The hair roots on the head hurt - what causes the pain? Can the roots on my head hurt due to a serious illness?


Why do hair roots on my head hurt?

Most girls face a similar problem when their hair begins to hurt very much at the very base of the head.

This is most felt when the girls take off a tight tail.

There is a feeling that a thick winter hat is put on his head.

But what is this connected with and is it possible to somehow get rid of such discomfort?

The roots of hair on the head hurt: causes

The main cause of hair pain at the very roots is tight styling.

There are many hairpins, hairpins in the hairstyle, as a result of which the scalp is pulled together and there is discomfort. After such styling, the pain may not go away for several days.

In order to prevent this in the future, try less to do such hairstyles.

Another reason hair roots can hurt is improper care behind them - the shampoo or balm is chosen incorrectly, they do not match your hair type, so pain occurs in the basal zone. Of great importance is what comb you use, if it is made of natural material, then the hair can be electrolyzed. Try not to use styling products, as a result of their frequent use, the hair will become heavier and there will be discomfort at the roots. In addition, various foams, gels and varnishes negatively affect the structure of the hair, they quickly become dirty, and this is not very good.

The next reason is dandruff or dry skin on the head, this is the result of using low-quality shampoos, balms or other cosmetics. In this case, you need to purchase special masks that will help get rid of the problem.

In the scalp impaired blood circulation - This is the reason for the unexpected pain that occurs as a result of vascular disease or cramping. Many argue that the main symptom of vegetative-vascular dystonia is precisely pain in the root zone. But to independently establish such a diagnosis is unlikely to succeed, so if you suspect that something is wrong, you need to visit a medical institution and undergo a full examination.

Trite at first glance, the reason - head hypothermia. Due to the fact that in cold weather you go without a hat, blood vessels become narrower, hair weakens, blood circulation in the bulbs is disturbed, and pain occurs. An ordinary hat can help in this state!

Many girls can have hair roots ache even because they change their hairstyle, change parting, or just comb their bangs slightly back.

Pain in the root zone can occur due to stress, because, as you know, it is the nerves that provoke the occurrence of many diseases. The body of each of us reacts differently to everything that happens, and if for someone he does not perceive external factors, then for others it is the other way around. Regardless of what caused the pain, it must be eliminated. Otherwise, the head can often hurt, the hair will begin to fall out, their shine and volume will disappear. It is not always possible to deal with each cause of pain yourself, so if you are not confident in your abilities, it is best to trust a specialist.

The hair roots on the head hurt: what to do

According to statistics, every fourth woman on our planet faces a similar problem. Many blame everything on fatigue, or something else, and simply ignore such a state, not even realizing that this could be fraught with unpleasant consequences.

In addition to the main reasons, pain can occur due to a number of other factors:

1. The patient lives in a place where aggressive ecology. If possible, it is certainly better to change your place of residence, or at least several times a year to go to another locality.

2. Running water used for shampooing is tough. A special service can check this, and cosmetologists will always give advice on how to be in a similar situation.

3. The hot sun.

4. In winter, severe hypothermia occurs.

Beauticians and specialists argue that in order to get rid of severe pain in the root zone, it is necessary follow some rules:

1. Use a natural comb to comb your hair. It is better to give preference to a wooden comb rather than a plastic one.

2. As personal care products, use those that are appropriate for your hair type. It is not always possible to pick them yourself, so ask your hairdresser or cosmetologist for help.

3. Try not to enter into conflict situations, do not worry. If stress does occur, take sedatives.

4. Carefully monitor your daily routine. At least 8 hours of sleep should be given per day.

5. Take vitamins once every six months. Thanks to this, the hair will become healthy and acquire a natural shine.

6. Do not use tight hairpins or elastic bands.

7. Give preference to those hairstyles in which you do not need to tighten your hair.

8. Try to walk more often with loose hair, always remove elastic at night.

9. In the root zone do massage. This procedure is especially useful before bedtime.

If you have serious problems with your hair, it is best to visit a medical institution and consult a trichologist. Thanks to timely consultation, many negative consequences can be avoided.

Another consultation that also needs to be received is cosmetology. The cosmetologist will select for you the necessary personal hygiene products, and share useful tips.

The roots of hair on the head hurt: medicines

Having found out the exact cause of the pain, try to eliminate it. But what if the pain does not go away, despite all the measures taken?

Produce next treatment according to the diagram below:

1. Take painkillers.

2. Bring back your emotional background.

3. Get better blood circulation.

4. If itching is present, it must be eliminated.


Anesthetic used locally. The main thing if the purpose is to anesthetize the mucous membranes, but can also be used to anesthetize the surface of the skin. It is recommended to be used only on a dry head, since alcohol is present in the composition. For more convenient use, get the medicine in the form of aerosols.


It helps to eliminate nervousness, relieve stress. Many people think that this is a medicine, but in fact it is not.

Pepper tincture

Tincture on alcohol, it is recommended to use to nourish the scalp. You can buy tincture in a pharmacy or prepare it yourself.

The roots of hair on the head hurt: recommendations and tips

As mentioned above, the best thing you can do is do it massage. It doesn’t matter exactly how it will be made, with the help of the device, or with your hands; the main thing is to fulfill this condition regularly. The blood flow on the head will improve, the hair roots will be able to get rid of harmful substances.

It's no secret that the beauty of our hair and our body depends on their proper nutrition. If possible, it is best to use natural remedies. The most effective and popular masks are prepared on the basis of salt (add it to the shampoo with which you wash your hair), mustard (dilute mustard powder in water and rub it in your hair for exactly one hour), garlic and onion. Positive effect on the scalp tincture made from nettles.

When treating hair roots, it’s good to visit sauna or bath. Remember that chemical influences negatively affect the hair, which is why hide your head from the hot sun, do not use hair dryers. To wash your hair, use boiled, cool water.

Everyone knows that the beauty of our hair depends on our state of health. That is why you need to think about your diet. Try to eat fresh vegetables and fruits daily. Citrus fruits, broccoli, and currants are useful for strengthening hair. If you are on a diet, then be sure to take vitamins.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to identify the cause of pain at the roots yourself. To cope with such a task can only a trichologist, which is recommended to visit even for prevention. If necessary, he will refer you to other specialists who will prescribe the right treatment.

Watch your hair, because they are your face and your image that you need to care for!


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