Pink salmon in mayonnaise is the best way to preserve juiciness! Methods of cooking pink salmon in mayonnaise: in a pan and in the oven


Nutritionists recommend eating fish at least twice a week.

Pink salmon is a red fish that everyone will like.

Some people find it a little dry, but if it is properly prepared, it turns out not only juicy, but also incredibly tasty.

Pink salmon in mayonnaise - the basic principles of cooking

Pink salmon in mayonnaise is cooked in different ways. It can be baked in the oven, stewed, cooked in a frying pan or in ceramic pots.

Whatever way you choose, pink salmon must marinate for a while, and only then proceed to cooking.

Pink salmon is cooked whole, cut into steaks, or only fillets are used.

The fish are scaly, gutted and cut as required by the recipe. Then she marinated. Bake pink salmon on their own, or on a vegetable cushion.

If you plan to extinguish the fish, then it is pre-fried to keep all the juices inside the fish.

Recipe 1. Pink salmon in mayonnaise, baked in the oven


chilled salmon fillet - half a kilo;

var. butter;

150 grams of cheese;

salt and ground pepper;


Cooking method

1. Rinse the fillet of pink salmon under a tap, pat dry with napkins and cut into portions. Sprinkle it with salt and pepper, and leave it for a while.

2. Grate the cheese into large pieces.

3. Preheat the oven to 180 C. Lightly grease the heat-resistant form. Put the pieces of fish in it and grease with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with cheese chips and place in the oven for 35 minutes. Serve the fish with a light vegetable salad.

Recipe 2. Pink salmon, baked under mayonnaise


kilogram of pink salmon;


mayonnaise - 150 g;

spices and salt;

large carrot;

var. oil - 50 ml;

cheese - 150 g

Cooking method

1. We clean the scales from the pink salmon, cut the abdomen, and remove the insides. We wash the carcass under the tap, and cut into small steaks.

2. Onions clean and cut into rings. We shift in a glass dish, pour boiling water and add 10 ml of vinegar. Leave to marinate for a couple of hours.

3. Clean and wash the carrot. Coarsely rub it.

4. Sprinkle the pieces with lemon juice and spread on a baking tray, pre-oiled. On each steak we lay out the marinated onions and grated carrots. We grease with mayonnaise.

5. Put the pan in the oven for half an hour. Then we take out a fish, crush it with cheese shavings and bake for another five minutes. Serve pink salmon with any side dish of vegetables.

Recipe 3. Pink salmon in mayonnaise, with carrots and onions


500 g pink salmon;

vegetable oil;

carrot - 2 pcs .;

onions - 3 heads;

black pepper and kitchen salt;


lemon is half.

Cooking method

1. Clean the pink salmon carcass from the scales and gut. Wash the fish under the tap and cut into steaks that are three centimeters thick. Remove the bones from the fish. Then salt and pepper the pieces from all sides.

2. Pour the butter into the baking dish, and place the fillet pieces in it. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a fish.

3. Onions and carrots clean and wash. Chop the bulbs into half rings and rub the carrot into large pieces. Mix the vegetables in a bowl, and place them on top of the fish.

4. Dilute mayonnaise with water in equal proportions, and pour vegetables and fish with this mixture.

5. Put the mold in the preheated oven for 20 minutes. Then reduce the temperature and bake for the same amount of time. Serve mashed potatoes as a side dish.

Recipe 4. Pink salmon in mayonnaise, stewed with onions


kilogram of pink salmon;

60 g of flour;

2 onions;



black pepper;

lean oil.

Cooking method

1. We clean the frozen pink salmon from scales and entrails, cut them into pieces, and leave to thaw at room temperature.

2. In a plastic bag pour flour, add salt and pepper. Put the pieces of fish in the package, twist and vigorous movements mix the contents.

3. Put the cast iron pan on the fire. Heat up the oil in it. Fry each steak on both sides until an appetizing crust appears.

4. Peel the bulbs and cut them into half rings. Fry it in hot oil until it is ruddy, and add mayonnaise to it. Boil the sauce for a couple of minutes and put the fish in it. Cover with lid and stew for about seven minutes, pouring the sauce over the top. Put boiled potatoes on a wide dish and spread fish on top. Pour sauce and serve to the table.

Recipe 5. Pink salmon in mayonnaise, stewed in pots


3 onions;

pepper, salt and bay leaf;

500 g pink salmon;

80 ml of mayonnaise;

2 large carrots;

50 ml sour cream;

200 ml of milk;

4 cm ginger root;

50 ml of vegetable oil.

Cooking method

1. Thaw a pink salmon, separate the tail and head. Clean it of scales and gut. Rinse the carcass under the tap and cut it into pieces.

2. Mix mayonnaise with sour cream, salt and pepper. Lightly whisk. Dip the pink salmon into the sauce and send to the fridge for two hours to marinate the fish.

3. Peeled carrots and my onions. Finely chop onions. Large enough cut carrots. Ginger clean and finely three.

4. Pickled pink salmon are fried on both sides on an intense fire.

5. Put the fish layer in clay pots, sprinkle it with grated ginger. Next layer lay out carrots and onions, sprinkle again with ginger and lay out the fish. Layers salt and pepper. Boil the milk, and fill it with fish and vegetables until the "shoulders."

6. Put the pots in the hot oven. Cook for half an hour, at a temperature of 200 ° C. Sprinkle with finely chopped greens, and serve directly in pots, or laid out on a plate.

Recipe 6. Pink salmon in mayonnaise with garlic sauce


3 garlic cloves;

75 g of flour;


60 ml of mayonnaise;

black and white ground pepper;

three pieces of pink salmon fillet;

25 ml rast. oils.

Cooking method

1. Defrost the pink salmon fillet. Tweezers remove the remaining small bones. Cut into portions.

2. In mayonnaise squeeze garlic, salt, season with two kinds of pepper and mix. Put the fish in a bowl, pour with garlic sauce, mix and leave to marinate for 20 minutes.

3. Each piece of fillet is rolled in flour and laid out on the deco, pre-lubricated butter. Put it in the oven. We bake pink salmon for about an hour, at 180 C. We decorate the finished fish with vegetables and greens.

Recipe 7. Pink salmon in carrot and onion fur coat


fresh frozen pink carcass;

120 g butter;

120 g rast. oils;

5 carrots;

black pepper;

3 onions;


3 garlic cloves;

half a cup of mayonnaise.

Cooking method

1. In the garlic squeeze out the peeled garlic and mix.

2. Defrost the pink salmon carcass, remove fins, head and tail. We clean it from scales, with giblets, and make cuts across the whole carcass, not finishing them.

3. Lubricate the fish inside and out with a mixture of mayonnaise and garlic. Leave it to marinate for a couple of hours.

4. Clean the onion and shred it in half rings. Peeled carrots three grated.

5. Take the form with high sides. Pour some oil into it, and spread it along the bottom of the mold. Spread half of the chopped carrots and onions.

6. We put pink salmon on vegetables. In each incision we put a piece of butter. Cover the fish with the remaining chopped onions and carrots. Sprinkle with vegetable oil. At the bottom pour in some water.

7. The form is placed in an oven heated to 180 C for about forty minutes. From time to time, water the fish with exuded juice.

Recipe 8. Pink salmon in mayonnaise, baked in foil



pink carcass;

spices for fish;

three tomatoes;

fresh salt and kitchen salt;

50 ml rast. oils;

60 ml of mayonnaise.

Cooking method

1. Scale fish with giblets and separate the fillets from the bone. We take out small bones with tweezers and cut fillets into pieces. Flush under tap. Salt, sprinkle with pepper and leave for half an hour.

2. Cut lemon and tomatoes in wide circles.

3. Cut the foil into pieces, fold it in half and lubricate with oil. Put a lemon circle on the foil. We lay a piece of pink salmon on it. We cover the fish with a circle of tomato and a slice of cheese. Wrap the foil and spread on a baking sheet. Thus, we prepare all the pieces of fish.

4. Place the baking tray with fish in a preheated oven and bake for half an hour, at 180 C. Unroll the foil, remove the fish from the lemon and spread on the plate.

Recipe 9. Pink salmon in mayonnaise with mushrooms


pink salmon fillet;

a tomato;

frozen mushrooms - 250 g;

cheese - 200 g;

onion head;

seasoning for fish;



Cooking method

1. The pink salmon fillet is washed and cut into portions. Rub them with seasoning, sprinkle with squeezed lemon juice and marinate for half an hour.

2. In hot oil, fry chopped onions and mushrooms to a ruddy state.

3. We spread the fish in advance greased form and grease with mayonnaise. On each piece lay out the fried onion-mushroom mixture and a circle of tomato. Sprinkle with cheese and bake in a preheated oven for 20 minutes.

Recipe 10. Pink salmon in mayonnaise with tomatoes and potatoes


pink carcass;

vegetable oil;

2 onions;

35 g butter;


fish spices and salt;

150 ml of mayonnaise;


150 grams of cheese;

8 potatoes;

half a lemon;

75 ml sour cream;

garlic - 2 teeth.

Cooking method

1. Clean the fish from the scales, wash and dry with a disposable towel. Remove the fins, tail and head. Cut the carcass into two-inch-wide portion steaks.

2. Put the steaks in a bowl, sprinkle with spices, salt and pour over squeezed lemon juice. Leave the fish to marinate for a couple of hours.

3. Vegetables cleaned and washed. Onion shred half rings. Grind carrots with large chips.

4. Fry onion until transparent in hot oil. Add carrots to it and continue frying for another three minutes so that the vegetables are soft. Cut potatoes into thin circles.

5. The form is covered with foil folded in half. Lubricate it with oil. Spread fish steaks at a short distance from each other. Around the fish lay out half the potatoes in a thin layer. Salt and cover with mayonnaise. Fold the vegetables and the rest of the potatoes on top. Put the tomato mugs on the steaks.

6. In a deep bowl, break the eggs, salt and lay them sour cream. Beat until smooth. Here we also lay out the cheese chips and crushed garlic. Stir. Dish pour the resulting sauce. Cover the shape with a layer of foil.

7. Bake pink salmon in the preheated 200 C oven for 20 minutes. Then remove the top layer of foil, sprinkle with herbs and continue to bake until the potatoes are ready.

Pink salmon in mayonnaise - tips and tricks from professional chefs

  • Before sending the fish into the oven, be sure to heat it up to the temperature indicated in the recipe.
  • Serve the fish with a side dish of rice or vegetables.
  • To pink salmon, baked in the oven, did not get dry, you should not defrost it completely. It is enough to defrost to the point where you can easily remove the bones.
  • It will be better if you use mayonnaise, homemade, for the preparation of pink salmon.
  • Boiled rice or potatoes can be used as a side dish.


Watch the video: Salmon - How to cook salmon in the oven. subscribecheck out my other videos (July 2024).