Rumors about the divorce of Alena Vodonaeva were confirmed


Rumors that the TV presenter Alyona Vodonaeva and businessman Alexei Malakeev parted went for a long time, but the spouses were not in a hurry to formally dissolve the marriage. The information about the divorce was confirmed by representatives of the Dorogomilovsky court of the city of Moscow. As the TV presenter confessed, they immediately fell in love with Alexey. The novel developed quickly and in the summer of 2009 the couple got married. It should be noted that the wedding ceremony was a secret, only relatives of the newlyweds and the closest circle received invitations.

Soon a baby appeared in a young family - the son Bogdan. Alyona continued to pursue a career in television, led the projects "Naked Ten" and "Good night, men." Alexey Malakeev is known as a fairly successful businessman. At one time he defended his thesis (political science) and was the general director of several large firms.

A year ago, on the open spaces of the world wide web, information appeared that Vodonaeva had left her husband and went abroad with her lover. Alena categorically denied such rumors and stated that she was absolutely happy in marriage. Even showed the press a passport stamped on marriage registration. According to preliminary forecasts, the trial is scheduled for January 17.


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