February 2: what are the holidays today. Events, birthdays and birthdays 2 February.


Holidays 2 February

Groundhog Day

In Canada, this day is revered as a traditional folk festival. Every year, people get together only to look at the woodchuck, which crawls out of its mink. According to the behavior of the animal, you can guess when the long-awaited spring comes. When the weather is overcast, the woodchuck cannot see his shadow, because of this he climbs out of his mink without fear. This means that winter will end soon and early spring will come. When the weather is sunny, when the woodchuck sees its shadow, it returns to the burrow. In some cities and settlements of this state organize various festivals dedicated to the marmots, meteorologists, who are located in this area. At the popular festivities there are many tourists. This holiday appeared many years ago. These days, you can count the seven most popular marmots who are responsible for the weather forecast. Pankssatoneysky marmot is called Phil, Wyrton is called Willy, Chuck lives in Staten Island Zoo, Billy is called Balzac marmot, and Shubinakada name is Sam. In addition, there is the Groundhog, which is called Jimmy and the Groundhog General Bearegard Lee. In Panksatoni, in the mountains of Pennsylvania, there is Turkey Hill, where the most important official meteorological marmot lives. For more than 120 years, people have been very closely watching the behavior and predictions of this small rodent. This event is accompanied by the organization of the festival, which gained its popularity immediately after the film came out, called the Groundhog Day.

Confession of the Lord by Western Christians

This holiday was established thanks to one significant Christian event. On this day, the Infant Jesus and the righteous elder Simeon met in the Jerusalem Temple. Jesus' mother brought him to the temple after the forty-day period had elapsed after his birth in order to perform a cleansing rite. When the Mother of God approached the temple, Saint Simeon met her, he could not die until he saw Christ. Old Anna was walking next to him, she also lived in this temple. As the evangelist Luke narrated when Mary held the Baby while in the Temple, the righteous Simeon approached her. Seeing Jesus, he raised him in his arms and said that he could now die in peace. In the Catholic Church this great day is called somewhat differently. They remember the words that righteous Simeon spoke about baby Jesus, the Catholics called him "the light to enlighten the pagan population." On this great day, at eleven o'clock at night, it is customary in the temples to consecrate candles, which are then lit when worship is held. These consecrated candles are very important for believers, people keep them throughout the year, and are lit only in the case of a prayer to Christ. For example, during illness, family difficulties, and in general in the case of all sorts of troubles that occur throughout a person’s life. This holiday is considered a very ancient event of the Christian Church. In 528 Emperor Justinian ruled. At that time, in Antioch, there was a major earthquake that caused the death of many people. At this, unfortunately, the troubles did not end, and soon the human population was struck by a plague. Every year, thousands of people died of ulcers. At this time, a pious Christian was visited by enlightenment, and he understood that the Presentation of the Lord should be celebrated more solemnly. This day was marked by worship and a procession, Byzantium got rid of unhappiness. The church expressed immense gratitude to God and considered it necessary to celebrate this day in a more festive atmosphere. In this manner, he was among the 12 most solemn celebrations of all the churches that were considered to be the Great 60s. The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates this day in a new calendar style.

Candle day

February 2 is the day of candles according to the national calendar in Estonia. In the people it was customary to say that it is on the day of the candles that the winter "breaks in half". On this holiday, ritual food was cooked, which was considered to be porridge and various delicious pork dishes. Mandatory made candles. Holiday Candle Day, this is the first big holiday for the female population of the year, women had to drink juice or wine, always red, it was believed that all summer they would be healthy and beautiful. According to ancient tradition, women were allowed to go to a tavern or other institution where they sold alcohol, and men on this holiday were to do all the housework, in one word, all women's work. In the calendar of troublesome work that day began to knit and spin.


The name of the holiday comes from the Irish word mblec - "milk". Celebrate imbolk not only in Ireland, but also in other European countries. According to Irish mythology, the Mother of Bread found rest on the Land of Spirits, she gained strength. After all, even on Samaine, she gave all her power to the Lord, so that he could quickly recover and be reborn. Imbolc holiday celebration, purification and rebirth of the Earth. The feast is a symbol of the growing phase of the Goddess of Bread, the reborn virgin. In Celtic mythology, the day of February 2 is the most auspicious day for witchcraft rituals. On this day, witches and warlocks go through esoteric initiation. In fact, Imbolk is a pagan holiday, on the day of its celebration magic rituals and sacrifices are held. On this day, they wondered and always washed the river water, as a sign of purification from sins. In Imbolc it was impossible to sew, drink alcohol, any handicraft skill was prohibited. On the day of Imbolka, only dairy food was taken, but it could be combined with raisins, meat and pepper, onions and garlic. The subject of sacrifice was usually chicken or chicken. In Imbolc they wondered about the suitors and the future, wished each other all the best.

February 2 in the national calendar

February 2 Efimov day

This day was named in honor of Euphemia the Great, it is also called Efimy the Complacent or Efimy the Schema, he lived his life at the end of the fourth century. Yefim was revered as a hermit, one of the founders of desert breeding and monasticism. The month of February is considered a snowstorm. The peasants liked to say that the blizzards and blizzards arrived in February. Efimov day was no exception. On this day, wondering what the weather would be at Shrovetide. If it happened that there was a snowstorm in the yard that day, it meant that there would be a snowstorm in the spring too. If in the afternoon the sun was shining it spoke of a rainy summer; and if a strong wind was blowing, the peasants believed that a whole year on the street would be damp. Observed in Efimov day for the behavior of animals living in the house. The peasants would know when the cat scraped the floor with its paw, and the chickens in the henhouse twisted their tails, which meant there would be a snowstorm.

Historical events February 2

February 2, 962 creation of the Holy Roman Empire - First Reich

The German state was formed in 962 and existed until 1805. The king of the Franks, Otto I, considered the newly formed state as the natural continuation of the ancient Roman Empire. The new state occupied a rather vast territory, it included: German lands, northern and middle parts of Italy, Swiss cantons, Burgundy, Holland, the Belgian kingdom, Czech Republic and other countries. Formally, the core of the empire were: Germany, Italy and Burgundy. On February 2, 962, Pope John XII crowned the imperial reign, the German king Otto the Great. Thanks to the work of Emperor Otto, the Holy Roman Empire reached a high level of socio-economic stability. During his reign, the emperor, put an end to internecine wars. Otto was a talented and wise politician, this was the key to the unity of the entire state and military power. In the history of the era of the reign of Emperor Otto, named as the "Ottonian Renaissance."

February 2, 1536 Spaniards founded Buenos Aires

On February 2, 1536, on the Parana River, the capital of the new state was laid - Buenos Aires. The city is located 150 kilometers from the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The new capital was originally only a small village, which was originally formed to search for silver and gold in these lands. Buenos Aires means good air. In 1541 the Spanish conquistadors left the fortress village because of the constant ruinous raids of Indian tribes. One day the Indians broke into the fortress and, having interrupted the garrison, burned it. Permanent armed clashes with Indian tribes and difficulties with the delivery of materials and supplies forced them to leave these lands for a long time. In 1580, the governor of the province of La Plata, Juan de Garay, defeated the Indian tribes and returned to the fortress of Santa Maria de los Buenos Aires. Since that time, the city has rapidly grown and developed, the basis of the city’s economy, was almost legal smuggling and silver mining. Soon the city was so enriched that it could afford to build magnificent palaces, temples, theaters, residential buildings and elegant parks. Struck by the ever-growing prosperity and beauty of pride, foreigners called it "the Paris of South America."

February 2, 1701 By decree of Tsar Peter I, the Baltic fleet was founded

On February 2, 1701, Tsar Peter I, by decree, approved the creation of a military fleet on the Baltic Sea. Peter wanted to start building ships on Lake Ladoga, it was planned to build 18 medium sloops, which would be equipped with guns. The king wished that the new fleet would be based in Kronstadt. The Baltic Fleet accepted the battle baptism in the Northern War, in this conflict with Sweden, the fleet emerged victorious. The Baltic Fleet became famous not only in the military field, but also in the geographical sphere. Famous Russian navigators, on the ships of the Baltic Fleet, made outstanding voyages and discoveries. In the 19th century, the ships of the Baltic fleet were lined with armor, most of them were destroyed in the Russo-Japanese war of 1905. In the early 1910s, the Baltic Fleet was replenished with new and modern steam-powered ships. After that, the fleet received the official name and became known as the Baltic Sea Naval Forces. Until the 1950s, the Baltic Fleet was the largest and most capable naval unit. Nowadays, with its power, the Baltic Fleet is significantly inferior to the Pacific and Black Sea fleets, however, in the Baltic Sea basin, the fleet continues to keep watch on the western cordons of the country. The fleet headquarters is located in Kaliningrad.

February 2, 1542 Battle of Bacente

The Battle of Basent, is a vivid episode of the Adal-Ethiopian War. The military conflict was attended by Portuguese troops, who arrived in Ethiopia, in order to support the Christian African country with the Muslim emirate Adal. Portugal certainly decided to support the Emperor Claudius, who ruled Christian Ethiopia. The country was threatened by Muslim Afar and Somali tribes, the Islamists ravaged and exhausted Ethiopia with their raids. In the battle of Basent, the Portuguese put out about 400 arquebusiers and several dozen artillery pieces. The empress of Ethiopia Sabla, did not strongly believe in the success of the Portuguese, because numerically Muslims surpassed the Portuguese a hundred times. Sabla advised to postpone the storming of the Muslim fortress and wait for the arrival of the main Ethiopian troops. However, the command of the Portuguese army decided not to wait for the approach of the Claudius troops. Very soon, the Portuguese stormed the Muslim fortress, while cannons were used, which inevitably frightened the semi-wild Afar and Somalis. About eight people died from the Portuguese forces, while thousands of soldiers died in the camp of the nomads. The rest fled.

February 2, 2009 Iran launched Omid satellite into Earth orbit

The Omid satellite was launched into a near-earth orbit on 02.02.2009, the purpose of launching the spacecraft was to establish a telecommunication link. The satellite was launched independently, without the help of any third countries. The satellite was launched into Earth orbit using the Safir-2 carrier rocket. According to the Iranian government, the satellite was created in 2008, the device was fully designed and built by Iranian specialists and scientists. Iran has a number of large factories producing space technology. The satellite carried out about 15 revolutions around the Earth, for this the apparatus took a day. The satellite showed its high reliability and efficiency. Among the main objectives of the satellite, it should be noted the collection of meteorological and geomagnetic information. In addition, the satellite was supposed to establish digital, television and Internet communications. This is the second launched spacecraft, which shows the rapid development of the space industry in the Iranian Republic. It is surprising that the country is able to create spacecraft of complex construction using its own resources, which indicates the scientific and technical progress of Iran.

Were born on February 2

Mikhail Frunze (February 2, 1885 - October 31, 1925), Soviet commander

Mikhail Frunze was born 02.02.1885 in Kyrgyzstan, in a family of doctors. In 1904, Misha graduated from high school and entered the Polytechnic University in St. Petersburg. There he began his revolutionary activities. In 1905, in the days of the first Russian revolution, Michael was on the side of the insurgent people and took an active part in street battles. Twice sentenced to death, but the penalty was replaced by hard labor. In exile, Mikhail also continued his revolutionary activities, engaged in Bolshevik propaganda. During the civil war, Frunze was a military commissioner, a number of military districts. In 1919, Frunze commanded large armies and successfully fought against Kolchak. Next, Frunze is appointed commander of the army fighting the basmachs in Central Asia. Then he was transferred to the Southern Front, where he fought against Baron Wrangel. After the end of the civil war, Frunze occupied important positions in the government of the Bolsheviks: the chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, people's commissar of military affairs, chief of staff of the Red Army. He was the initiator of military reform in the USSR.

Yasha Heifetz (February 2, 1901 - December 10, 1987), the greatest violinist of the 20th century

Yasha Kheifets was born 02.02.1901 in Vilnius, in a family of musicians and teachers. From early childhood, his parents taught his son to play the violin, the boy was deeply erudite and for this he was called a wunderkind. At the age of 5, Yasha enrolled in the music school of the imperial music community. At the age of seven he makes his debut at a concert in Kaunas, and at the age of nine, he goes to study at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. Since childhood, he has toured a lot, and when he gets to the US, he decides to stay there. During the Second World War, Heifetz toured extensively on the fronts of the Allied forces. Heifetz's performances were distinguished by a high level of performance, deep meaning and powerful sound. In 1934, the musician visited the USSR. In 1953, he stayed on tour in Israel, where he almost died at the hands of anti-fascists, for performing music by German composers. Since 1972, Heifetz ceased touring activities and engaged in teaching.

Mikhail Gnesin (February 2, 1883 - May 5, 1957), composer

Mikhail Gnesin was born on 02.02.1883 in a Jewish family in Rostov.The family was talented and musical, in 1895 Michael's sisters founded a music school in Moscow. In the future, this school will become the Gnesins Academy of Music. In 1909, Mikhail graduated from the Moscow Conservatory. In parallel with his studies, Mikhail leads a music circle. In the beginning of the 20s he founded a folk music school and a conservatory in Russia. Gnesin became the founder of the Soviet Jewish music school. Since 1923 he has been teaching music and soon becoming a professor at the Moscow Conservatory. He released many famous musicians, composers and conductors. Since the mid-1920s, Gnesin has been trying with all his might to enter Soviet musical culture. He writes a number of monumental works on the Soviet-patriotic themes. Gnesin created almost 50 pieces of music, among them: romances, plays, folk melodies and symphonic works. Also, Mikhail Gnesin has written many books on music, drama and philosophy. He treated the Soviet authorities with restraint and never sincerely supported her.

Valery Chkalov (February 2, 1904 - December 15, 1938), an outstanding Soviet pilot

Valery Chkalov was born on February 2, 1904, in the Nizhny Novgorod province, in a working-class family. He graduated from a simple rural school, and then VZO. In 1919 he joined the ranks of the Red Army, where he worked as a master in the repair of aircraft machines. After the civil war, he studied at the Egoryevsk and Borisoglebsk aviation schools. Then he underwent special training in the center for training in shooting and bombing, at the Moscow Aviation School. Since 1924, begins to serve in aviation, works as a test pilot. In 1936, Chkalov, along with Baidukov and Belyakov, made a revolutionary flight from Moscow to Petropavlovsk-on-Kamchatka, across the Arctic Ocean. For the implementation of this particularly difficult and dangerous task, Chkalov was awarded the title Hero of the USSR. In 1937, Chkalov made a new flight record, crossed the North Pole, breaking the distance from Moscow to the United States. The pilot traveled a distance of 12,000 kilometers. He died in 1938 during the next test flight.

James jois (February 2, 1882 - January 13, 1941), the great Irish writer and poet

James Joyce was born in Dublin (Ireland), on February 2, 1882, into an ordinary Irish family. Joyce's childhood passed in a tense situation, the family did not live richly and often simply misery. Joyce received a first-class education at a Jesuit college at the University of Dublin. In 1900, he timidly began his literary activity and wrote essays and poems, the poet was published in many magazines and newspapers. At the age of twenty-two, the writer went to Paris, where he worked as a teacher and journalist. After Paris, Joyce lived a long time in Switzerland. Posting his poems and stories, Joyce was very difficult because of censorship considerations. His novel "Ulysses", was severely criticized and declared vulgar and depraved work, besides it was banned for publication in Britain and the United States. And yet the owner of the printing house, Sylvia Beach, has ventured to publish the novel, which in the future will be recognized as a genius. Many of his works were not understood either by critics or readers, but they are still considered to be masterpieces of world literature.

Name Day February 2

Artem, Inna, Zakhar, Rimma, Lev, Pavel


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