Why is the girl dreaming


What does the girl dream about - according to the modern dream book

If you dream of a little girl who plays cheerfully in the water, then you should start implementing your plan in order to change your life for the better. If in a dream you see a girl in the water sad, it means that you should think about your relationship with relatives, as this dream says that they are offended by you, because they believe that you pay little attention to them. Holding a little girl in your hands is a problem that will delay the achievement of your cherished goal. But if the girl sitting in your arms behaves joyfully, then you can quickly and confidently cope with the aforementioned problems.

If in a dream you hold a little girl in your arms and feel that she has a temperature, it means that you will have a deterioration in your moral condition, you will worry about some kind of problem or event, and these experiences can cause your illness.

What the girl dreams about - according to the eastern female dream book

To see a girl in a dream - to the news soon. The news that this dream foreshadows depends on the appearance of the girl: if she is well-groomed and beautiful, then the news will be good; if a girl in a dream looks dirty and unhappy - the news will be bad.

What the girl dreams about - according to the Mayan dream book

According to the Mayan dream book, a dream in which a girl appears can broadcast both good and bad. To dream of a girl in water is a novelty in life, the emergence of new perspectives. Such a dream can be taken as advice to open a new page of your destiny - to try yourself in another field of activity, find yourself some interesting hobby, etc. It is during this period of your life that all changes in it will be for the better. However, when you see a sad girl in a dream, you need to be prepared for the fact that the people around you will be very disappointed with you.

What the girl dreams about - according to the French dream book

If you dreamed of a crying girl - it means that you are facing a serious illness. But if you start treatment on time, then the outcome of your illness will be safe.

A little girl seen in a dream with a harmless expression on her face speaks of the need in real life to be more vigilant in relations with enemies, so as not to become a victim of their intrigues.

Seeing a disheveled girl in a dream - to chaos in business, collapse of hopes, unpleasant events.

To a woman to see herself in a small dream - to care for children or pleasant news from parents.

In a man’s dream, to see a little girl - to a joyful meeting with relatives or friends with whom he had no connection for a long time.

What does the girl dream about - according to the traditional dream book

The dream in which you see yourself as a little girl promises surprise or a slight loss. To see an unfamiliar girl entering your house - to uninvited guests, not to let her into the house - to minor chagrin.

To have a long conversation with a girl in a dream - to immense wealth and great luck.

What the girl dreams about - according to the wanderer’s dream book

According to the Wanderer’s dream book, a girl in a dream is for a man the image of an assistant, a “guardian angel”; for a woman, she is an image of primitive, childish behavior patterns and speaks of the dreamer's infantilism.

What does the girl dream about - according to the modern English dream book

To see a girl in a dream - to the news. A sweet and kind girl portends good news; groomed and angry - to the bad news.

What does the girl dream about - according to the old Russian dream book

To dream in a dream a surprisingly beautiful girl - to a miracle that will happen in reality.

What does the girl dream about - according to the modern Russian dream book

If a young woman sees herself in a dream as a little girl, it means that she often has a desire to come to her parents and again feel like a child, forgetting about her adult problems.


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