The meaning of the name Eugene


Eugene - This is an ancient Greek name that comes from "eugenes", which means - noble.

A rather gentle and beautiful name Eugene is in the top ten names. The owners of this name are inherent sentimentality and a tendency to streamline life.

Eugene - character traits

The main character traits of this name are susceptibility, excessive excitability and a rather controversial combination of weakness and strength.
Negative character traits of the name: - obstinacy;
- lack of feelings of compassion;
- rudeness;
- psychological instability;
- short temper and aggressiveness.

Positive character traits of the name: - discretion;
- cheerfulness;
- perseverance;
- self-confidence;
- sociability;
- sense of justice;
- responsibility, reliability.

Eugene is distinguished by the ability to inspire hope in others, he is always the "soul" of the company, shines with high intelligence, pragmatic. Holders of this name have a bewitching intelligent charm.

Eugene - name compatibility

Eugenia is a very amorous person, which is why they have to suffer quite often in life. They take marriage very seriously and love children very much. Eugene can have a good relationship with women with the name: Anna, Valeria, Valentina, Ksenia, Dasha, Lyudmila, Nina, Natalya, Julia.

Eugene should avoid an alliance with Barbara, Elena, Galina, Zoe and Marina.

Eugene - famous people who bore this name.

- Russian poet Evgeny Baratynsky
- Actor Evgeny Evstigneev
- Poet Evgeny Yevtushenko
- Actor Evgeny Dvorzhetsky
- Composer Eugene Doga
- Actor Evgeny Leonov
- Bishop Eugene of Khersonessky
- Historian Eugene Tarle
- Russian Prince Eugene Obolensky and others.

Eugene - interesting facts

- the namelessness of the name - fish
- patron planet - Venus
- stone mascot - pearls
- name color - blue
- name day: February 3.25, March 4.20, November 20, December 26
- happy season - winter
- happy day - thursday
- favorable plants: forget-me-not, linden.

If Eugene is helped to get together and purposefully move in the right direction, then he will achieve quite significant success in life.


Inga 05/31/2016
Often, Eugenia, losers in life, "weak-minded", unfortunately, despite their intellectual abilities, rarely achieve success in life and material security.

Zhenya 04/15/2016
About my namesake men, they write a lot. But, something converges, something - not really. In general, they are exactly as written. There are always exceptions. And responsible Zhenya, and loving spouses, and irritable too. They need to be directed and then, the result will be positive in everything.

Vikusya 04/15/2016
Eh. I didn’t notice Yevgenyev’s serious relationship with marriage ... Yes, they love children. But, all this is somehow superficial ... At my acquaintances Evgeniev, most often wives are responsible for children, and financially too. And dad, just talk ...

Karina 04/14/2016
Evgeniev has a very developed sense of justice! True, this may be some kind of justice of its own ... But, he will certainly intervene to restore it. And about sociability - there’s nothing to say here. Zhen always has a lot of friends, the phone isn’t out of his hands))

Lika 04/14/2016
Yes, Eugenia possesses charm, and even what !! This is practically impossible to resist. Moreover, besides, Zhenya can make such a good guy out of himself ... In general, if Eugene asks for something, give it to him right away, you won’t resist anyway)))


Watch the video: Educating the World About Eugene (July 2024).