How to cure stomatitis at home: the best recipes. Effective tips for treating stomatitis at home


Stomatitis is a strong inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the human mouth, which occurs due to the causative agents of this infection (bacteria, viruses, fungi).

Let's consider in more detail how to treat stomatitis at home and what needs to be done.

How to cure stomatitis at home: the causes of the development of the disease

Stomatitis is a fairly common disease that can appear for the following reasons:

1. Scratches of the oral cavity.

2. The use of poorly washed vegetables or fruits, which led to the infection and germs on the mucous membrane of the mouth.

3. Chemical burn or damage to the oral cavity.

4. Taking certain medications can cause candidal stomatitis, in which a person's entire oral cavity is covered with a white coating.

5. Thermal burn of the mouth.

6. The ingestion of bacteria, herpes virus or fungi in the oral cavity, which provoked a weakening of immunity and the development of stomatitis (most often this disease manifests itself precisely in the period of a lowered immune state).

7. The use of toothpastes with the addition of sulfate, which drains the oral mucosa and causes the development of various forms of stomatitis.

8. Non-observance of the rules of personal hygiene, especially frequent washing of hands and washing. Most of all, stomatitis is caused by small children.

9. The presence of severe concomitant diseases (asthma, anemia, malfunctioning of the hormonal system, thyroid dysfunction, etc.).

How to cure stomatitis at home: the best drugs

By itself, stomatitis (with proper treatment) passes quickly enough. At the same time, it is very important to identify it and start therapy on time, since when neglected it can cause serious complications in the form of severe pain (sometimes so acute that a person simply cannot eat), high fever and chills.

In addition, it is important to know that with untimely treatment, stomatitis can go down the esophagus or go into a chronic form.

Since all forms of stomatitis are accompanied by severe pain in the oral cavity, this symptom must be eliminated in order to prevent the rejection of food. The best analgesics of this orientation are:

1. Lidocaine in the form of a spray. They need to spray the entire affected oral cavity ten minutes before eating. The drug will cause partial numbness of the mucosa, so a person will be able to eat normally without feeling pain.

2. Benzocaine copes well if used together with trimecaine.

3. Instillagel.

4. Periodontitis.

It is important to know that you can use anesthetic data for no more than a week in a row. They are not suitable for the treatment of chronic stomatitis.

Almost always, stomatitis is manifested by the appearance of ulcers in the mouth, which can be covered with a coating. To clear these formations, you need to use various cleansing ointments and rinses, which include hydrogen peroxide and bigluconate.

You should also know that the use of strong antimicrobial drugs is considered a very aggressive method of therapy, which will only aggravate the treatment process and cause severe pain in the patient. Use of such medicines is possible only when mouth ulcers are already not in acute form.

How to cure different forms of stomatitis at home

For the treatment of viral stomatitis, which was caused by herpes, the following drugs should be used:

1. Ointments (Bonafton, Oskolin ointment, Tebrofen ointment, Acyclovir).

2. Absorbable tablets to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

3. Various forms of interferon.

4. Candles Viferon.

5. Gel with antibacterial effect Holasal.

6. The use of antihistamines (Cetrin, Zyrtec). It is important to know that such medicines can only be used for children over two years of age.

For the treatment of fungal stomatitis, which is usually observed in infants, a 2% soda solution should be used. They need to soak a cotton swab and lubricate the patient's mouth. Antifungal ointments (clotrimazole) are also allowed.

To eliminate the bacterial form of stomatitis, you need to use such drugs:

1. Antiseptic sprays (Orasept, Hexoral, Ingalipt).

2. Tablets for resorption (Propolis, Doctor Theiss).

3. Chlorophyllipte oil solution.

How to cure stomatitis at home: folk ointments

The most effective recipes for ointments for stomatitis are:

1. Garlic ointment:

• chop two cloves of garlic;

• add a couple of tablespoons of milk;

• with finished mixture to treat mouth ulcers three times a day.

You should know that such an ointment can burn the oral mucosa, so it is better not to use it to treat young children.

2. Honey ointment:

• mix a spoonful of honey and the same amount of olive oil;

• add egg white and 1 ampoule of novocaine;

• mix everything and use the prepared liquid to lubricate the affected oral cavity twice a day.

3. Potato remedy:

• grate potatoes;

• mix it in equal amounts with olive and sea buckthorn oil;

• apply ready-made gruel to mouth ulcers.

4. Aloe ointment:

• chop one aloe petal;

• pour 1 tsp into the resulting slurry. olive oil;

• ready-made mixture to treat mouth ulcers.

You can also apply and just aloe without additives. To do this, you only need to cut it in half and apply the wet part to the affected skin.

5. Herbal remedy:

• pour a glass of crushed burdock root with 100 g of oil;

• insist for a day and boil;

• a ready-made tool to treat ulcers twice a day.

How to cure stomatitis at home: rinse and other products

The best recipes for rinsing your mouth with stomatitis are:

1. Rinse carrot juice diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1: 1. Frequency of the procedure: 4-5 times a day.

2. Juice from white cabbage, diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 2. Repeat rinsing 3-4 times a day after each meal.

3. Gargle with horseradish juice. To prepare it, you need to squeeze the juice from the root of this vegetable and dilute it with warm water in equal proportions.

4. Means of onion peel.

Prepare in this way:

• for 1 liter of water to take the husk of several bulbs;

• pour the husk with boiling water and insist for three hours;

• strain and rinse the mouth with prepared infusion several times a day.

You should know that from such a tool teeth can darken a little, but this is not scary, because after a few days after the end of treatment, the teeth will again get their previous appearance.

5. Linden remedy:

• pour one tablespoon of linden-colored 250 ml of boiling water;

• insist for five hours;

• add a teaspoon of soda to the finished product;

• mix everything and rinse your mouth after each meal.

6. Means of St. John's wort (for 1 liter of water you need to add 3 teaspoons of St. John's wort). Boil the solution and insist for an hour. Ready means you can rinse your mouth twice a day.

7. If stomatitis has been detected in young children who cannot rinse their mouths themselves, then they need to do this procedure on their own with the help of a pear. It must be filled with a syringe. During the procedure, you need to slightly tilt the baby so that the solution does not get into his throat.

Children need to rinse every two hours (if the stomatitis is acute) and every four hours - if the disease proceeds without pronounced manifestations.

8. The use of Kalanchoe juice is very effective. Ego needs to be added two teaspoons per glass of water. Rinse the mouth with such a solution at least three times a day.

9. Rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile, mint, oak bark and sage. Also, all these herbs can be combined, as they have a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

10. Vinilin, sea buckthorn and rosehip oil can be used as healing medicines. They should lubricate mouth ulcers several times a day.

You can also use ready-made herbal preparations in the form of medicines. Those, for example, are Evkar, Stomatofit or Ingafitol.

You should be aware that rinsing the mouth with plain warm water will not give any results, since stomatitis is still a bacterial disease in which microbes multiply in the mouth, so they need to be eliminated only with antibacterial agents.


Watch the video: Simple Home Remedies For Mouth Ulcers Naturally That Really Work! (July 2024).