Burns: treatment at home with effective remedies. How to get rid of burns at home and not harm


Under the influence of chemicals or high temperatures, skin injury occurs.

Many people have experienced burns from personal experience.

But, unfortunately, not many people know what to do after their occurrence.

Burns: home treatment - types and ambulance

You can get a burn in several ways, which is why you can divide them into several types:

1. Heat burn - occurs due to the action of steam, fire, hot liquid on human skin.

2. Electric - From the name it is clear that it occurs after contact with lightning or electrical devices.

3. Chemical - tight skin contact with irritating chemicals.

4. Radiation - usually occurs due to prolonged exposure to the sun or to the solarium.

Regardless of what caused the injury, as a result, the skin is still irritated, causing severe pain and redness.

Degree of burns

There are many reasons that contribute to the formation of burns, but you can not start treatment without establishing its exact degree. Conventionally, they can be divided into a burn of the first, second and third degree.

First degree burn

Small damage to the skin can be attributed to the first degree. Small redness occurs on the skin, a person feels a slight pain. In this case, the patient does not need to be hospitalized, since he can be cured at home.

Second degree burn

This degree is characterized by the penetration of the burn deep into the skin. Not only redness occurs, but also blisters filled with a clear liquid. As a rule, they appear after scalding with a hot liquid, or after contact with chemicals. After treatment is completed, scars and scars may remain. You must know that if the burn area is larger than your palm, then you should definitely consult a specialist. Treatment can be carried out at home using pharmacy drugs.

Third degree burn

This is the most dangerous degree. After receiving it, the integrity of the skin is destroyed, it is possible that nerve endings and subcutaneous tissues will be affected. You can get a burn after contact with electricity, chemicals. In this case, the patient's condition can be both severe and moderate. Treatment can only be done in a hospital. A skin transplant is almost always required.

How to provide first aid

After a person has received a burn of any degree, it is important to give him first aid as soon as possible in order to at least somehow alleviate the condition. Moreover, how competent it is provided, further recovery depends.

The most important thing is to reassure the victim and yourself. After all, only the assembled person can carry out the necessary pre-medical measures. Then you need to carry out the following actions:

1. Discontinue patient contact with a heat source. Know if it is under electric shock, in no case touch it. For this you need to take any insulated item. If after this contact is discontinued, the tissue continues to break down, be sure to attach something cold to it for about 15 minutes.

2. Give anesthetic as well as anti-inflammatory.

3. Treat the damaged area and apply gauze on it.

4. Thermal or chemical burns are recommended to be treated with running water.

With chemical burns, only a doctor can provide the necessary help. But if it is not very large, rinse it with cold water.

After first aid has been provided, wait for the ambulance to arrive. Be sure to tell specialists about how you took measures and what drugs were given.

What to do under no circumstances

If first aid was provided incorrectly, serious complications can occur. which will subsequently affect the treatment. Therefore, in no case do the following:

1. No need to lubricate damaged areas with vegetable oil.

2. Do not use drugs that contain alcohol.

3. Blisters cannot be opened independently.

4. If pieces of clothing remain on the wound, do not try to remove them.

5. Do not use urine.

Remedies for burns at home: pharmacy drugs

It is believed that the best remedies for burns at home are pharmacy drugs. Depending on the stage of the disease, several effective agents are isolated:


This is an effective remedy used for thermal burns. Poyinon-iodine is especially popular, the iodine content in the ointment is large. In addition, the ointment contains special preparations that contribute to the rapid healing of tissue.

Another effective ointment is Procelan. In addition to good bactericidal properties, it contributes to the healing of burns. The ointment also contains painkillers, they relieve pain.

Aerosols and sprays

They are used for severe burns. The spray can be quickly and easily sprayed onto the skin, while avoiding painful contact with it.

For the treatment of burns, doctors recommend using aerosols for external use containing dexpanthenol, which has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Such a component is part of a medicinal product of European quality - "Panthenolspray" aerosol for external use. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves tissue regeneration, is rapidly absorbed (absorbed) by the skin. There are no age restrictions, individual intolerance is possible, use in children should be carried out under the supervision of adults. You need to be very careful when buying a drug in a pharmacy, as there are a huge number of analogues on the market, the packaging of which is often visually similar to the packaging of the original drug - Panthenolspray aerosol for external use

The original drug (Panthenolspray) for external use is sold in a white package, with orange letters and a smiley next to the name of the drug. On the new packaging (from 2017) there is a sign "made in Europe".

Burn dressings

For example, the Apollo dressing is saturated with a special solution that anesthetizes the wound.

Special adhesives

The most popular cream is argacol. It has a fairly strong antimicrobial effect. After it dries, an airtight film forms on the skin.

Many believe that the best remedies for burns at home are also folk methods. But we will talk about this a little lower.

How to treat a burn at home: folk methods and remedies

It should be understood that help with a burn at home, can not completely replace the traditional treatment. If you have a severe burn, of the second or third degree, in no case do not self-medicate. The recipes below help when the area and depth of the burn is not large. The use of oil products is only possible a few hours after injury. After getting a burn, immediately cool the affected area under running water. If the burn is very small, then after water it can be wiped with vodka or cologne.

How to treat a burn at home - effective remedies

Aloe or Kalanchoe

The juice of both plants has a good regenerative property. Tear off a few leaves, squeeze out the juice and wipe the affected area with it once every few hours. You can also finely chop the leaves until gruel forms and apply to the burn site. With a thermal burn of the oral cavity, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with juice. After receiving a sunburn, you need to dilute the juice of the agave, soak them with gauze and apply to the affected area.

Help with a burn at home plantain juice

This is one of the best plants that has a wound healing and antimicrobial effect. With plantain leaves, grease the burned areas, or knead the leaves and make compresses for the night. Similar properties have such a plant as nettle. But in the case of it, not the leaves themselves are taken, but the juice squeezed out of them.

Hypericum oil

This is an effective tool used to treat damaged surfaces. Oil lubricates the skin once every few hours.

Ointment made from burdock root

The ointment is effective only for shallow burns. Take the burdock root and boil it in water for forty minutes, then knead it well with a fork and mix with butter in a 1: 4 ratio. Lubricate a sore spot several times a day.

Burns: treatment at home with dairy products

Since ancient times, sour cream, yogurt or kefir have been used for sunburn. Thanks to these funds, redness is quickly removed, the skin calms and heals. All you need to do is lubricate the skin.

Help with a burn at home: at the healing stage

How to treat a burn at home at the stage of its healing, you must know. Indeed, at this stage, the main task is to disinfect and heal the skin. Quite often, after burns, blisters appear, with the content of a clear liquid. If at this moment to carry out the correct treatment, then you can avoid suppuration and inflammation. A new skin forms under the blister, after a few weeks the damaged skin will dry out and separate, at the place of the blister, new skin should remain, of the usual pink color.

After burns, the skin becomes very sensitive and tender, in order to accelerate the regeneration process, you need to use various ointments and creams. Thanks to them, damaged tissue is restored, and traces of burns are eliminated.

If something went wrong, the development of infection is not ruled out. The skin can become very inflamed, pus will appear. The patient will begin to complain of poor health, body temperature will rise. Infection can cause scars and scars to form.

If the wounds heal for a very long time and constantly get wet, it is recommended to use potassium permanganate. It dries the wound and promotes its healing.

You can also use pork fat, egg oil, cottage cheese, in order to speed up the healing process.

What is better from burns with boiling water at home

Before treating a burn at home, you need to get rid of unpleasant symptoms by taking the following measures:

1. As soon as possible, remove clothing that has been exposed to boiling water so that it does not adhere to the skin.

2. Turn on cool water and place the affected area under the stream. Thanks to this, the pain will be removed, at least for a while.

3. Then apply medication and apply a bandage on top.

After all these methods are done, you can take the following measures from burns with boiling water at home.

There are several effective drugs that relieve swelling and pain:

• Olazol;

• Levomekol;

• Panthenol.

Burns: treatment at home can not always be done with medicines, because at this point they simply may not be in your medicine cabinet. That is why you can use some of the traditional medicine:

1. Raw potatoes. Take some potatoes and grate, then put in place burnt with boiling water. If you change the compress every 5 minutes, you can avoid the appearance of blisters.

2. Take black or green tea and brew it. Take the tea leaves and put them on the affected area, then bandage the dressing. This compress should be done about eight times a day.

Burns from boiling water at home can be easily eliminated, the main thing is to take all measures on time.

It is better not to try to cure the burn at home on your own, especially if it is accompanied by tearing skin. See your doctor as soon as possible.

Be careful not to get harmful substances on your skin.


Watch the video: Burn Treatment - How to Treat A Burn Naturally - Best Home Remedies for Burns (July 2024).