Ten healthy drinks to drink


Nutritionists introduced a list of fluids that have a beneficial effect on health and for this reason should be constantly present in our diet.

Of course, clean water comes first. It saturates the cells with oxygen, renewing them. Obesity and premature aging are not terrible for those who regularly drink enough water (but certainly not the poison that flows from a water tap).

Feel tired, sleep poorly, digestion problems? Drink mint tea, which takes an honorable second place. On the third line is green tea. Phlovanoids and antioxidants strengthen the cardiovascular system, bones, protect against cancer.

Soy milk, rich in amino acids and ridding the body of cholesterol, is worthy of fourth place, according to nutritionists. Fifth place was given to non-fat milk for a high content of calcium, vitamin D and proteins, which, incidentally, is absent in soy milk.

Thanks to the anti-cancer lycopene, tomato juice also entered the top ten, taking the sixth position. Seventh place went to orange juice, which relieves fatigue, invigorates and strengthens the immune system. Cranberry juice is not forgotten. He was eighth. The benzoic acid contained in it acts like an antibiotic. On the ninth line of the rating are hot chocolate and cocoa, which cope well with headaches and improve mood.

Vitgrass closes the rating, a drink made from germinated wheat, rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.


Watch the video: 5 Healthy Breakfast Smoothies! (June 2024).