Syphilis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Syphilis (obsolete. luez) - a chronic systemic sexually transmitted infection with damage to the skin, mucous membranes, internal organs, bones, nervous system with a sequential change in the stages of the disease caused by bacteria of the species Treponema pallidum.

According to statistics, since the 90s of the last century, the number of people infected with syphilis has been growing steadily. Currently, medicine is taking huge steps in science and is constantly evolving, but the fight against syphilis is still quite difficult.

Syphilis - causes

Syphilis has 5 types of infections:

1. Sexual. The most common of all, is the main route of transmission of infection. An important condition for syphilis infection is the presence of a virulent tripot in the materials from the patient.

2. Non-sexual. Infection can occur through kisses, breastfeeding, as well as bites and direct contacts between medical personnel.

3. Blood transfusion. It happens due to negligence and serious carelessness during a blood transfusion from a person infected with syphilis.

4. Indirect. With the help of pus, mucus and breast milk. This method of infection is caused by the peculiarity of trepot to maintain viability while outside the human body.

5. Transplacental. Infection occurs through the vessels with the affected placenta, which leads to infection of the fetus during pregnancy.

Syphilis - Symptoms

The incubation period lasts from about three to six weeks. The first sign of the manifestation of the disease is the appearance at the site of contact of the chancre of a painless, dense, rounded ulcer with a diameter of 0.5-2 cm, with a smooth, shiny bottom. After, during the first week of syphilis, there is an increase in lymph nodes in the affected area. After two to three months from the moment of infection, a generalized rash appears on the skin and mucous membranes. Rashes can be in the form of spots, bubbles and have a dark red color. In rare cases, the rash is accompanied by itching. It is quite possible malaise, a slight sore throat and slight fever.

Syphilis - diagnosis

Currently, there is a wide variety of blood tests that make it possible to diagnose syphilis. They are based on the identification of specific antibodies. For a mass examination, the Wasserman reaction (RW) is used, but in some cases the result may have false data. Also, for the diagnosis of syphilis, a clinical examination of the genitals, anus, and skin is performed. To detect the disease, various reactions to the detection of T. pallidum are carried out, namely, dark-field microscopy, polymezar chain reaction and direct immunofluorescence reaction.

Syphilis - treatment and prevention

The fight against syphilis takes a long time, and is directly dependent on the period and form of the disease. There are methods that can prevent the introduction of treponema into the body, but this must be done no more than two hours after a perfect sexual intercourse. The main focus in the treatment of syphilis is the use of various antimicrobial agents. Commonly used penicillin drugs.

It is very important not to treat syphilis, but try to prevent its future development. To do this, there is time that allows you to destroy the pathogen in the body without going beyond the incubation period. The main thing is to have time to see a doctor if you suspect even the slightest suspicion of syphilis, and this happens if you had unprotected sexual intercourse with a stranger and you suspect that he might be sick.


Watch the video: Syphilis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology (June 2024).