Healing a crack on the heel at home - effective! Causes of cracking on the heels and their treatment at home


Cracks in the heels - a painful phenomenon that causes great discomfort.

Cracks are a complete or partial violation of the skin on the feet.

Despite the fact that this is a fairly common phenomenon, it is more often observed nevertheless in women, and in men much less often.

Many believe that the disease bothers us only after reaching a certain age.

However, this is an erroneous opinion, since they can appear even among young people.

Cracks cause great inconvenience, so people are ready to go even extreme measures to get rid of them.

Cracks in the heel: causes

The appearance of cracks on the heels is due to many different reasons that violate the elasticity of the skin. Some of the most common causes of cracking on the heels:

• Serious skin disease, such as dermatitis.

• Wearing substandard or uncomfortable shoes.

• Socks and tights made of synthetic materials.

• Violation of the blood circulation of the foot due to tight shoes, which leads to a decrease in blood flow, as a result, the elasticity of the skin of the foot is violated, and it begins to crack.

• Excess or deficiency of vitamins in the human body.

• The presence of diabetes.

• Dry skin of the feet is also a common cause of cracks in the heels.

An equally common cause of cracking on the heels is the seasonal increase and decrease in air temperature. So, for example, in the warm season, the skin on the feet stretches, due to the secretion secreted by the sweat glands, and when colds occur, the amount of secreted secretion decreases, which causes the skin of the feet to become dry and therefore crack.

Also, the well-known foot care procedure, like peeling, can cause cracks in the heels. Frequent peeling causes a paradoxical coarsening of the skin, although the procedure provides for a completely different result.

Cracks in the heels often occur in women awaiting the appearance of the baby. Basically, such problems appear in the last trimester, the cause is often found in pregnant women, diabetes of pregnant women.

Pregnant Diabetes - This is a transient disease, disappears soon after childbirth, at the same time all problems with the legs disappear. A set of extra pounds can also be the causes of such a pathology. Due to the increased load on the feet, the skin does not withstand and cracks.

A serious chronic disease such as kidney failure can also be complicated by cracks in the heels, and dry skin of the feet.

Heel crack treatment at home: medication

Drug treatment should be prescribed by a dermatologist. Usually, tests are performed before the course of treatment to identify the causes of the disease and establish possible contraindications.

After carrying out all the preliminary procedures, drug treatment is reduced to taking drugs such as Lamisil, Orungal, Nizoral and their analogues.

With the right selection of drugs, the fungus that caused the disease can be completely cured. But these drugs have certain contraindications.

They are not recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The most effective "Orungal" has a rather unpleasant feature, to reduce libido in patients who take it.

Also, a dermatologist can recommend gluing deep cracks with BF 6 medical super glue. This is a very safe and effective method. Super glue is very easy to use. First, you need to wash your feet in warm water and dry them.

Then a few drops of glue are applied to the cracks along the entire length, after a few minutes it dries. The edges of the wound are fixed with glue and do not increase in size. In this case, the bottom of the crack heals much faster.

After applying the glue, no treatment procedures can be performed within one week. After this period, to remove glue and keratinized skin, it is necessary to use the bath. In addition to trays, pumice is used. This procedure must be carried out gradually so as not to damage the skin. Then you can apply a cream with keratolytics (lactic, salicylic and glycolic acid).

Another of the effective methods of medical treatment is the use of creams with phloralizin "Dawn" and "Forest Strength".

Treatment of cracked heels at home with veterinary creams is known from folk recipes.

Creams have a specific smell and a greasy base, but when treating cracks in the heels, they are indispensable, because of the amazing effect.

After completing the course of treatment, to prevent re-infection, it is necessary to purchase new shoes. Or disinfect with old, vinegar or 25 percent formalin solution.

After this, shoes are recommended to be taken out into the fresh air.

It is also necessary to carry out prevention, in the form of regular use of the antifungal ointment "Mifungar".

These methods can be combined with alternative methods, which are also effective in the fight against cracks on the heels. But do not forget about the individual intolerance of the components used in folk methods.

Treatment of a crack on the heel at home: folk remedies

Alternative methods are time-tested and people-tested remedies for treating heel cracks at home. But before choosing one or another method, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of this ailment. There are two main reasons for the appearance of cracks that folk methods struggle with, these are:

1. Fungal diseases. Vinegar is used for treatment.

2. Dry skin of the feet, in this case medicinal herbs, compresses and honey-based products are used.

The most common folk remedies, with the appearance of cracks on the skin of the feet.

1. Honey cake.

For this method, it is necessary to prepare the dough using 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of flour. The resulting mass must be divided into two equal parts. Before going to bed, spread your legs well for 10-15 minutes in hot water, dry them, prepare two cakes from the dough and put on each heel, then wrap with plastic wrap or bandage, put socks on your feet.

When you wake up, you need to remove all this, and wash your feet with warm water and dry.

Cakes can be rolled up into one ball and tidied up, and in the evening use them again. This procedure is performed within one week, after which the problem with cracks will leave you, and your heels will become soft and smooth.

2. Treatment of cracked heel at home with apple cider vinegar.

This method is very common in the fight against cracks caused by dry skin of the feet. Only two ingredients are used - this is water and apple cider vinegar. Must be mixed in equal proportions (1: 1). In the resulting solution, moisten the fabric, and dress her heels overnight, put on top of bags made of polyethylene and socks. The coarsened skin will soften and will be easily cleaned in the morning. After the feet are cleared of rough skin, it is necessary to wash them in warm water and anoint with a nourishing cream.

3. Treatment of cracked heels at home with a cabbage compress.

The method is based on two ingredients - honey and cabbage. Steam your legs well and then dry them. Take honey and grease them with legs, attach a cabbage leaf on top. In order to fix it, you can use a plastic bag and a bandage. In the morning you need to remove everything and wash your feet in warm water, dry well. This method must be carried out for one week.

But do not forget that alternative methods can aggravate the course of the disease. For this reason, before using any folk remedies, you need to consult with doctors.

Heel crack treatment at home: causes of failure

There can be several reasons for the unsuccessful treatment.

The most common and dangerous is self-medication, without consulting a doctor.

At present, when there is a lot of information on the Internet about how and how to treat various diseases, people neglect the help of qualified specialists and begin to treat themselves. This can lead to a complication of the disease, since in most cases, the cause of the cracking is not established, or is not established correctly.

This is especially dangerous if the true cause is a fungal disease, and the methods used will be aimed at softening the skin of the feet, which can lead to an increase in the depth of cracks and infection in them.

Another danger can be the wrong selection of drugs with the medical method of treatment for this disease, or non-compliance with the recommendations of a dermatologist. This reason is very rare and in most cases the fault of the patient.

The under-treatment of the disease and the lack of prevention can also cause the re-development of this disease.

Despite the large number of drugs and methods for treating heel cracks at home, it is easier to prevent this disease than to treat it.

Perform regular cosmetic care of your feet, steam out the skin of your feet and treat it with pumice.

To improve blood circulation and elasticity of the skin of the feet, you can massage them.

The biggest load falls on our feet, so you need to love them and take care of them in a timely manner.


Watch the video: "The Toe Bro" Reveals His Secret to Treat Dry Feet and Cracked Heels (July 2024).