White, brown, red, black rice: benefit and harm, caloric content of unique cereal. All about the benefits and dangers of rice for the body


Rice is not accidentally called the gift of the gods.

The oldest cereal culture is known in the East for more than four thousand years.

The Europeans met her not so long ago, but already managed to appreciate the useful properties of unique grains.

Rice: composition, calorie, types, as used

There are many varieties of rice: indica, basmati, japanese, arborio, krasnodar, wild. All of these are very close relatives, who have many similarities. However, in appearance and composition, and in food properties, existing rice varieties do differ.

Rice grains contain almost no salt, hence the clear and successfully used in medicine, the benefits of rice for "cores" and people with renal problems. Grain contains eight grams of protein, seven grams of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, and up to ninety grams of “long,” that is, complex carbohydrates.

As part of the rice grain, scientists have found:

• rich vitamin complex (almost the entire group B, vitamin K, PP, H, E);

• approximately forty micro and macro elements (boron, calcium, silicon, iodine, copper, iron, nickel, phosphorus, chlorine, zinc, potassium, fluorine, sulfur, etc);

• several essential amino acids that are not produced by the human body (for example, tryptophan);

• lecithin;

• plant fiber and active biological compounds.

But there is practically no fiber in rice. Brown rice is the largest quantity (4–4.5 percent). In white rice, fiber is no more than three percent. There is a lot of starch in this product (more than 55 g).

By way of processing rice can be ground, steamed, crushed. The usual white product, ground or steamed, is more usual for the Russian table. Steamed rice is more useful due to the fact that after processing its shell gives almost all its benefit to the grain. But nevertheless, the useful properties of white rice are quite inferior to more rude, brutal relatives - brown, red, black rice.

Porridge is cooked from rice, pilaf, paella, puddings, rolls, tortillas are prepared, used in salads. The caloric content of rice is quite high, as in any cereal culture (from 300 to 370 kcal dry), therefore, it is not worth it to abuse rice products for those who monitor the weight. Nutritionists recommend eating rice-based meals once or twice a week, not exceeding two hundred grams per serving.

Rice: what is the benefit for the body?

The beneficial properties of rice are explained by the presence of amino acids and vitamins. Due to amino acids, the body builds up muscle tissue, produces antibodies and hormones, ensures the functioning of the brain, heart, lung and nervous system. With a sufficient amount of amino acids, hair, skin, and eyesight will preserve youth and strength for a long time.

The health benefits of rice are as follows:

• due to the excellent enveloping properties of porridge or decoction is useful to take in the presence of inflammatory processes in the intestines, stomach, gastritis and ulcers;

• rice perfectly removes toxins from the digestive system, and therefore is indicated for food poisoning. A clean intestine with healthy microflora is the main condition for strong immunity;

• high potassium content strengthens the heart muscle, and also contributes to the evacuation of excess fluid and salt, which has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels;

• vitamins strengthen not only the heart, but also blood vessels, give energy;

• due to lecithin, tryptophan and B vitamins, rice products strengthen nerves, normalize metabolic processes in the nervous tissue;

• because of the successful combination of amino acids and vitamins, rice is useful for the body in terms of its ability to prevent senile dementia, Parkinson's disease, and normalize brain activity;

• rice not only cleanses the intestines, but also alkalizes the blood. Together with vitamin saturation, these properties of cereal create a convincing anti-cancer effect.

Absorbent properties of rice are well studied. However, you need to know that rice water not only stops intestinal upset, but also contributes to the evacuation of sputum from the lungs, and therefore recommended in the diet of patients with bronchial asthma, bronchitis.

A decoction of rice is also useful in cases of catarrhal nature, sore throat, flu, pneumonia. The sweating, antipyretic properties of the decoction will facilitate the patient's condition, and help relieve fever and pain.

In the presence of intestinal ulcers, you can not only take rice broth inside, but also make enemas with it. Healing fluid speeds up the healing of ulcers.

Rice taken regularly in small amounts is good for people who are involved in hard physical work. In the summer, a rice dish reduces thirst.

Pregnant and lactating women can useless rice dishes without fear. The benefits of rice for a woman’s body are that it has a good effect on the intrauterine development of the baby, contributes to the formation of strong immunity of the baby, improves the quality of breast milk.

Brown rice - good

The nutritional value of brown rice is higher than traditional white grain. When processing, only the husk is removed, due to which more nutrients and useful substances are preserved. The composition of brown rice is richer, and it contains more amino acids.

Brown rice contains gamma-oryzanol. This substance reduces the level of harmful fats (triglycerides) in the blood, has powerful antioxidant properties and minimizes damage from solar ultraviolet radiation.

Rice, consumed without salt as a therapeutic product, perfectly removes excess fluid from the body, normalizes water balance, helps to get rid of puffiness, reduces high blood pressure. Brown rice is best suited for these purposes due to the richer mineral content.

It is this variety of rice that is recommended. include in the diet of people weakened after severe illness. The product improves sleep, positively affects the nervous system, reduces the risk of atrophy of muscle tissue. It is brown rice that is able to return attractiveness to a woman: to even out her complexion, strengthen and make her hair shine again.

Brown rice is good for health in the presence of a number of serious diseases, as well as a preventive food:

• cleans blood vessels;

• removes radionuclides, toxins, slags;

• restores the function of the endocrine system;

• normalizes lipid, carbohydrate metabolism and cholesterol levels;

• prevents the appearance of diabetes;

• improves digestion, reduces the increased acidity of the stomach.

Brown rice is more beneficial to the body than white. It must be consumed on a regular basis, especially if there are problems with the stomach, intestines and heart.

Red rice - good

With red rice is not so simple. First of all, because under this name hides not one, but two completely different cereals. The first is a close relative of wild brown rice. It has an initially reddish color, distinct nutty flavor and smell.

The second is fermented white rice, processed using yeast-like fungi Monascus. It is they who give white rice a rich red color. Such a cereal is used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is very good as a remedy, normalizing cholesterol metabolism and preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Wild red rice is also useful due to the preserved shell containing all the beneficial substances: protein, vitamins, amino acids, valuable minerals. The health benefits of rice are no less than in rice crops of a different color. Magnesium relieves asthma and migraine, reduces pressure. In combination with calcium, it is the prevention of arthritis and osteoporosis, improves the condition of rheumatism and joint diseases.

Red rice grain gets thanks to paration. These substances have a beneficial effect on the skin: level skin wrinkles (wrinkles), increase the elasticity of the dermis, reduce the number of pigment spots.

High iron content in red rice is indicated for anemia. Antioxidant saturation reduces the risk of developing bowel and breast cancer. Red rice also benefits the body because it is highly saturated. In part, it can replace meat in the diet, which is especially important for people with intolerance to animal products.

It is the red rice grain variety that has the lowest glycemic index, and therefore is quite suitable for diabetics.

Brown rice - good

Brown rice contains fiber, which is almost completely absent in the white grain. It has much more vitamins of group B (twice), and tocopherol, or vitamin E, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus more than three times. Surpasses the brown rice of its "white relative" and the content of selenium, zinc.

The health benefits of brown rice are as follows:

• opposes gastritis and ulcers;

• unlike the white variety, it does not cause constipation;

• improves blood circulation;

• relieves insomnia;

• restores water balance;

• reduces blood sugar levels;

• stimulates brain activity;

• strengthens the immune system;

• minimizes the effects of stress.

The beneficial properties of brown rice can be used more actively to feed patients with hypertension, diabetes, gastritis, ulcers. The inclusion of a unique cereal in the diet is indicated for depression, neurosis, skin diseases.

Black rice - good

No less useful for the body of black rice. In fact, it has very little to do with white rice, the calorie content of this cereal is only one hundred kilocalories. Wild rice is a champion in fiber, it has a lot of B vitamins, folic acid, minerals, orinazole. This makes the product very useful for the female body. What is the health benefits of rice?

• Strengthens the activity of the nervous system.

• Relieves menopause.

• It is an excellent prevention of early aging, the development of cancer and heart disease.

• Interferes with pathological changes in DNA.

• Indispensable for exhaustion, anemia, in the period of postoperative recovery.

The content of antioxidants, black rice is comparable to red grapes, blueberries, strawberries, red cabbage, red orange and onions, natural red wine.

Rice: what is the harm to health?

The harm of rice to health is very limited. Boiled cereal can harm only in three cases:

1. there is an allergy to this product;

2. too strongly manifested fixing properties;

3. A large amount of carbohydrates can contribute to the development of diabetes.

The last two points are especially dangerous. The harm of rice as a fixing product can manifest itself in the form of hemorrhoids, the formation of cracks in the colon, and chronic constipation. With a tendency to constipation, rice is unlikely to benefit, but it will add problems.

With diabetes or tendencies to it the use of white polished rice should be limited or excluded. As for the wild unpolished varieties, the harm of black, brown, and red rice is doubtful. This product is recommended for diagnosed diabetes of the first and second type, although the use of this product should be coordinated with your doctor.

Due to the high caloric content of rice can contribute to weight gain. White refined cereal, which contains a lot of starch, is especially dangerous in this sense.

Refined and unpolished rice sometimes have a set of opposing qualities. So, if the harm of white rice is manifested in its ability to provoke the development of atherosclerosis, diabetes, then brown rice is useful as prevention of these diseases.

However, do not consider wild varieties completely safe food. Overuse of brown rice can lead to bloating, colic, and other troubles. Abuse of black rice is fraught with irritation of the intestines and gastric mucosa.

Too frequent use of rice, for example, in the form of pilau, reduces sexual function in the body of men. Therefore, it is better not to eat rice dishes more than three times a week.

Rice for children: good or bad

The benefits of rice for children's body is great. It is no coincidence that rice porridge is ideal for the first meal. There is no gluten in rice grain, and this is its main advantage compared to other cereals. Gluten is the cause of most childhood allergies.

The benefits of rice for the body of the baby is that it is well nourished, energizing, does not injure the intestinal mucosa and stomach, preventing colic. Calorie rice in boiled form is low (about 115 kilocalories), so even overweight guys a plate or another rice porridge a week will not hurt.

Experienced mothers use the beneficial properties of rice if the child has an upset chair. Rice decoction will naturally stop diarrhea, will lead to intestinal microflora.


Watch the video: White vs. Brown Rice: What is Healthier? (July 2024).