Kremlin diet - a detailed description and features. Examples of the Kremlin diet menu.


The Kremlin diet refers to low-carb diets. It is based on the assignment of conventional units to each of the products, which should be recognized from a special table and counted when consumed.

These conventional units indicate the amount of carbohydrates in grams per 100 g of consumed product. That is, in order to control their consumption, it is necessary to calculate the “price” of each product and the total number of conventional units (cu) that are eaten per day. This amount should not be more than the established norm, which is 40 cu

Duration of the Kremlin diet

Kremlin diet Designed for 2 weeks. When it is observed, the consumption of meat, fish and vegetables that do not contain carbohydrates is not limited. However, it must be remembered that with increased protein intake in the body, nitrogen accumulates, which is very harmful. In addition, protein is capable of being stored as fat.

The diet is based on the principle of processing body fat reserves into glucose, which is necessary for its vital functions. With the Kremlin diet, an insufficient amount of glucose enters the human body with food, its level in the blood drops, and the body begins to intensively process stored fat to replenish glucose.

Stages of the Kremlin diet

Kremlin diet consists of several stages. The first lasts at least 2 weeks, during which you need to reduce carbohydrate intake to 20 o. e. per day. This is achieved by the complete exclusion from the diet of fruits, flour products, starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn) and sweets. Instead, you can eat meat, fish, eggs, cheese, butter in any form, without limiting the amount. As practice shows, during the first stage, some losing weight lose up to 10 kg of excess weight. But there are results much less impressive, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. If weight loss is slow, then the first stage can be extended, and if its pace is satisfactory, then you can proceed to the next stage.

Second phase It is associated with the gradual introduction of vegetables, then nuts, seeds and berries. But to the menu of the first stage you can add no more than 5 y. e. per week, while it should be regularly weighed, monitor the regularity of food (intervals between meals should not exceed 6 hours) and do not overeat. If weight gain is noticed, then you must immediately return to the first stage. If everything goes fine, and it remains to lose only a few kilograms, then we can proceed to the third stage.

Third stagewhen these last extra pounds will be dumped, should last at least 2-3 months. The more it stretches over time, the more stable the effect of the diet will be. At this stage, you can add 10 y. e. per week. It is at the third stage that the losing weight decides how much carbohydrate per day will be acceptable for him and will not harm the figure. As a rule, most people stop at 60 y. e. per day and proceeds to the next step.

Fourth stage It is dangerous by the likelihood of breaking down and returning to old habits. Of course, occasionally you can afford a small piece of cake, but this should be considered as an exception to the rule.

Pros and Cons of the Kremlin Diet

The undoubted advantages of the Kremlin diet include a rather quick loss of extra pounds in the absence of the debilitating feeling of hunger inherent in most diets.

Its minus is the presence of contraindications, according to which it can not be observed by pregnant women and people who have chronic diseases of the stomach, cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.

It is not recommended to follow the Kremlin diet for more than two weeks in order to avoid a decrease in muscle tone and an increase in blood cholesterol.

Examples of Kremlin diet recipes

We offer you recipes for dishes that can be prepared while following the Kremlin diet.

Shrimp Broccoli Soup (the recipe is designed for 4 servings, each of which is estimated at 6 c.u.)


1. broccoli - 500 gr.,
2. butter - 30 gr.,
3. peeled shrimp - 4 pcs.,
4. vegetable broth - 1 l.,
5. cream - 200 gr.,
6. lemon juice;
7. grated nutmeg;
8. ground black pepper;
9. parsley and a clove of garlic;
10. onion - 1 pc.,
11. salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Peel broccoli, wash and divide into inflorescences, peel and onion and garlic peel and cut into cubes.
2. In a saucepan, fry the onions in butter, then add the garlic and fry a little more.
3. Pour the vegetable broth into the pan, add broccoli inflorescences and cook for about 10 minutes with the lid closed.
4. Add 150 grams of cream, then using a blender, grind the contents of the pan in a puree, then boil the soup again and season it with lemon juice, salt, ground black pepper and nutmeg.
5. Put the shrimp in a pot with soup and heat, then carefully whip the remaining cream.
6. Pour soup into plates, adding cream to each little bit and decorating with parsley leaves.

Strawberries with cream (the recipe is designed for 4 servings, each of which is estimated at 16 c.u.)


1. strawberries - 700 gr.,
2. liquor - 30 gr.,
3. fat cream - 250 gr.,
4. several branches of lemon balm,
5. sugar - 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. After washing the strawberries, and drying them on a paper towel and peeling them of leaves and stalks, put them in a deep bowl.
2. Mixing liquor with 75 gr. sugar, add it to the berries and, gently mixing, leave for 15 minutes in the refrigerator.
3. After washing the lemon balm and picking the leaves, finely chop it. Whip the cream in a lush foam, while gradually adding sugar and chopped lemon balm.
4. After spreading the strawberries in a bowl, cover the berries with whipped cream and decorate with lemon balm leaves.


Maryana 03/31/2016
I also like this diet, I drop it well. Only I found the "key" to a more comfortable weight loss. I read an article in Komsomolka about sorbents and the benefits they bring to the body, and it’s quicker to buy this Enterosgel. It is necessary to clean the intestines before the diet and during. Another plus of this particular entrosorbent is that it does not violate the gastric mucosa. I did not even expect such a cool effect! she feels good, loses weight better and more comfortable. I already advised all my friends, some even tried it already, I also liked it.

Ksyusha 03/23/2016
My girlfriend on this diet dropped 8 kilograms. And I was satisfied. You need to drink more water and green tea. Yes, the work of the stomach can be undermined, so people with gastric diseases should not use it. And you do not need to sit on this diet for more than two weeks.

Lenok 03/23/2016
Like all diets, the Kremlin has contraindications. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor if he gives good please, but no - no. You don’t need to choose anything yourself. Each diet is good in its own way.

Olga 03/23/2016
Great diet! I sat on it and lost a kilogram per day. Of course, the first days are very difficult, especially without sweets. And a general breakdown. But then everything got better, lost weight, gradually introduced other products. And I didn’t experience any health problems.

Emma 03/23/2016
After giving birth, I really wanted to lose weight, and sat on the Kremlin diet. Threw a lot, I do not remember exactly how much. But, after - I had health problems. Both with vessels, and with a stomach. So, I have made conclusions regarding this diet for myself.


Watch the video: Diet Doctor Podcast #24 Robb Wolf (July 2024).