Gardnerellosis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Gardnerellosis or bacterial vaginosis, is nothing more than an imbalance of the vaginal microflora, in which the number of opportunistic microorganisms that contribute to inflammatory processes increases, and the number of lactobacilli gradually decreases. Uncontrolled reproduction of the bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis occurs, which peacefully exists in the normal microflora on the mucous membranes of the vagina of most women.

Gardnerellosis - causes

The causes of gardnerellosis can be:

* wearing tight-fitting synthetic trousers or synthetic underwear;

* abuse of tampons or daily pads;

* chlorine-containing douching or prolonged use of antibiotics that kill beneficial dairy bacteria;

* Frequent douching, which women often resort to when symptoms of bacterial vaginosis occur - an unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge, linking them with insufficient hygiene. While such douching exacerbates gardnerellosis even more;

* chronic intestinal diseases causing dysbiosis, as milk bacteria come with food and live in the intestines;

* improper nutrition, in which there is a lack of dairy bacteria due to a lack of dairy products;

* immunodeficiency, in which the immune system is not able to independently cope with violations in the body;

* hormonal disorders associated with puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, frequent use of contraceptives;

* a large number of sexual partners;

* polyps of hymen, foreign bodies in the vagina;

* therapy with antibiotics, corticosteroids, cytostatics, antifungal drugs, radiation therapy;

* use of condoms with a lubricant containing nonoxynol-9 and an intrauterine device.

Gardnerellosis - symptoms

The main and most often the only symptom of gardnerellosis is frequent troubling pain. In addition, it can be manifested by vaginal discharge - yellowish, greenish, transparent and white. With the further development of inflammatory processes, an unpleasant vaginal odor, pain, burning and itching in the genitals, as well as dryness and pain during sexual intercourse, may appear. Running gardnerellosis causes inflammation of the vagina and cervix.

Gardnerellosis - diagnosis

Examination of a woman begins with a thorough questioning and detailed awareness of the first signs and the onset of the disease.

During the examination, attention is drawn to the condition of the external genitalia, the holes of the urethra, cervix, mucous membrane, and the nature of the discharge. Which with gardnerellosis are usually homogeneous, plentiful, with a pungent smell of "stale fish."

The laboratory method includes microscopy of vaginal smears from the posterior fornix, stained by Gram. To detect the microorganisms Mobiluncus spp, microscopy of native wet swabs under immersion is performed. Different morphotypes of microorganisms are also evaluated - sticks, vibrios, cocci, filiform, as well as their gram belonging, the number of leukocytes and "key" cells.

Gardnerellosis - treatment

The generally accepted treatment of gardnerellosis is a two-stage method based on the creation of physiologically optimal conditions of the vaginal environment and the subsequent restoration of microbiocenosis. At the initial stage, local antibacterial therapy is carried out - vaginal cream metronidazole, chlorhexidine, etc., to reduce the pH, lactic acid, immunocorrectors, estrogens, prostaglandins, inhibitors and antihistamines are prescribed. For the presence of burning, itching and pain, local anesthetics are used.

The second stage is the use of bacterial preparations - acetophilic lactobacilli, acylact, bifidin, bifidobacterium bifidum.

Preventive procedures come down to the rejection of contraceptives containing nonoxynol-9 and douching, as well as ensuring a healthy sleep, proper nutrition, absence of stressful situations, hypothermia, wearing cotton underwear.


Watch the video: Bacterial vaginitis treatments and symptoms - Dr. Jennifer Wu (June 2024).