The meaning of the name Natalia


There are several versions of the birth of a name Natalya. However, many researchers are reduced to the fact that the name appeared during the revival of Christianity from the Latin word "natalis" - the native, from the male form of the rare name Natalie. There is another interpretation, raising the name to Jewish roots, it comes from the word "nathan", translated into Russian means - granted.

Natalia - character traits

In childhood, Natalia is distinguished by independence, cheerfulness and excessive activity. A lively, energetic child grows up to be a real fidget. She is a dreamer and an inventor, in the children's team she is the main initiator of the games, everywhere strive to be the first.

Studying Natalia is easy, she succeeds literally in everything. The girl is actively involved in the public life of the school, likes to be in the spotlight, has many friends. She is straightforward and fair, she can violently stand up for some quiet woman in the classroom. Natalia loves to draw, often has an acting talent. The downside of little Natasha is that she is very touchy. Harboring resentment, Natka will not give a look, but at the first opportunity she will try to take revenge.

The adult Natalya is rather proud, she is fond of flattery and loves compliments. To unfamiliar people, she seems calm, balanced, but her relatives then know what a passionate temperament Natalia has. The girl does not tolerate complaints and comments addressed to her, even from close friends.

Natasha often conflicts with her mother and seeks to quickly begin an independent life. Companionable and cheerful, optimistic, strong-willed and bright, clearly knowing where and why she is going along the road of life - all these qualities are inherent in Natalia. She knows her worth and will not allow to manage her life.

Natalya usually marries early, does not stand on ceremony when choosing a spouse - she is just interested to experience the charm of family life. She is amorous and quickly becomes attached to the partner. Natalya, as a rule, is a good, faithful wife and mother who does not have a soul in her children and puts all her strength into their upbringing. Coziness, harmony, an atmosphere of joy and love reign in her house.

Natalya - name compatibility

When choosing a life partner, the girl needs to focus on Andrei, Alexander, Boris, Oleg, Vladimir, Yuri. Less fortunate with the owners of such names as Stepan, Zakhar, Vladislav, Nikita and Gregory.

Famous personalities with the name Natalya

N. Andreichenko - actress, N. Koroleva - singer, N. Bessmertnova - ballerina, N. Bekhtereva - scientist, N. Bondarchuk - actress, N. Vetlitskaya, N. Vodyanova - famous model, N. Goncharova - artist, N. Durova - The trainer and many other celebrities are one of the most common names in our country.

Natalia - interesting facts about the name

- the zodiac sign inherent in the name is Virgo;
- planets - Mercury, Mars;
- name colors - blue, blue (most favorable), red, beige, scarlet;
- totem plants - hemophilus, azalea, valerian;
- animals - a hedgehog and a swimming beetle;
- stone amulet - bloodstone, sapphire, turquoise.


Natalia 10/06/2016
I’m Natalya myself and I assure you that everything is exactly about me. I am white and fluffy in public, but at home I can be a mega. Everyone says I'm the soul of the company. Without my presence, not one event does not pass. Everyone says that in me the ideal toastmaster perishes. There was an experience of the host, even after they invited. And the sign of my zodiac is Virgo. I love that name.

Natalya 07.24.2016
here I am Natalya myself! Well, everything about me !!!!!!!!!! True, the zodiac sign is a lion, I always thought that I had such a character from a lion, and now I have read up-s no from Natalya’s meaning! ))) Mom from me is very strict demanding but insanely loving, generous. And God forbid someone not so look at my child a bite! How my wife conquered me and surrendered to the mercy of the winner not out of great love, but they can conquer, and became attached to her husband she loves, she is always calm and comfortable at home because I respect and respect my husband, the house is always full of people! and yes, I always rush to help where they say they mess around on the street ...

Sanka 04/10/2016
At the expense of protecting the weak, and not able to stand up for themselves - this is exactly about Natalia! In her presence, it is better to avoid such moments altogether - such a spacing will suit you! And then, from another half year, will remind you of this)))

Inna 04/10/2016
In our company, Natasha is the instigator. Without it, not a single event takes place. Even on sad, cold days, our Natalia arranges gatherings, and so she amuses and cheers up, that there is still enough energy for three days)))

Larisa 04/10/2016
I know at least two Natalia, and they all wonderfully paint! And artistry is top notch. The truth is that I don't really like it - it's gossip. Natasha’s acquaintances, they simply adore them, I will clean the bones to anyone, carefully and professionally)))
