5 eating habits that you need to get rid of to lose weight


What prevents us from staying slim and healthy? Bad eating habits, experts say. Almost all of us make certain mistakes in our diet. Here are the most harmful of them:

Food in front of the TV. Anyone who combines a meal with a TV is not aware of all the negative consequences of this. Meanwhile, the feeling of fullness in front of the screen slows down, as a result, a person eats more by an average of 300-350 calories. Moreover, food is poorly chewed, and this leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Skipping meals. The most acceptable number of meals throughout the day is 5-6. More rare meals cause metabolic disorders, lead to the accumulation of fat and stagnation.

Eating cold foods. Since low temperature inhibits biochemical processes, the work of the stomach slows down, which means a deterioration in the digestion process.

The habit of seizing emotions. With emotional excitement, a person always overeats. Such a persistent habit has been formed since childhood. Remember, when a child cries, they give him something tasty to calm him down.

Addiction to convenience foods. Canned food, instant soups, cereals, frozen foods are made with the addition of artificial preservatives. They also have a lot of carbohydrates, and these are unnecessary calories. So you should read the information on the package more carefully and pay attention not only to the fat content, but also to carbohydrates.


Watch the video: 6 simple ways to lose a little weight (June 2024).