pie with raisins and nuts"

You can use any nuts for the preparation of this lean baking: cashews, walnuts; pistachios, hazelnuts, peanuts, and you can even make a nut mix.


• 100 grams of sugar;

• 100 grams of raisins;

• 150-180 grams of peeled nuts;

• 100 ml of vegetable oil;

• 5-7 grams of soda and cinnamon;

• tablespoon of vinegar;

• a pinch of salt

• three small oranges;

• 500 grams of flour.

Cooking method:

1. Wash raisins, put in a bowl and pour hot, but not boiling water for ten minutes. We rinse again, put it on a sieve or colander, and after the water drains, put it on a plate.

2. First, fry the nuts a little in a dry frying pan, then grind in a mortar or simply on a large cutting board with the blunt end of a knife.

3. Pour vegetable oil into a bowl of a suitable size, pour sugar. We mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

4. Wash the oranges, cut into two halves. Squeeze juice out of citrus fruits using a manual juicer or hands. To prepare this lean baking, we need 200-220 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice.

5. We enrich the flour with oxygen - we sift it, this will give the cake a delicate texture and airiness.

6. Mix a mixture of sugar and butter with raisins and chopped nuts, add the juice of oranges, slaked soda. Beat everything with a whisk.

7. Slowly add the flour, kneading the dough with a spoon. The dough should be thick, stretching.

8. Lubricate the baking tray with butter, sprinkle lightly on top of the flour.

9. Spread the dough with a spoon, leveling the surface of the pie.

10. We heat the oven to 180 degrees.

11. Bake for about twenty minutes.

12. Take the baking sheet out of the oven, let the cake cool, cut and serve.

4. Lenten baking "Buckwheat pancakes"

You can also use oatmeal, corn, and even rice flour to make lean pancakes using this recipe. Buckwheat flour gives lean baking a special amazing aroma and incomparable taste. This dish is ideal not only for fasting people, but also for those who carefully monitor their figure.


• 200 grams of wheat flour;

• 550 grams of buckwheat flour;

• two tea spoons of sugar;

• 80-100 ml of vegetable oil;

• a pinch of soda;

• 10 grams of dry yeast;

• 800 ml of water.

Cooking method:

1. Pour 300 ml of warm water into a container of a suitable size, add dry yeast, stir the mass well.

2. In another container, mix wheat flour with three tablespoons of buckwheat flour.

3. Pour into the resulting dry mixture the yeast mass in a thin stream, while vigorously stirring with a spoon.

4. Cover the finished mixture with a lid and remove for an hour in a warm place.

5. After the allotted time, your dough should increase in volume by about two to three times.

6. Add 500 ml of warm water, a pinch of salt and granulated sugar to the settled mass. Mix thoroughly.

7. Pour the remaining buckwheat flour, pour vegetable oil at the very end.

8. Once again, we mix everything thoroughly and again we remove the container with the dough in a warm place, for an hour and a half.

9. We take out not too big a cast-iron frying pan, we warm it.

10. Lubricate a heated pan with a minimum amount of vegetable oil.

11. Use a ladle to pour the dough into the prepared pan, distribute it evenly over the entire surface in a circular rotational motion.

12. First fry on one side, and as soon as the second side is covered with holes, turn the pancake over and fry on the other side.

13. Fold the prepared lean pancakes in a neat pile on a flat plate.

5. Lenten baking "Roll with poppy seeds"

Lean roll turns out to be surprisingly delicate and fragrant, despite the fact that the composition does not include products prohibited by fasting.

Ingredients for the dough:

• 600 grams of wheat flour;

• a tablespoon of dry yeast;

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• 160 ml of water;

• 160 ml of highly carbonated water;

• 80 ml of vegetable oil.

Ingredients for the filling:

• 300 grams of dry poppy;

• 200 grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Pour warm water into a bowl, dilute dry yeast in it. Mix.

2. Remove the mixture for fifteen minutes in a warm place.

3. After a quarter of an hour, add the sifted flour to the mixture in small portions, while constantly stirring the dough so that no flour lumps form.

4. Pour sparkling water, pour salt and sugar.

5. Knead the elastic dough.

6. Put the dough in a plastic bag, remove for half an hour in a warm place.

7. Pour poppy into a small container, pour boiling water over it. Drain the water in ten minutes, and put the poppy itself in a strainer so that all the excess liquid in the glass.

8. Add sugar to the poppy, mix well.

9. Knead the settled dough a little, divide into four parts, roll each into a ball.

10. We roll all four balls into thin rectangular plates with a thickness of 5-7 mm.

11. We spread the poppy seed filling on each, evenly distribute it over the entire surface of the formation, without bringing about one and a half cm to the edges.

12. Turn tight platy rolls, fixing the edges well so that the filling does not leak during baking.

13. We spread the rolls on a greased baking sheet with a seam down at a distance of two cm from each other, grease the surface of each with sweetened water. We give the baking dish a little time to rise, and at this time we just preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

14. We bake lean rolls for about thirty minutes.

15. Serve, pre-cool and cut into circles.

6. Lenten pastries "Bagels with jam"


• glass of water;

• 30 grams of pressed yeast;

• 20 grams of sugar;

• a pinch of salt;

• 120 ml of vegetable oil;

• 600-650 grams of flour;

• glasses of thick jam (jam).

Cooking method:

1. We grow yeast in warm water, add salt and sugar. Mix.

2. Pour vegetable oil into another container.

3. In the third container, sift the flour.

4. Now the most interesting: kneading dough. For the manufacture of lean bagels, the dough is not kneaded by hands, but chopped with a knife, gradually introducing this or that ingredient.

5. So, pour a small amount of flour into a large container, add a little yeast mixture, then pour in the vegetable oil. All the time we chop the ingredients with sharp swings of a knife, not stopping for a minute. Add flour again, pour in yeast, butter. So, until all the available ingredients are over.

6. We spread the resulting dough on a clean, flat surface, it can be a large board or just a countertop. Carefully roll out a round layer of 5 mm thickness.

7. Cut the layer from the middle in the form of pizza into 16 parts.

8. We spread jam or jam on the wide edge of each triangle, form bagels.

9. We bake lean bagels for about half an hour, laying them out at a distance of a couple of centimeters from each other, on a greased baking sheet.

10. Serve cooled.

7. Lenten baking "Brushwood"


• a glass of sparkling water;

• 400-450 grams of flour;

• 10 grams of sugar;

• 50 grams of powdered sugar;

• 400 ml of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. In a bowl, mix soda with sifted flour and sugar.

2. Knead not sticky plump dough.

3. Roll out the dough into a thin rectangular layer, literally 1-2 mm thick.

4. Cut the layer into strips seven cm long, two cm wide.

5. In the center of each strip we make an incision of one centimeter, then, taking one side of the strip, insert it a couple of times through this same incision, after which we straighten the brushwood and put it on the tabletop sprinkled with flour.

6. Pour oil into a deep frying pan or a wide-bottom cauldron, heat it.

7. Spread brushwood in small batches in boiling oil, fry on each side until blush for 10-15 seconds.

8. Carefully remove the lean brushwood, put all the products on a paper towel.

9. Before serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Lean baking - tricks and tips

Lean Charlotte:

• Vanilla sugar can be replaced with vanilla extract, vegetable oil with olive or corn.

• Cinnamon can be added to baked goods; it must first be mixed with apple slices.

• Ingredients such as lemon zest, chopped roasted nuts can be added to the dough.

Lean carving:

• Do not add more than specified honey to the dough. Otherwise, the carving may turn out to be harsh.

• You can get new interesting flavoring notes of lean baking by adding crushed dried fruits to the dough: dried banana, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, figs and others.

Lean cake with raisins and nuts:

• If desired, in addition to raisins, other dried fruits can be added to the cake.

• In order to give lean baking a festive look, it is enough to sprinkle it with powdered sugar and decorate with whole nuts.

• Appetizing muffins can be made from the same dough.

• Orange juice can be replaced with apple juice.

• Do not chop nuts into powder, otherwise the taste of the cake will not be so bright.

Lenten buckwheat pancakes:

• If buckwheat flour is not in the store, do not rush to abandon the idea of ​​baking pancakes, you can cook it yourself. To do this, carefully sort the buckwheat and grind it into coffee grinders, then sift.

• Be sure to add wheat flour to the dough, it will give the mass the necessary stickiness.

• No additional flavorings are added to the dough in the form of, for example, vanilla or cinnamon, as these products can ruin the taste of buckwheat pancakes.

• Usually, buckwheat pancakes are served with additives such as fried onions, pickles, mushrooms, green onions. But you can also experiment with sweet fillings: jam, jam, honey.

Lenten roll with poppy seeds:

• You can also add some honey, nuts, raisins to the filling.

• Vanillin is often added to the dough, which gives lean baking a pleasant aroma.

• Sugar in the filling is better to sprinkle than to sleep. Part of the sweetness during baking absorbs the dough, and the filling may turn out to be slightly dry and fresh.

Lenten bagels with jam:

• Instead of jam or jam, you can also use chocolate, marmalade and other favorite toppings.

• Finished products can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

• You can knead the dough with your hands, if it’s more convenient for you, but in this case it will turn out not layered, but ordinary and not so tender and airy.


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