Women want sex more often than they think


The widespread assertion that the fair sex is less likely than sex than men, as well as the complaints of the latter about constant female excuses and coming up with all sorts of reasons to refuse a sexual partner, forced the Women's Opinion portal to conduct a social poll "How often do you have sexual desire?" . The information received gives rise to reflection and should set men in a positive way.

31.9% of the female population of Russia dream of sex either every day or several times a day, even having a regular partner. These Russians are also not alien to their worries about the family, social burdens, and high business activity. Thoughts about sex often knock them out of the rut of everyday worries and make it impossible to focus on solving important problems. Only elemental flu or colds can reduce the sexual activity of these women, and then not for long.

33.3% of Russians surveyed have a sexual desire once every couple of days. A good result, given that women also study, work, housekeeping, and take care of children. Not all respondents have a sexual partner who is constantly within reach, which naturally affects the forced suppression of desire.

21% of the female audience think about sex once a week or several times a month. As the survey showed, this is mainly either women burdened with a large family and additionally working full-time, or women are in the mood. Undoubtedly, great physical and psychological stresses negatively affect the desire to do something else than sleep, and persons - “slaves” of one’s own mood are constantly dependent on him.

4% of women prefer to have sex less than once a month. Unfortunately, they did not tell about the reasons for such a rare desire, but they looked so tired that everything was clear and without words.

As you can see, women desire sex no less than men, just because of their natural modesty and shyness they have to hide it.

6810 people took part in the survey. Age from 20 to 45 years. From 149 cities of Russia.


Watch the video: How often do men think about sex? (July 2024).