French fries with mushrooms in the oven - there is no limit to delight! Oven recipes in French style with mushrooms in the oven


Potato is the most beloved vegetable by the Slavs, but for some reason the French are especially partial to it.

They were the first to bake tubers with mushrooms under mayonnaise.

And now there are a lot of variations popular dish.

French fries with mushrooms in the oven are cooked not only on holidays, but also on weekdays.

The dish is really universal, easy to prepare and it always turns out to be excellent.

Will we cook?

French fries with mushrooms in the oven - general cooking principles

Any tubers are used for the dish: young, old, small, large. Potatoes cleaned, cut into slices, circles, slices, sprinkled with spices, herbs and spread in a prepared form.

Mushrooms for the dish use fresh, sometimes pickled. They can be fried a little in advance with oil to give the dish a brighter taste and get rid of a large amount of liquid in the product.

What else can be added to the dish:

• various vegetables: onions, garlic, tomatoes, eggplant;

• fruits: apples, pineapples, prunes, dried apricots;

• meat and poultry, in pieces or in the form of minced meat;

• spices, sauces.

Dish always seasoned with mayonnaiseand sprinkled with grated top cheese. You can take any variety. Ideally, parmesan is used, but you can take a regular solid product.

All products are laid out in layers, the sequence is usually indicated in the recipe. But sometimes chopped ingredients are simply mixed with cheese. Bake the dish in the oven, the optimum temperature is from 180 to 200 degrees.

Recipe 1: Classic French Fries with Oven Mushrooms

Vegetable dish with golden cheese crust. We take any mushrooms, but it is more convenient to cook with greenhouse champignons or oyster mushrooms, as they do not require preliminary boiling.


• 8 potatoes;

• 300 grams of mushrooms;

• 1-2 bulbs;

• 250 grams of mayonnaise;

• 300 grams of cheese;

• pepper and salt;

• 30 grams of oil.


1. Immediately turn on the oven, set 180 degrees.

2. Cut the mushrooms into slices, fry for 5 minutes in a pan. We make a big fire to make them brown.

3. Peel the onions and potatoes. Chop vegetables. Onions in half rings, root crops with plates no thicker than 3 mm.

4. Put in a greased form half of the potatoes, then onions, mushrooms on top and again the potatoes. Salt each layer, sprinkle with pepper.

5. Lubricate the top with mayonnaise, sprinkle with cheese.

6. We send the dish to bake. Time from 40 to 60 minutes, depends on the thickness of the layers and the size of the pieces.

Recipe 2: French fries with mushrooms and pork in the oven

For such French-style potatoes with mushrooms in the oven, you need a good piece of tenderloin, you can take it with fat. We use pickled mushrooms.


• 700 grams of pork;

• 800 grams of potatoes;

• 2 onions;

• 1 jar of pickled mushrooms;

• 300 grams of mayonnaise;

• spices;

• 200 grams of cheese.


1. Cut the pork into slices, a thickness of about 1.5 centimeters. Lightly beat off with a hammer, sprinkle with salt, spices and leave to marinate for a while.

2. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices. Shred the onion.

3. Drain the marinade from the mushrooms, if necessary, rinse, cut arbitrarily, but not coarsely.

4. Put a layer of pork on the bottom of the baking sheet, grease the slices with mayonnaise.

5. Sprinkle with chopped onions, then spread the pickled mushrooms.

6. We lay out a layer of potatoes, salt, pour with mayonnaise and send to the oven for 30 minutes at 180 ° C.

7. We take out the baking sheet, fill it with grated cheese and set for another 20-30 minutes. As soon as the dish is well fried, the pieces will be easily pierced, can be removed.

Recipe 3: French fries with mushrooms and chicken in the oven

Chicken is an ideal supplement for potatoes and mushrooms. Therefore, the French could not pass by it and often a popular dish is cooked with a bird. You can use any pieces: legs, wings, breast, but it is desirable that they be the same size.


• 500 grams of chicken;

• 500 grams of potatoes;

• 400 grams of champignons;

• 150 grams of cheese;

• 250 grams of mayonnaise;

• spices.


1. Cut the potatoes in neat circles, add and pepper. We spread on the greased baking sheet in an even layer.

2. Cut the chicken into pieces, season with spices and put on top of the potatoes.

3. Chop the mushrooms with plates, lightly fry in a pan with a drop of oil and put on top of the chicken. Mushrooms can be laid in raw form, but with preliminary roasting, the dish turns out to be much more aromatic.

4. Pour the whole dish with mayonnaise, level the sauce with a spoon, fill it with cheese on top and send to the oven.

5. It takes about 50 minutes to cook at 200 degrees.

Recipe 4: French fries with mushrooms and an apple in the oven

Unusual french fries recipe with mushrooms. You can cook both in the oven and in the microwave. We use apple green. We don’t put a lot of mayonnaise, since raw mushrooms during cooking will give off a lot of juice.


• 500 grams of potatoes;

• 300 grams of champignons;

• 200 grams of cheese;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• 1 apple;

• salt, nutmeg;

• butter, mayonnaise.


1. Cut into pieces peeled potatoes, salt, add a little nutmeg, mix.

2. Wash the mushrooms, dry, cut into slices.

3. Peel the apple, cut into thin plates, discard the core.

4. Stir the potatoes with apple, mushrooms, add 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise (not much needed) and chopped garlic. You can pepper, if necessary, add salt (do not forget that the potatoes have already been salted).

5. Lubricate the form, spread all the ingredients, level and clean for 20 minutes in the oven.

6. We get, grease the top with a spoon of mayonnaise, sprinkle with cheese and fry the dish until golden brown.

Recipe 5: French fries with mushrooms and minced meat in the oven

To prepare this dish you will need any minced meat, but preferably not very fatty. You can take a mixture of beef with pork or chicken. Stuffing can be purchased or at home.


• 500 grams of minced meat;

• 150 grams of onions;

• 200 grams of mushrooms;

• 1 kg of potatoes;

• spices;

• 5 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• 200 grams of cheese.


1. Mushrooms cut into cubes, fry in a pan for 2-3 minutes.

2. Peel the tubers and cut into even circles. Spread exactly half on a baking sheet.

3. Shred the onion, combine with minced meat, salt and pepper. Spread on top of the potatoes.

4. Top with a layer of potato again, salt, pepper. Sprinkle with fried mushrooms.

5. We make a net of mayonnaise on mushrooms.

6. Three large cheese, we fall asleep a dish and can be sent to the oven! Cook for 50 minutes at 180 degrees.

Recipe 6: French fries with mushrooms and tomatoes in the oven

A recipe for a very juicy French dish that needs ripe but hard tomatoes.


• 400 grams of mushrooms;

• 700 grams of potatoes;

• 4 tomatoes;

• 150 grams of mayonnaise;

• 2 onions;

• spices;

• 200 grams of cheese.


1. We cut the mushrooms with plates, lightly fry them in a pan.

2. Cut the potatoes into slices, put on a baking sheet, sprinkle with spices.

3. Onion shred in half rings, sprinkle potatoes.

4. Stack the fried mushrooms on top.

5. Tomatoes cut into neat circles of 3 millimeters. We spread in one layer on top of the mushrooms.

6. Pour the vegetables on top with mayonnaise. You can add a little garlic to it.

7. We fill everything with cheese and bake at 180 until completely cooked and a delicious crust appears on the dish.

Recipe 7: French fries with mushrooms and pineapple in the oven

The French are preparing this dish with a fresh announcement, but we will use a more affordable canned product. You can take rings or immediately cut pieces in syrup.


• 800 grams of potatoes;

• 300 mushrooms;

• 200 grams of pineapple;

• 120 grams of mayonnaise;

• 2 onions;

• vinegar, spices, oil;

• 150 grams of cheese.


1. First, pickle the onions in vinegar. To do this, cut it into thin rings and fill it with well acidified water. Leave for a while.

2. Mushrooms cut into thin plates, sprinkled with spices.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut into thin slices, like mushrooms. Add salt, pepper, a spoonful of mayonnaise to it and mix well in a cup.

4. Pineapple needs to be cut into small cubes.

5. Put the potatoes in a greased form.

6. Squeeze the onion from the marinade and spread it in the next layer.

7. Mushrooms are mixed with pineapple slices, send the next layer into the mold.

8. Pour the dish with a thin mesh of mayonnaise. Cover the form with a layer of foil and remove for 20 minutes in the oven. This technique will not allow juices to evaporate, the dish will not be dry.

9. We get it, fill it with cheese and bake until tender, about another half hour.

Recipe 8: French fries with mushrooms and bacon in the oven

For this dish you can use salted or smoked bacon. It turns out delicious in any case. From mushrooms we take champignons.


• 1 kg of potatoes;

• 500 grams of champignons;

• 200 grams of bacon;

• 1 onion;

• 150 grams of mayonnaise;

• 1 bunch of green onions;

• oil, spices.


1. Pour a little oil into the pan, turn on a large fire and fry the cut mushrooms. It is necessary to evaporate all the liquid from them, a few minutes are enough.

2. Dice bacon, mix with chopped green onions and mushrooms.

3. Cut the peeled potatoes into slices, combine with shredded onions.

4. Half the mayonnaise. One part is sent to the mushrooms, the second to the potato mass. Season with spices and mix.

5. We spread the potato layer on the greased baking sheet, then the mushroom layer.

6. Pour cheese and into the oven! We bake until cooked at 180 degrees, at the end the temperature can be added so that the cheese crust is fried.

French fries with mushrooms in the oven - useful tips and tricks

• If the cheese crust began to burn, and the dish is still raw, then you can resort to some tricks. For example, grease the top with a new layer of sour cream or mayonnaise. You can cover the form with foil or parchment. Or just fill it up with cheese again and the fried layer will be less vulnerable.

• If meat is added to the dish, it is better to marinate it in advance. This will positively affect the taste, and speed up the cooking time.

• To make a beautiful cheese crust on a French dish, you can turn on the grill. He is in many electric ovens.

• There are varieties of potatoes that take a very long time to cook and are completely unsuitable for baking in the oven. If the tubers are boiled for a long time in soup or just in water, then it is better not to use them, otherwise the dishes will not wait.

• Despite the fact that the French always cook a dish with mayonnaise, it can be replaced with less fatty sauces. Cream, sour cream are ideally combined with potatoes. You can add a slice of melted butter and the dish will get a special taste.


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