How much can you drink kefir per day? Interesting facts, contraindications and recommendations: how much kefir is possible per day


Kefir is a fermented milk product that can be obtained from milk by fermented milk and alcohol fermentation using a mixture of certain types of microorganisms, they are also called "kefir fungi".

This drink is very popular not only in the former Soviet Union, but in Germany, Sweden and other countries.

The product has a uniform mass, white color, it is likely that some carbon dioxide will be released.

How much kefir per day can be: determine the norm

Scientists have been studying the useful properties of this fermented milk product for many decades, and each time new and positive aspects are discovered about it. The first thing to say about the usefulness of kefir is its positive effect on the intestinal microflora. The product has unique substances in its composition that help inhibit the development of pathogenic flora in the intestine. Scientists have proven that kefir helps fight not only the problems of the gastrointestinal tract, but even tuberculosis. Including for the last reason, kefir is often drunk just before bedtime.

Since kefir is a very useful product, most people think that you can use it in any quantity. The popularity of this drink is so great that many even eat one kefir during the so-called kefir diet, which includes only one product.

However, do not abuse the product, no matter how safe it may seem at first glance. The fact is that almost any product is useful, but only when it is used in moderation. For most people, the rate of consumption of kefir is 0.5 liters per day, for some a little more - 0.75 liters. But everything will depend on the individual tolerance of the body, because in certain cases this drink may even be contraindicated.

How much can kefir per day: contraindications

Yes, the product has a huge number of pluses, and everyone knows about them, but kefir also has harmful features, which not everyone knows about. So, for starters, you should determine in which cases you should refrain from drinking this drink.

1. Kefir is contraindicated in infants up to 7 months. The thing is that its composition is very different from the composition of mother's milk and all kinds of infant formula, which are used to feed the baby at this age. Acids contained in its composition are very harmful to the child’s stomach, and can also lead to a serious illness - anemia. In addition, kefir in essence is a drink containing alcohol, albeit in small quantities. For the body of an adult, such a dose will be insignificant, but for an infant it is categorically contraindicated. Adding kefir at such a young age can include the mechanism of alcohol programming in the kid, which is fraught with consequences in the future. For this reason, in most countries, completely non-alcoholic kefir is produced in order to prevent alcohol programming in children from alcohol abuse in their future adulthood.

2. Kefir is contraindicated for people suffering from high acidity in the body.

3. Do not forget that kefir has laxative properties, that is, people who have problems with this should refrain from taking this drink in large quantities.

4. It is not recommended to use this fermented milk product on the eve of important events in your life - exam, business negotiations, meetings and so on. The fact is that kefir has relaxing properties, the nervous and muscular systems go into a state of "rest", which, in turn, is fraught with a loss of concentration and attentiveness. Thus, the so-called kefir nirvana occurs, leading to undesirable results at the exam and business meeting. Kefir is not considered a stimulating drink.

5. You need to use kefir exclusively at room temperature, no cold or hot types, in this case, the drink not only does not bring the body any benefit, but can also harm.

6. Most people can not decide whether to use kefir for the night. The answer is simple: if you drink a glass of kefir before bedtime, it will ensure the normal functioning of the stomach until sleep. However, abuse of the drink can bring the body one harm. Remember that the benefit of kefir should be derived in its quality, not quantity. Doctors around the world recommend taking kefir in the range of 200-400 g per day.

7. Kefir is strictly forbidden to people who have diseases such as a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, as well as gastritis or pancreatitis.

8. It is not recommended to use kefir for drivers before the road, because the drink contains alcohol, which means there is a chance of being left without rights.

How much can kefir per day: kefir diet for weight loss for 3 days

Kefir is very often used as a main component in various diets. With the help of such a diet, you can not only lose weight, but also properly cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. The diet is quite simple: we take 1-1.5 liters of fat-free kefir and evenly distribute it in 5 doses throughout the day. At the same time, sugar cannot be added to kefir, and in order to muffle hunger a little, you can add some unsweetened fruits, for example, apples, to the diet. Follow this diet for three days.

Such a simple diet will allow you to cleanse the body of harmful substances and lose a few extra pounds, since the calorie content of kefir is only 400 Kcal per 1 liter of product. But do not forget that such a diet can be used only if there are no contraindications to the use of kefir. If you know the measure and you have no health problems described above, then you can safely drink kefir at least every day, this will be only useful.

Be healthy!


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