How to wash a microwave and what to use means: purchased or homemade. How to wash the microwave inside?


A microwave oven requires constant care no less than a conventional stove.

You almost follow or are too lazy - and now on the walls of your favorite household appliance there is a disgusting greasy plaque.

How to wash the microwave inside and out?

How to wash your microwave with steam

If the oven is not too dirty, it is very easy to wash it with plain water. More precisely, a water "steam room". It is necessary to create excess moisture inside the chamber, which will evaporate the dirty coating. This is done very simply.

• Pour clean water into a wide shallow microwave bowl. The bottom line is to achieve a large area of ​​moisture evaporation, process all the walls of the chamber.

• Set the heating mode, maximum power.

• Heat water for ten minutes, boil for another five minutes.

• Turn off the oven, wipe off grease stains with a sponge, then wipe the inside walls with a soft, dry cloth.

Do not wash the microwave with abrasive cleaners. They will ruin the surface. The cleaning method is ideal for light soiling, when the greasy coating did not have time to turn into stone deposits. It is important to create a real steam, that is, choose the right dishes with water. A glass is clearly not enough for the active evaporation of moisture.

How to wash a microwave with vinegar

For old dirt covering the microwave chamber with unpleasant heavy streaks and stains, water vapor is clearly not enough. A stronger remedy is required. For example, ordinary table vinegar, which is in every kitchen cabinet.

Of course, the aroma from such a cleansing procedure will make itself felt, but the effect will be excellent. Before you begin to act, you need to ensure the ventilation of the room, turn on the hood, open the window. How to wash the microwave inside vinegar?

• Prepare a vinegar solution in a ratio of one to four (for example, per 10 ml of vinegar, 400 ml of water).

• Pour it into a suitable wide bowl by analogy with the previous method. Acetic water should evaporate vigorously.

• Turn on the stove at the highest power, install the sensor for ten minutes.

• After finishing the treatment, open the door and wash the walls with the usual dishwashing detergent, applying it to the sponge.

• Wipe the camera with a dry cloth.

With severe contamination, only the first layer of dirt will be removed. To make the stove shine clean, you will have to repeat the vinegar baths.

Instead of vinegar, you can use citric acid. To prepare a cleaning solution, you need to take an ordinary bag of powder (25 grams) in a glass of water (250 ml).

How to wash a microwave with soda and lemon

A proven fat control product is regular baking soda. It is used in many business procedures. There is nothing complicated in how to wash the microwave with soda. The meaning is the same as in the previous methods, only the active component is different.

• Prepare a soda solution: a spoonful of sodium bicarbonate powder in a glass of water.

• Pour into a bowl.

• Leave on for 15 minutes in an existing oven.

• Wash away the remaining fat with a dishwashing detergent, wipe.

It is important that the water in the bowl is not poured high, about one third. The fact is that when heated, the soda begins to foam (as it happens, for example, when quenching with vinegar). If there is a lot of water, foam will fill the chamber and may damage the electronics of the device.

A very good method for washing a microwave is with citrus fruits, especially lemon. So you can not only get rid of fat, but also aromatize the air in the chamber and in the kitchen, get rid of unpleasant odors.

• Cut the lemon into slices.

• Place everything in the same wide shallow bowl of water.

• Turn on the oven at high power for 20 minutes.

• Do not open the door after the timer. The way lemon water will work for another 2 minutes in a disconnected appliance.

• Remove soft greasy deposits with a sponge, wipe the camera dry.

Instead of lemon, you can take orange, grapefruit, mandarin. Fruit peels will do. They will give a wonderful natural flavor. The rest of the procedure is carried out in the same way as with normal water cleaning.

Other ways to clean your microwave inside and out

The legacy of the Soviet era will help to wash the microwave inside - it smells of odor and not too beautiful laundry soap. Many young housewives are prejudiced against him, but in vain. It easily copes with dirt, including greasy greasy plaque on the walls of the microwave oven.

• A piece of soap should be thoroughly soaped with a sponge or soft cloth.

• Wipe the surface of the oven, generously leaving foam on the walls.

• Leave the soap to work for about ten minutes.

• Rinse off the foam with dirt by wiping the camera with a damp household sponge.

• Wipe dry.

After the laundry soap, the first time you turn it on, you may feel a slightly unpleasant odor. In this case, it is necessary to wash off the remaining soap well with clean water again.

An unusual, but effective way to wash a not too dirty surface inside the oven is a sponge with a dishwashing detergent applied to it. Here is what you need to do.

• Apply a few drops of the product to a damp sponge, squeeze it several times until a foam cap appears.

• Place the sponge on the glass rotating microwave plate.

• Set the minimum power, time - 35 minutes.

• After the signal, open the door, wash off soaked dirt with a sponge.

In this way, you can easily cope even with severe pollution.

The last thing to say: how to wash the microwave outside. It's amazing that a glass cleaner will do just fine. Due to the high content of alcohol and active detergents, the product will quickly and without stains remove dirt, grease, dust, adhering debris from the outer walls of the stove.

There are many ways to deal with dirt. You can, of course, buy a household cleaning product specifically designed for washing microwaves. However, it is not cheap, and the result is often zero. Home remedies are checked by the hostesses, they operate without fail and without harm to health.


Watch the video: How to Clean Oven Racks! Clean My Space (June 2024).