Is it possible for a child to pea soup and at what age it is allowed. How to cook pea soup for kids correctly: recipes and secrets


The basis of nutrition for babies up to a year is breast milk or a milk mixture adapted to the digestion of infants.

Any introduction of additional food products is aimed at the development of taste buds in a child and familiarization with new tastes.

After a year, the need for a growing body for nutrients cannot be replenished only with breast milk.

This is where the question arises of introducing a varied and wholesome food into the child’s diet.

Pea soup is a popular healthy diet dish often used in adult diets. Therefore, many mothers are interested in the question, is it possible for a child to give pea soup?

Is it possible for a child to pea soup: the benefits and harms of peas in the diet of a child

The main component of pea soup is directly peas (fresh, dry or canned). All members of the legume family are a good source of protein. Moreover, the protein obtained from these plants, by its composition, refers to a complete protein containing in its composition all the essential amino acids so necessary for the child’s body for successful growth and development.

Also, the hypoallergenicity of the consumed vegetable protein should be attributed to the pluses. This makes it possible to expand the diet of children exposed to allergies without the risk of negative reactions from the immune system.

Peas are an easily accessible source of vitamins and minerals. Such, for example, as ascorbic and folic acids, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and iodine. This composition of the product stimulates the development and functioning of the nervous system, in particular, the brain. A positive effect on the hematopoietic system is noted. The risk of developing anemia is reduced.

But do not forget about the negative sides of peas. Legumes are considered hard-to-digest food. To absorb peas in any form of preparation, the body needs to spend a large amount of energy. At the same time, all the enzymatic systems of the stomach, intestines and digestive glands, as a rule, the pancreas, enter into a state of hard work.

Peas cause increased gas formation and increased intestinal motility. This can provoke colic and pain in the abdomen in a child. There is no accurate evidence that peas can cause diarrhea in a child. All individually. In one child, after pea stools, stool thinning may appear, and in another, on the contrary, constipation.

Is it possible for a child to pea soup: the recommended age of the child and the rules for introducing pea soup

Pediatricians have no unequivocal opinion on the time of introducing pea soup into the child’s diet. But, given all the possible side effects after eating this dish, this should not be done before the age of one and a half years.

When offering a child pea soup, you need to adhere to the basic rules for introducing complementary foods. Acquaintance with a new product is preferably carried out in the first half of the day, you should start with one teaspoon, gradually bringing one serving to the required amount, provided that there is no negative reaction and anxiety for the child.

The optimal age for introducing pea soup into the baby’s diet is two years. At this point, the enzyme system of the digestive tract is able to digest this product without harming the health of the child.

The frequency of consumption of pea soup should not exceed 1 time in 2-3 days. As a rule, soups are given to the child for lunch in the morning. This allows the body to fully digest and assimilate this product.

Is it possible for a child to pea soup: recipe for pea soup for babies

Having dealt with the question whether a child can have pea soup, one should not forget that the soup recipe should be suitable for baby food and differ from the generally accepted one.

Bean products do not mix well with animal protein. Any kind of meat only complicates the process of digesting vegetable protein. Therefore, when preparing pea soup for babies, meat broths should not be used. The best solution would be to use vegetable broths, which will not only facilitate the digestion process, but will also enrich this dish with additional trace elements and vitamins.

Dry peas are recommended for soup of older children (from 3 years). For kids, it is advisable to buy fresh or canned peas.

It is also unacceptable to use large amounts of salt and smoked meats. Smoked products do not represent any nutritional value for the child, and their harm has long been scientifically proven. Smoked foods contain a huge amount of salt and fat.

It is unacceptable to add various soup cubes imitating meat broths to soup for a child. The nutritional supplements they contain are very harmful to the digestion process.

Strongly smelling and spicy spices should not be included in pea soup. They can lead to irritation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa, causing discomfort.

In this way, The optimal recipe for pea soup that you can offer your child looks like this:

• vegetable broth (for children over three years old, dilution of the vegetable broth with meat in a ratio of 1: 1 is permissible);

• fresh or dry peas, soaked overnight in cold water (for faster softening);

• any vegetables that the child already consumes (potatoes, carrots, onions, greens);

• insignificant amount of salt.

To get acquainted with this new dish, it is better to convert the soup into a puree form. This will facilitate the process of getting used to new taste sensations.

Every mother tries to feed her baby not only healthy, but also tasty, varied food. It should only be borne in mind that "adult" food is not suitable for feeding a small child. All dishes that are part of the baby's diet must undergo adaptation to the needs and capabilities of the body. Whether it is possible for a child to decide her pea soup should be mother herself after consulting a pediatrician, optimally choosing the composition of the soup and the age of introduction of the new product.


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