How to communicate with a gamer guy in his language? INSTRUCTIONS FOR WOMEN. If your husband is a gamer - look and memorize literally!


Modern gamers - the people are sensitive and sensitive.

Especially when it comes to favorite games, characters and settings. Each computer game is a special world with established relationships, phrases, heroes and villains.


If you want to pull the half right out of the magical world, parallel to the universe or deep space, you should use meme code phrases.

Spells are effective immediately, but they must be pronounced. loud and right; the slightest violation of intonation can lead to unforgivable consequences.

Even the most enthusiastic player will not be able to miss and not appreciate knowledge of materiel, so you can not be afraid of conflicts.


Among the fans of the post-apocalyptic series Fallout You can find a variety of people, but all will be equally affected by the call - “Hey, I’m not a Dog to wait forever!”.

After any phrase it is recommended to add "... unwillingly you can’t talk about a nuclear winter".


Bright cycle Mass effect is dedicated to the adventures of a fearless commander, and any comparison of the played half with a charming and fearless Shepard will be a compliment.

If the guy wants to ruffle, remind him that he "... never been better than commander shepard."


I want to spend a romantic evening with an avid player in Mass Effect? Offer him hug eternity!


To fans Mortal kombat approach better cautiously - players trained by the epic series of fighting games may not notice that the second half is approaching behind the sworn enemy behind.

Wanting to beg your loved one to complete the job, scream as loud as possible "Finish him!" and threaten to throw out a notebook with old records of your favorite tricks, punches and combos.

And never try to argue on which character is cooler - it will certainly lead to Deadly Offenses!


Sometimes not only girls, but boys also spend a lot of time on fees. To make your favorite fan of the series move The witcher, any treatment is enough to finish the word "roach".


If a gamer guy refuses to sing in his favorite karaoke, ask the moderator to add a few sailor songs from the repertoire. Assassin's Creed.


Dumb says he is tired of constant hassle? Just advise him to increase the difficulty in Dark Souls 2 and there was no conflict!


The guy does not understand how you can spend so much time on makeup, shopping and chatting with friends? Compare it with Lineage 2 - just went into the game - and half a day already behind.


You want something as a gift, but you think you won’t get it? Hint at release date Half Life 3 and the necessary thing in a beautiful package like a wave of a magic wand will be with you.


Are you accused of tranquility? Ask a loved one how he spent the money in the series. Need for Speed.


If the beloved unfairly fell under the distribution - do not spend all night searching for the right words for an apology. Remind him how it happens in Counter strikewhen it seems that you are shooting at one of the enemies, and you get into another, or even one of your own.


And let the gamers are not always the most responsive, sensitive and attentive people, well, let them be easier to recognize from the back than the full face. But you can always distinguish the "native" head.

Let the relationship with gamers be like Grail at the beginning Heroes of Might and Magicas a successful defense "mida" in Dota and passing Dark souls without saves!

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