Aloe: miracle medicine on your window


This article is about the healing properties of aloe and its application in medicine, also containing several recipes for skin care and treatment of certain diseases.

Almost in every home there is such a wonderful plant as aloe in its benefit and simplicity. His homeland is Africa, but so far the origin does not prevent him from carrying out a good service to our people in many diseases.

To grow aloe, no need to make special efforts. It is enough just to water it, periodically feed it and replant it at least once every five years.

As for the useful components of aloe, then its leaves contain vitamins of group B, C, E, essential oils, fiber, amino acids, essential oils, beta-carotene and other nutrients. It also has a strong bactericidal action, being an antimicrobial, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory agent.

Aloe has been successfully used to treat sunburn, acne, psoriasis, boils and other diseases and skin inflammations. Aloe juice perfectly cleanses the pores, has a moisturizing and tightening effect, promotes cell regeneration and rapid healing. In order to refresh the skin and improve its color, you should apply a face mask of aloe + cream (1: 1), after cleansing the skin. If you are the owner of problem skin, you will need a mask of fresh aloe juice + egg white (2 tbsp. Juice + 1 protein), which should be applied for 15 minutes.

Beauty salons and studios are often added to rejuvenating and caring baths, as well as aloe vera extract mixtures for masks, due to a wide spectrum of its action. You also at home can keep your skin young, supple and fresh by rubbing fresh aloe juice after cleansing your skin.

If you have colds and colds, you can use the following means of their own preparation: 300 g of aloe leaves, 3 tbsp. spoons of medical alcohol, 3 tbsp. spoons of honey. Chop aloe leaves and mix thoroughly with honey and alcohol. Take one teaspoon before meals three times a day. With a cold, you can bury 3-5 drops of aloe in each nostril, repeating the procedure several times a day.

When stomach disease is recommended on an empty stomach to eat a piece of aloe 2 times a day, eating honey, if its bitter taste gives unpleasant sensations.

Aloe can be harvested at any time of the year, focusing on the state of the leaves - if the tip of the leaf has begun to dry out, it means that it is ready for use and can already be cut or broken off directly from the stem. Keep the cut leaf in the open air can only be 3-4 hours, otherwise most of the vitamins and useful properties are lost.

Aloe is used not only in folk medicine, but also in traditional medicine, being part of drugs for the treatment of diseases of cyto-tacitis, eyes, oral cavity, skin, etc.

Considering all the beneficial properties of aloe, it is worth remembering that aloe-containing drugs and fresh leaves of aloe are contraindicated in pregnancy, cancer, cystitis and uterine bleeding.

Thanks to its miraculous qualities and healing components, aloe is rightly the most affordable “medicine on the windowsill”.


Watch the video: Meghan Baumer's Presentation on Aloe Vera as a Treatment for Stroke (July 2024).