Diet number 2 - a description of the permitted and prohibited foods. Examples of recipes for diet No. 2.


Diet No. 2 is recommended for:

- chronic gastritis (with low acidity) with mild exacerbation or during recovery after exacerbation;
- acute enteritis, colitis and gastritis at the stage of recovery, as a gradual transition to a physiologically healthy diet;
- chronic colitis and enteritis outside and after exacerbation (without concomitant diseases of the biliary tract and liver, as well as the pancreas);
- gastritis with preserved or increased acidity.

Diet number 2 - description and general principles

Table No. 2 is a rational diet that provides the body with all the elements necessary for its normal activity, vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates and normalizes gastrointestinal motility (gastrointestinal tract). Boiled, fried and stewed products are subjected to varying degrees of grinding, which provides mechanical sparing of the digestive tract and stimulation of the secretion of digestive organs. Only food that contains coarse fibers, or rich in connective tissue, fiber, is subjected to complete grinding. Difficult to digest food (smoked meat, fat content), irritating the mucous membrane (spicy, sour, highly salted), as well as excessively cold or hot, is excluded from the diet. The optimum temperature of dishes should vary from 15 to 60 C. Recommended fractional nutrition, in moderate portions, four to six times a day.

Diet number 2 - what foods can be consumed

1. Bread and bakery products: wheat bread made from flour of the 1st, 2nd and highest grades, dried and yesterday’s baked goods, dried biscuits, inedible pastries and cookies, up to two times a week - cooled pies with boiled fish and meat , eggs, jam, apples, rice, well-baked inedible curd cheesecakes.
2. Soups: on weak fish and meat fat-free broth, on vegetable broths, mushroom, with finely chopped (mashed) vegetables, with noodles, noodles, potatoes, boiled cereals, meatballs. When tolerated - pickle with mashed vegetables without pickles (replaced with pickle), cabbage soup from fresh cabbage, beetroots with finely chopped vegetables, borscht.
3. Meat and poultry: dairy sausages, lean meat without films, skin, tendons, baked, boiled, fried meat dishes (can be dipped in an egg, but not to pan), boiled tongue, baked pancakes with boiled meat, products from chopped meat from rabbits, veal, beef, turkeys, chickens, low-fat pork and young low-fat mutton. Veal, turkey, rabbit, chickens can be cooked in whole.
4. Fish: low-fat fish species. Fried without breading, stewed, boiled, whole piece or chopped.
5. Dairy products: yogurt, kefir and other dairy products, cheese, sliced ​​or grated, fresh cottage cheese in dishes (dumplings, soufflés, cheesecakes, pudding) and in kind, cream and milk for adding to drinks, dishes, sour cream (until 15g) in dishes.
6. Fats: oils - vegetable refined, creamy and ghee.
7. Eggs: baked, steam, soft-boiled, omelettes, fried (without very fried crust).
8. Vegetables: finely chopped greens - in dishes, pumpkin, potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini, beets, ripe tomatoes, carrots, with tolerance - green peas and white cabbage. Baked in slices, stewed, boiled, in the form of casseroles, mashed potatoes, puddings. Fried and baked vegetable cutlets without a crust.
9. Cereals: cereals in meat broth, water (you can add milk), including friable and well-boiled (except for pearl barley, millet), baked, steam puddings, steam cutlets or fried (without a fried crust), pilaf with fruits, noodles.
10. Snacks: soaked herring, mild cheese, jellied - tongue, fish and meat, low-fat jelly (jelly), lean ham, liver paste, sturgeon caviar, sausages - doctor's, diet, dairy, vegetable caviar, boiled salads vegetables with fish, eggs, meat (without sauerkraut, onions, pickles), fresh tomatoes.
11. Berries and fruits, sweets and sweet dishes: ripe berries, mashed mashed fruits, very ripe and soft - you can use ungrated, baked apples, jelly, jelly, mousses, fruit drinks. Lemons and oranges adding to tea or jelly. When tolerated - fresh grapes without skin, oranges, tangerines and watermelon. Honey, sugar, jams, marshmallows, jam, caramel cream, marmalade, toffee, pastille.
12. Drinks: cocoa, coffee, broth of wild rose, bran, juices diluted with water - berry, vegetable and fruit, tea with lemon.
13. Spices and sauces: sauces on broths - mushroom, meat, vegetable, fish, white, sour cream sauce. Greens - dill, celery, parsley. Cinnamon, vanillin, vanilla, bay leaf (a little).

Diet number 2 - what foods can not be consumed

1. Bread and bakery products: pastries from puff pastry (pastry), fresh bread.
2. Soups: pea, bean, millet, dairy, okroshka.
3. Meat and poultry: smoked meats, goose, duck, canned food (except dietary), fatty meat, and also rich in connective tissue, with restrictions - lamb, pork.
4. Fish: fatty fish species, canned fish eateries, smoked and salted fish.
5. Dairy products: heavy cream, milk (in kind).
6. Fats: lard, fats - mutton, beef and culinary.
7. Eggs: hard-boiled eggs.
8. Vegetables: radishes, radishes, onions, cucumbers, bell peppers, garlic, rutabaga, mushrooms. Pickled, salted and pickled vegetables, as well as raw non-mashed vegetables.
9. Cereals: legumes, with restrictions - corn, barley, pearl barley and millet.
10. Snacks: canned food, smoked meats, excessively fatty or spicy snacks.
11. Berries and fruits, sweets and sweet dishes: ice cream, figs, chocolate and cream products, dates, berries with small coarse grains - red currants, raspberries, with rough skin - black currants, gooseberries, as well as fresh (raw) fruits and berries containing coarse fibers.
12. Drinks: kvass, grape juice.
13. Spices and sauces: spicy and fatty sauces, mustard, horseradish, hot pepper.

Diet number 2 - examples of the menu


Breakfast (first): semolina pudding, soft-boiled egg, coffee with cream.
Breakfast (second): fruit jelly.
Lunch: beef broth noodle soup, boiled meat, sour cream sauce, mashed potatoes, berry jelly.

Snack: broth of wild rose.

Dinner: cottage cheese with sour cream, compote.

At night: kefir.


Breakfast (first): mashed potatoes, butter, herring, tea.

Breakfast (second): a rosehip broth.

Lunch: borsch with meatballs, potato casserole with meat, tomato juice.

Snack: baked apple

Dinner: lazy curd dumplings, sour cream, honey tea.

At night: yogurt.


Breakfast (first): rice pudding, sour cream, tea with lemon (or cocoa).

Breakfast (second): blueberry jelly

Lunch: potato soup with chicken broth, meatballs with noodles (baked in sour cream), fruit and berry compote.

Snack: baked apples.

Dinner: potatoes with boiled fish, cocoa.

At night: kefir.


Breakfast (first): steam omelet, pasta with cheese, low-fat ham, coffee in milk.

Breakfast (second): baked apple.

Lunch: mashed soup of rice and carrots with croutons (on meat broth), loose buckwheat porridge with meat steam cutlets, jelly.

Snack: jelly from rose hips.

Dinner: fried fish, potato souffle with sour cream, compote.

At night: yogurt.


Breakfast (first): boiled rice, butter, fish stewed in sour cream, coffee in milk.

Breakfast (second): baked apples.

Lunch: pickle (on meat broth), fried chicken meatballs, white sauce, boiled vermicelli, tea with blackcurrant fruits.

Snack: orange juice (diluted with water).

Dinner: buckwheat groats with sour cream and cottage cheese, kissel.

At night: kefir.


Breakfast (first): semolina pudding with butter (in milk), boiled milk sausages or sausage, lemon tea.

Breakfast (second): apple juice (diluted with water).

Lunch: vegetable puree soup (from carrots and cauliflower), casserole from potatoes and boiled meat, compote.

Snack: marshmallows, tea.

Dinner: boiled tongue, mashed potatoes, tomato sauce, tea.

At night: kefir.


Breakfast (first): oatmeal porridge (with milk), soft-boiled egg, cheese, butter, cocoa.

Breakfast (second): berry or fruit mousse.

Lunch: potato soup with noodles and meatballs, baked chicken, white sauce, cauliflower casserole, kissel.

Snack: marmalade.

Dinner: boiled meat, sour cream sauce, boiled rice, butter, rosehip broth.

At night: yogurt.

Diet number 2 - useful tips

You can adhere to a diet for a long time, being at home or for treatment in a hospital. During the exacerbation, in order to unload the stomach and digestive organs, it is recommended to establish a more fractional diet - up to seven to eight times a day in small portions.


Miracle 03/22/2016
I was also inspired by this diet! I also have gastritis ... And I want to lose weight by the summer. So, just the other day I’ll start the procedure itself. I read reviews on it, very positive. And judging by the diet, this can be seen. And vitamins are present, and everything else.

Irina 03/22/2016
Yeah, but on Wednesday there’s also a blueberry kissel))) Eating, not a diet. And chicken cutlets ... in general, you can sit down bravely, and not be afraid of any breakdowns. I, at least, am confident for myself. And didn’t withstand such diets when she lost weight! So that…

Tanya 03/22/2016
Very nutritious diet. I, I think, will do. Just lose weight a bit)) In this diet, many foods are allowed and you will not have to suffer from hunger. I have on this account, there is no willpower)) The only thing is, I definitely won’t drink kefir, and that won’t make me anything.

Yana 03/22/2016
My brother is pricking. Urgently need to put him on this diet. I do not know how his wife will force him to eat semolina))) But, something must be done! especially since this is not such a hungry diet, and there is meat, and the soup out, with meatballs)) It was decided in general.


Watch the video: Everything You Need to Know About the Keto Diet (July 2024).