Jerusalem artichoke: what benefit and harm the root crop hides in itself. Is a vegetable useful for the child’s body, all about the calorie content of Jerusalem artichoke


Jerusalem artichoke, also a "sunny root", "earthen pear" is a fairly tall plant resembling a sunflower.

For food, its root, resembling ginger, is used.

The root crop does not belong to agricultural crops, but those who are aware of all the beneficial properties and healing abilities of Jerusalem artichoke cultivate it in their own homeland.

Jerusalem artichoke: composition, calorie content, as used

Jerusalem artichoke, whose beneficial properties are still being studied, striking in its unique composition. It surpasses in its properties and composition the cultures of the autumn - winter season known and familiar to all. Tubers are rich in those elements that the human body so needs.

There are no cholesterol and fats in it, in 100g only:

• 81 g of water;

• 1, 1 g of ash;

• 0.1 g of pectins;

• 3 grams of protein;

• 0.8 g of fiber;

• 15 grams of carbohydrates.

In Jerusalem artichoke there are vitamins:

• 20 grams of ascorbic acid (vitamin C);

• 0.24 g of thiamine (vitamin B1);

• 0.5 gr riboflavin (vitamin B2);

• 1 μg of folic acid (vitamin B9);

• 0.3 mcg of niacin (vitamin PP);

• 0.03 μg pyridoxine (vitamin B6);

• 0.1 mg pantothenic acid (vitamin B5).

From micro - and - macro elements are present:

• 280 mg of potassium;

• 180 mg of iron;

• 3.4 mg of sodium;

• 16 mg of calcium;

• 6 mg of magnesium.

The root crop belongs to moderately high-calorie vegetables. The calorie content of Jerusalem artichoke is about 73 kcal per 100 g.

A wide range of its positive properties makes it possible to use Jerusalem artichoke in cosmetology, medicine and cooking.

Use in cosmetology. Each woman can feel its effect, if one of the ingredients of creams, masks is Jerusalem artichoke. It easily fights small wrinkles, reduces inflammation, soothes irritated skin, and prevents the formation of acne. Such an effect on the skin is possible due to silicon, copper, zinc and sulfur in its composition.

Cooking Application. Vegetable can be safely used in fresh, boiled, stewed, fried types. Soups, jams, salads, casseroles, side dishes, tea, compote, coffee and other drinks are prepared from it. Dried root vegetables are added to baking so that it remains lush longer and does not stale. Often used in canning.

Use in medicine. For prophylactic and therapeutic purposes, Jerusalem artichoke is recommended to be included in the diet, if diagnosed:

- malignant neoplasm;

- anemia;

- a heart attack;

- stroke;

- atherosclerosis;

- urolithiasis;

- cystitis;

- gout;

- polyarthritis;

- diabetes;

- intoxication;

- violations in the digestive tract.

This vegetable is good for everyone. The healing properties of earthen pears are also widely used in alternative medicine. Decoctions, infusions, teas, tinctures, syrups, powders, juice, kvass, baths help to cope with many diseases and improve the general condition.

Technical use. Valuable and useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke make it possible to use it not only as a feed, but also as a technical culture. Its stems and leaves are not badly silted. They are collected in mid-autumn and used in hunting farms for feeding wild animals. Often a plant is planted in summer cottages as a feed protection strip.

To maximize the benefits of Jerusalem artichoke, and harm, on the contrary, minimal, do not forget that the root crop shows all its useful properties when storage conditions were met.

Its quality is directly related to the condition of the peel. If, when buying it, spots, scratches, wrinkles, softness were found on it, then you should refuse to buy. Even slight damage to its surface will lead to the rapid disappearance of the root crop.

Jerusalem artichoke: what are the benefits for the body

On an immense territory of our country, a Jerusalem artichoke plant, surprising in its useful properties, is growing. Recently, gardeners, culinary specialists, and doctors have undeservedly forgotten about him.

Meanwhile, its benefits to the body are:

• In the removal of toxins, toxins, radionuclides, salts of heavy metals.

• Stabilization of the heart and vascular strengthening. It is an effective natural likeness of potassium - magnesium preparations sold in a pharmacy.

• Normalizes blood pressure. Its tubers are recommended for use in atherosclerosis, hypertension, and tachycardia.

• Restores intestinal microflora, which is important for dysbiosis.

• Protects the liver from the effects of pathogenic bacteria, germs, negative environmental factors. Preparations based on this vegetable show a good result in the treatment of cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, alcohol and toxic intoxication.

• Sugar is normal.

• Relieves swelling of renal or cardiac origin.

• Destroys and removes kidney stones.

• Relieves foci of inflammation that are localized in the digestive organs. With it, you can get rid of constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea.

• Stimulates the regeneration process in the skin.

• Lowers cholesterol.

• Reduces blood viscosity, improves fluidity.

• Prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels.

• Strengthens the body's immune defenses.

• Being in the composition of silicon helps to absorb calcium. This silicon action is beneficial for the skeletal system, teeth, nails and hair.

• Restores the balance of salt and water in the body, prevents the deposition of salts.

• Used in the fight against cancer.

• Participates in the synthesis of collagen found in all connective tissues.

• Increases physical stamina, restores strength.

• Has an antidepressant effect on the nervous system. Drinking a glass of juice before bedtime provides a good and sound sleep.

A positive effect of Jerusalem artichoke on health is achieved due to the fact that it has the following properties:

• sedative;

• choleretic and diuretic;

• antioxidant;

• anti-inflammatory;

• immunomodulatory and general strengthening;

• antibacterial and antiviral;

• regenerative and wound healing;

• hemostatic;

• anti-sclerotic;

• painkillers.

Showing its medicinal properties, the root crop has a complex effect on the whole organism. It gives everyone the opportunity to feel better and much healthier.

Jerusalem artichoke: what is the harm to health

If we compare the benefits of Jerusalem artichoke for the body with its harm, then its negative impact is minimal. Before deciding to eliminate health problems, it is important to know the possible consequences of its use:

Intolerance to one of its components. If you have never tried this vegetable before, you should start with a small portion. If the body has not shown any reaction, you can safely use it for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes.

• In rare cases, Jerusalem artichoke may cause intestinal discomfortprovoke the formation of gases. The reason for this process is the release of undigested inulin from the body. Do not eat Jerusalem artichoke raw to those who suffer from flatulence. A boiled, stewed baked vegetable in combination with seasonings, on the contrary, will not provoke gas formation.

No need to become a "fan", putting in the first place the presence of this root crop in your diet. After all, only a balanced and competent combination of various products will have a beneficial effect on the whole body.

Jerusalem artichoke for children: useful or harmful

Studies by doctors have once again confirmed the benefits of Jerusalem artichoke for any person, including a child. Unformed child's body vegetable

• protects against infectious, viral diseases by strengthening its immunity;

• increases appetite;

• stimulates digestion;

• improves hemoglobin index;

• normalizes microflora, relieves bloating, colic, pain, diarrhea;

• facilitates the work of the kidneys, removing and removing excess salts and fluids;

• normalizes the development and growth of the child in accordance with his age.

There is one slight limitation in the use of vegetables by children. Its raw children under 5 years old should not be offered. A child’s fragile stomach digests it heavily, and the assimilation process is slow. In boiled, stewed form, the tubers retain all the beneficial properties and do not harm the children's body. In this form, it can be offered to children by the year.

Perhaps the first acquaintance of the baby with the taste of root vegetables will not cause him delight, and in the future the child may even refuse to eat him. But there are many ways to introduce this root crop into the diet of a child. For kids, you can cook soup - puree, for older children - salad, candied fruit or scrambled eggs.

Jerusalem artichoke and carrot salad. Required: 200g each of vegetables, onions and herbs. As a dressing, you can take vegetable oil, sour cream with low fat content, yogurt. Rinse vegetables well, grate, add greens, pour dressing.

Omelette. For cooking, you will need: 600g of root vegetables, 100g of ground wheat, eggs - 2pcs, vegetable oil, salt and pepper. The vegetable is cut into circles, cooked in slightly salted water. Wheat is mixed with salt, pepper. Squirrels and yolks are whipped separately. Then mix the yolks with wheat, and finely chop the cooked vegetable and add to the wheat, then pour in the whipped whites. Omelet is fried on both sides.

Puree soup. According to the recipe, you need to take: 500g of Jerusalem artichoke, onions, 30g of butter, 3st of broth, sour cream or cream, 4st l of flour, herbs, seasonings.

The root crop is cut into circles, fried in oil along with onions. Vegetables are put in the broth and cooked for 15 minutes. Separately mixed with flour 0.5 st. Broth. Cream, flour sauce, spices are added to the finished soup and 5min are still boiled. Decorate the ready-made soup with herbs.

All dishes are dietary, they are easily absorbed by the child’s body, they are prepared quickly, easily, children will like them, and most importantly they will be useful.


Watch the video: 5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Jerusalem ArtichokeSunchoke (July 2024).