7 months old baby


The child is 7 months old, and you are no longer surprised that he sits well, crawls and even tries to get up. Well - you have been waiting for this for so long! What can really amaze - one fine day among his babbling "ba-bba-ba", "ma-ma-ma" you will clearly hear the first conscious word. This happens differently for everyone, and you listen to his babble with expectation and peer into smart and demanding eyes. In the meantime, the baby shows interest in everything in the world, when you put it on the carpet, explores the surrounding space, gladly splashes the hands of the "frock" with you, knocks with different objects, grabs them in your hands and nibbles. Yes, he gnaws at the first sharp incisors, of which he already has several.

Examining literally everything, your child gets to the TV remote control, to your phone, discarding all similar objects with the same regularity. Have you already closed all sockets, removed piercing and breaking objects, dishes and small things? Hurry up to do it. And secure the corners of furniture, doors, drawers. Allocate to the baby his box, in which together with him collect toys, shreds, and various non-hazardous objects. The kid will spend hours shifting his wealth from place to place, scattering and folding, viewing, throwing and watching the fall with interest.

Child development at 7 months (what should be able to)

Your baby added about 500 grams per month, grew by 2 cm. The appearance of teeth in different children is individual, but the vast majority by 7 months can boast of 4 incisors - two lower and two upper. The kid is actively interested in tableware, and it's time to teach him to eat with a spoon and drink from a cup.

What can a child do at 7 months?

- understand the meaning of words and appeals to him;
- cling to mom because of a very strong emotional attachment;
- Feel the fear of parting;
- collect items, invest in large small ones;
- crawl;
- turn over in all directions, from the back to the stomach and back;
- drink from a cup;
- play role-playing games - "Forty-white-sided", "Ladushki".

The kid already knows quite a lot of objects and actions, is able to return to an interrupted lesson, to focus on certain procedures. Ons successfully solves the problems facing him, at the same time plays several toys.

Baby care at 7 months

In 7 months, in addition to the basic procedures for washing, cleaning the nose and ears, rubbing eyes and bathing, new ones appear. The kid already knows how to sit confidently - you can begin his acquaintance with the pot, try to devote this to no more than 10 minutes. The diet changes, and the stool becomes different, the most favorable time for this is after sleep. Do not insist, as a complete accustoming to the pot can take up to 18 months, and this is considered normal. Also needed massage, outdoor walks, educational games.

Baby food at 7 months

The nutrition of a seven-month-old baby is radically different from that of an infant. Despite the fact that many children still receive breast milk, a large number of "adult food" products are already present in the diet, and their number is growing every day - porridge, vegetable puree, meat, fruit and vegetable juices, vegetable and butter. A baby eats about 1000 grams of food per day, if you divide it by the number of feedings (5), then at a time the baby will receive 200 grams. You can accurately calculate the volume, taking into account body weight.

However, experts advise giving the baby food on demand, if he is gaining weight and feeling healthy. You can feed him more often, respectively, reducing the norm. If the baby is still receiving breast milk, the first, third and last feeding should be breastfeeding, and complementary foods are given at intervals. At 14-00, lunch time as a complementary meal is added cottage cheese. It should also be done with mixed feeding, replenishing the missing norm of milk with a milk mixture, for example, “Agu”.

On artificial feeding, the feeding schedule from 6 am to 10 pm can look like this:

1 feeding - a mixture, 200 grams,
2 feeding - milk porridge, vegetable or fruit puree 50 grams, a part of egg dairy (half a spoon).
3 feeding - meat and vegetable puree (50 + 150 grams).
4 feeding - fermented milk mixture, cottage cheese
5 feeding - milk formula.

Cookies and crackers can be given to the baby if there is no food allergy. In general, if severe allergic reactions are present, then with the introduction of intensive feeding, you need to wait another couple of months. Purchase foods for feeding in children's kitchens, in order to avoid the ingestion of stabilizers, E. coli, and too much fat in the baby's body. Feel free to consult your doctor for any reason. In accustoming the baby to meat, start with two tablespoons of the broth, then slowly add the mashed meat from chicken or beef. Mashed potatoes can be mixed with vegetable, rubbing through a sieve. Then try to introduce the liver into the diet, also boiling it and rubbing it through a sieve. You can also try peas, cabbage, beets.

The regimen of the day of the child at 7 months

Despite the democratic advice on raising children, none of the most progressive pediatricians detracts from the importance of the regimen of the day. Moreover, it is very important, especially for excitable children. The daily regimen must be observed with the characteristics and needs of the developing organism, and especially those members of the family who devote the most time to care. The kid gets used to sleep at the same time, to the sequence of activities, bathing, feeding, massage and walking, and this is very good. The first feeding is carried out quite early - at 6 in the morning, but even earlier, when the baby wakes up, you need to carry out hygiene procedures - wash it, rinse your eyes, wash it after a night's sleep.

After feeding, you can do gymnastics and massage, chat with the cub. After the second feeding and sleep - a walk in the fresh air. Then again feeding, a period of wakefulness and sleep, can be combined with a walk. In the evening, you can once again do gymnastics, chat with the baby, then bathing procedures, the last feeding and a night's sleep. Pay a little attention to preparing for bed, slow down your movements, speech, put on calm music. A systematic approach will greatly facilitate the care of the baby and life for everyone at home.

Lessons with a child at 7 months

Physical education at 7 months

1. Hold the child’s legs and help him rise from a supine position. Alternately pull it by each hand.
2. Bend and unbend the legs to the stomach.
3. Help crawl by slightly pushing it.
4. Help him also to his feet.
5. Swing the baby to the left - to the right when he is standing on his feet.
6. Place it with your back to you and tilt it down - let it try to rise by itself.
7. Raise your hands up. Train his hands with him.

Numerous relatives, acquaintances, parents themselves simply fill up modern children with toys. Of course, this is very important, but it’s better to choose toys not all in a row, but those that develop speech, actions. In addition to exercise, adults help the child to develop intellectually. Carry out exercises with him according to the plan - we speak, show, communicate, do not lisp, but talk like adults. Try to name objects shortly - for example, a kitty, a hare. Describe things, express emotions, communicate on different topics.

This is the period when the baby can already understand the words "can" and "not." It is desirable that the prohibitions be three times less, only with regard to the safety of the little man. Developing toys will help to develop logic, motor skills: press the piano buttons together, collect pyramids or cymbals, rings, play gesture games, for example, to the music "And butterfly wings byak-byak ..." clap with it "wings".

Games and toys for children at 7 months

You should not discount famous rattles, but they already have a different role to play - for example, we teach your baby to put objects in a special basket or drawer. Although seven-month-old children are still attracted by story rattles with figures or faces. Toys with which the baby plays with pleasure are pyramids, various musical instruments, rings and balls. Complex actions cause perseverance and, sometimes, stubbornness in achieving the goal. Kids love games such as "All kittens washed their feet", frogs, slides.

The game "Gotcha!"

We play on the floor on a spread blanket. The kid is lying on his tummy, and you are next to him on all fours. When approaching the child, say: "I will catch you!". Funny and fun game like kids, especially if you slightly tickle the baby. The peanut will try to run away from you, at least a good mood is provided. Such outdoor games should not be played in the evening before going to bed so that excessive excitement does not appear. Toys that can be rolled (balls and balls) can also be used for classes. At the age of the “slider”, small figures on wheels — cars, wheelchairs., As well as large inflatable toys on which you can sit or get inside — a boat, an inflatable playpen, a house, are useful.

It is also useful to make such toys yourself:
- a box with holes of various shapes, where different figures are inserted;
- garlands of small toys or rattles attached to a ribbon;
- wooden blocks of various shapes and shreds of fabric;
- boxes with a surprise.

Medical follow-up at 7 months

At 7 months, the time of the second routine vaccination against hemophilic infection. Before vaccination, try not to overload the baby's body with the introduction of new food ingredients, if you feed yourself - take care of your diet. Inform your doctor when your baby is taking any medications. Stock up on antiallergic drugs in case of emergency. In addition, the pediatrician examines the children, assessing their development. A repeated massage course is carried out. Breastfed babies are more immune to colds. Continue physical exercise, massage, hardening, walk more on the street.

Useful Tips for Parents


For the crumbs, actively exploring the surrounding space, you need to create a safe zone. Use plugs for sockets, silicone nozzles, locks for cabinet doors, glass stickers. Stimulate the crawl of the baby so that he sits less while his spine is not strong enough.

Bathing baby

For bathing babies, you can use special rugs that will help not to slip in the water and not to fall. You can not worry, but still do not leave the child alone, even if there is very little water. Play games with him - pat on the water, launch the boats, pour water from one container to another, blow bubbles and whip the foam.


Masha 10/25/2016
Dumb article. Why do they write somewhere that at 7 months the teeth are just starting ... And now, ideally, 4 incisors

What kind of massage and gymnastics after feeding ... (vomits))))

Natalia 05/04/2016
The article is not bad, but horror about food. What broth and what chicken? - a nightmare. The most disgusting!

regina 02.16.2016
about the teeth, yes. here we are 7 months. and two days. there is not a single tooth !!! and I’m leaving, he doesn’t cry. sits badly. and became in a bed at 6 months. and 10 days. she is in shock. she is now walking around the bed.


Watch the video: Developmental Stages for Baby: 6-8 months - Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center (July 2024).