Trachemys: how to care at home. How to handle, feed and care for the red-eared turtle at home


Recently, people are increasingly starting to get all kinds of exotic animals and reptiles, following fashion trends.

A venerable place in this long list is reserved for the red-eared turtle.

But, before you start this exotic reptile, you need to know how to properly care for it at home, which will be discussed in this material.

Rubella tortoise: how to care at home: general information

The homeland of these reptiles is the United States, however, survivability and the ability to travel vast distances led to the fact that they settled far beyond their original habitat - Europe, Asia, Africa, that is, they can be found almost all over the world.

Rubella tortoise as a pet began to be used relatively recently, starting in the middle of the nineteenth century. Until this time, these reptiles were used exclusively as food.

These animals did not get their name because of their ears (which they just don’t have), but because of the crimson color of the skin tissue near their eyes.

This type of turtle is classified as a freshwater reptile. Its main feature is the longish red-orange spots that are immediately behind the eyes. Despite the fact that they do not have ears, they hear perfectly. Since the shield on their belly is painted in bright yellow color, they are often called yellow-bellied. Females of these animals are usually much larger than males. Puberty of these animals occurs at 4 years.

When purchasing this reptile in a zoological store, first of all, you need to pay attention to its size and appearance. If a small turtle has dimensions less than 5 cm, then it will be very difficult to maintain it, since such miniature individuals are very susceptible to various diseases.

Check the claws on the paws - they should not be any breaks or damage. Healthy individuals have a smooth tail and shield plate. Also look at how the turtle is swimming, it should move smoothly and not fall to one side.

Trachemys: how to care for at home: treatment

Before tackling the content of this reptile, you need to understand how to handle it correctly. If you take her in your arms, you need to be extremely careful, she can begin to slip out, hiss, resist and empty. The turtle has sharp claws and strong legs, and it can bite painfully. It must be held with both hands. Many owners and even more animals were affected due to mistreatment.

After you held the reptile in your hands, you need to wash them thoroughly with soap, especially for children, because these animals live in completely different conditions with other types of bacteria. It is also necessary to monitor the freshness of food and cleanliness in the aquarium, since these reptiles can tolerate salmonellosis.

The turtle should also restrict access to the kitchen and places where food may be present. In addition, you can not wash it, the aquarium and all the appliances in the kitchen sink.

How to handle babies

Often the turtles that appeared in the home aquarium are babies. They need special care, because they are very susceptible to diseases and have an increased mortality rate.

If you saw something below the shell, it’s most likely a gastric sac. It is needed in order for the hatched reptile to feed on all the nutrients it needs, so it is forbidden to touch it. For some time after birth, babies may ignore food until this pouch resolves.

Kids are not recommended to pick up, because they are very shy, they can get sick and fall into a stressful state. Also try not to stand for a long time near the aquarium or knock on the glass, it is important to give them some time so that they can get used to and start eating. Also make sure that the temperature on land (27 ° C) and in water (up to 32 ° C) always remains constant.

Attention! It is forbidden to place the aquarium in a draft or in direct sunlight, and be sure to keep the kids away from adult reptiles.

Rubella tortoise: how to care at home: contents

To contain such a reptile, you will definitely need an aquarium or a terrarium with a volume of 150-200 liters. Make sure the turtle has enough water to move freely. Ideally, the more swimming space she gets, the better.

In addition, an artificial land should be created for her, on which the reptile can get out to warm up, it can be bought at any pet store. It is imperative that the island has a sloping rise, stability, as well as the absence of burrs and sharp corners.

The island should occupy at least ¼ of the surface of the terrarium and meet some requirements.

1. Heating. The temperature on it must be set at least 10 ° C higher than in water. Too high temperature also does not need to be set, as the reptile can overheat.

2. Flooding. On an island, at least one of the sides must be in the water.

3. Security. The reptile should move freely and not get stuck between the island and the glass.

4. Lack of toxicity. No toxic substances should be released from it.

5. Sustainability. The land should be very reliable, since this type of turtles is very strong and can easily turn it over.

6. Texture surface.

Trachemys: how to care at home: feeding and hibernation

There should not be a problem with feeding red-eared turtles, as they are omnivores. The only thing they do not like monotony. You can feed them with the following foods:

  • artificial feed;

  • vegetables;

  • food for aquarium fish;

  • insects

  • plants from aquariums;

  • a fish;

  • invertebrates.

In addition to diversity, it is also necessary to ensure that the balance of high calcium levels prevails in the diet of these reptiles. This is necessary so that they do not overeat and have a powerful shell, which, as you know, is a sign of good health of the turtle.

As for hibernation, into which the reptile can fall during the winter period, it is advisable to avoid it. The thing is that if you are new to the maintenance of this type of turtles, then you may simply not have enough experience in caring for it in this period. Therefore, it is not necessary to stimulate hibernation in this reptile! Firstly, unfavorable conditions can be created for her for this period, and secondly, weakened animals may simply not survive her. To prevent it from hibernating, keep the temperature at least 25 ° C, and the reptile will not even remember a long winter dream.

Turtles that fall into hibernation under natural conditions tend to bury themselves in plants or silt at the bottom of a reservoir, which has a shallow depth and large dimensions. During this period, reptiles always remain at the bottom, oxygen is absorbed from them through membranes located in their mouth, pharynx and cesspool. In addition, the depth of the reservoir, the temperature regime and the level of oxygen in it are of great importance. Most of the ponds created artificially are not able to provide turtles with the necessary conditions.

That's all you need to know about the red-eared turtles. Do not forget to look after her and give a piece of yourself, and the turtle will certainly repay you the same.


Watch the video: Red Eared Sliders: What You Need to Know (June 2024).