Scientists do not recommend skim milk to children


Skim milk is contraindicated for young children, in any case, you can use it no earlier than five years of age. So say American pediatricians from the University of Virginia, and their opinion contradicts the recommendations that have so far been given to parents. In fact, skim milk does not at all help maintain the weight of children in the norm, as many experts in different countries believe, and even vice versa: regular consumption of such milk often leads to the fact that by the age of four children become obese.

Scientists discovered this pattern in a two-year study. At the beginning, there was a survey of 11 thousand parents about which milk - fat, low-fat or non-fat - their children drank at the age of two and four. The weight of children was measured at two years, and then at four.

It turned out the following: if skim milk was present in the children's diet, they often gained excess weight. In percentage terms, this amounted to 57%.

This paradox is explained by the fact that the fat contained in milk allows you to feel full for a long time. As a result, children eat less often other, often unhealthy foods, and the risk of obesity is thereby reduced.

British doctors also do not recommend parents to drink skim milk and milk with 1% fat content for children under 5 years old. They explain this by the fact that for development, babies need additional energy, the source of which can be, among other things, dairy products with a high fat content.


Watch the video: Skim Milk May Not Do a Kid's Body Better (July 2024).