Spicy sauces - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook hot sauce.


Spicy sauces - general principles and methods of cooking

Buenas Díaz, Merhaba, no hao, and just hello, dear little fans! Keenness is a relative concept. Those who are interested in spicy cuisine, perfectly understand what a big niche in this noble business is occupied by sauces. Just a few drops when cooking or in a ready dish - and you have a completely new taste. Such a kitchen is not in vain so popular in the world - spicy foods contain large amounts of vitamin C, improves digestion, and just pleasantly pampers our taste buds.

The biggest gourmets can distinguish the presence of jalapeno, habanero or chili in the dish. Those who are interested in world cuisines, probably had to meet the mysterious chipotle peppers. The most courageous can try chili pepper, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records - this is the famous - Naga Jolokia, also known as Bhut Jolokia and Ghost Pepper! His burning spicyness makes anyone cry who adds even a drop of sauce with his participation in the dish. He personifies the very notion of sharpness. Just imagine - it is 400 times sharper than the most spicy English Tabasco sauce!

Spicy Sauces - Food Preparation

Russian cuisine has more moderate tastes, but it is unthinkable without garlic and horseradish. Every lover of the little can come up with or choose his own taste, using only natural ingredients. In our kitchen, when preparing hot sauces, mainly chili peppers are used as the main ingredient, and for the base - horseradish, garlic, mustard, hot ground red and white pepper. This sauce perfectly complements and enhances the taste of meat and vegetable dishes, indispensable for the preparation of various marinades and seasonings. It is possible to attribute adjika to such sauces, although it is most often perceived as a separate dish.

Spicy Sauces - The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Hot Chili Sauce

The popularity of this sauce worldwide is limitless. He had long lost his national identity and became a real culinary "citizen of the world." Chile is wonderfully combined with pasta, rice, potatoes and, of course, any kinds of meat and fish. In this recipe you should not add any more ingredients, everything is harmonious here, a unique combination of seasonings will give any dish an unforgettable flavor and sharpness.

Ingredients: tomatoes (2 pieces), sweet pepper (2 pieces), garlic cloves (unpeeled, 2 pieces), hot pepper (4 pieces), better different varieties, tomato paste (2 spoons), meat broth (300 grams), brown sugar (1 teaspoon), can be white, oregano.

Cooking method

- Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Cut the tomatoes, spread on a baking sheet and add whole peppers, garlic cloves in the skins. Bake for an hour.
- Remove the peppers from the mold and place in the bag. Hurry up to tie up so that steam does not come out. Tomatoes peeled from the film - now it is quite easy to do. Chilli must be soaked for 20 minutes. Remove the rind from the sweet pepper from the bag and crush it with a blender.
- Remove seeds from chili pepper and cut into pieces and mix with sweet pepper.
- Using a combine, mix tomatoes without skin, tomato paste, oregano, sugar and broth. Add peppers and boil the mixture in a separate bowl. After simmering the sauce, simmer for 15 minutes on low heat until the mass is twice as large. Serve hot and cold sauce, it is good in any form.

Recipe 2: Hot Pepper Sauce

This is undoubtedly a masculine product - a wonderful seasoning for lovers of the sharp. Some men do not sit down at the table without such a dish. Those who are afraid to take risks - start small - add it in a drop, but fans will certainly appreciate it highly.

Ingredients: hot pepper (200 grams), salt, sugar (1 spoon), vegetable oil (1 spoon), vinegar (2 spoons, white wine or apple - your choice), starch for thickening (if it turns out too rare).

Cooking method

Cut off the green tops of the peppers and cut into pieces along with the seeds. Peel the garlic and pass through a blender. Puree shift in a saucepan, salt, add sugar and butter, pour in vinegar. We put on a small fire on the stove. Remove from heat and cool quickly (use an ice bath or cold water). Ready - for meat, fish, kebabs.

Examples of dishes with spicy sauces

Recipe 1: Chicken thighs in spicy garlic sauce

Chicken thighs, like nothing else, are suitable for baking in a sauce. Already literally 2-3 minutes from the oven spreads a breathtakingly appetizing smell. For the sauce, we need only garlic, a little soy sauce and ginger root. Add hot pepper to taste.

Ingredients: chicken drumstick (8 pcs), ground ginger (2 teaspoons), garlic (6 cloves), sugar (4 tablespoons without top), soy sauce (8 spoons), wine vinegar (4 tablespoons), olive oil, salt pepper.

Cooking method

Remove the skin from chicken legs, rub with a mixture of pepper and salt. Stir, spread the legs in the form and grease with olive oil. Sauce: chopped garlic, ground ginger, sugar, soy sauce, wine vinegar mixed in a blender and pour them in the form of tibia. Put in a preheated oven and bake for about 40-40 minutes.

Recipe 2: Meatballs in Spicy Mexican Sauce

Appetizing meat balls boiled in broth and seasoned with sauce is a great dish for a friendly party or just a family dinner. For decoration, you can put chopsticks in them, decorate with cheese and greens and offer guests a bright snack that can not only induce appetite, but also sate. Cooking time - less than an hour.


Basis: minced meat (pigs-beef or chicken, 1 kg), chenok (2 cloves), onions (2 pcs), ground almonds (half a cup), ground cinnamon (half a tea-spoon), egg (1 pc), dry sherry ( spoon and a half), olive oil (2 spoons), coriander, ground black pepper, salt.

Sauce: vegetable oil (1 spoon), garlic (1 clove), paprika (1 spoon), red sweet pepper, green sweet pepper, chili pepper (1 pc each), beef broth (third of glass), sherry (quarter of glass), onion (1 pc), starch or flour (1 spoon).

Cooking method

Grind the garlic and mix with minced meat and bread crumbs. Finely chop the onion and add to the mixture, as well as cinnamon, beaten egg, chopped greens and moths. Pour the sherry and salt the mixture. Now you can sculpt balls. Try to take the stuffing with wet hands, so the meat will not stick to the palms.
Fry the meatballs in a thick-walled pan and remove excess oil from them with a napkin. Leave them in a warm place while doing the dressing.

Sugar, garlic, vegetable oil, onions overcook in a frying pan, about 7 minutes. Peel and chop the tomatoes - add to the sauce. Behind them are chili peppers, coriander and paprika. Stew for another 3 minutes and pour the broth slowly. Sherry mix with flour to a paste and add to the sauce. Bring to a boil, cook for 2-3 minutes - that's it! It remains to pepper and salt the sauce, put the meatballs into it and simmer on low heat for half an hour. The sauce should thicken. If desired, decorate the plates with grated cheese and herbs.

Hot Sauce - Useful Tips from Experienced Culinary Specialists

The severity of sharpness is different. To distinguish the degree of sharpness, you can use the Scoville table. In 1912, Wilbur Lincoln Scoville began the development of a test and a scale to determine the severity of burning products. His Scoville "organoleptic test" and the famous scale gained great fame. They are based on the content of the alkaloid capsicin, which provokes the reaction of receptors, anesthetizing and causing irritant action. A pure substance is equivalent to 14-15 million burning units. And sweet pepper does not contain capsicin at all (0 on the scale). The most burning representative grows in India. Its value on the Scoville scale reaches a million units.


Lyudmila 09/16/2016
In recipes a lot of inaccuracies. For example, in the recipe “Hot Pepper Sauce” there is no garlic in the ingredients, and the description says about its use. So how much is it needed? Or is he not needed?

Slavik 08/24/2016
author in the studio. Who is the author of the recipe?


Watch the video: Hot Sauce Recipe - How to make the best homemade hot sauce (June 2024).