DIY rubber keychain. How to make a Christmas tree and a keychain from gum yourself


Recently, home-made "baubles", in particular, rubber products, have gained great popularity. Keychains, all kinds of toys made of rubber bands are especially in great demand. And now not only children, but also some adults can do them. Today we will talk about how to make a keychain out of rubber bands with our own hands.

How to make a do-it-yourself gum key chain

Many young people, especially girls like to have different trinkets like all kinds of key chains, backpack, phone and other things. Buying such an accessory in our time is not difficult, since the assortment of such products is very large. However, it is much more pleasant to wear an original hand-made article, for example, a keychain made of rubber bands on fingers. In addition to the original and colorful accessory, you can also enjoy the process of its manufacture.

To make such an attractive thing you can either through a special machine, or improvised means. For the implementation of the weaving process, slingshot, pencil, hook, fork, or your own fingers are usually used.

Weaving is a very entertaining occupation, and if, in addition to the desire to put a drop of imagination in it, you can go beyond the usual chain of rubber bands, you should also try making dimensional geometric figures, vegetables, cartoon characters or all kinds of animals. For work, we need gum in different colors and a little time.

If you make a lightweight trinket of rubber bands with your own hands, then it will take slightly less to manufacture than a complex one, as it will also be slightly inferior in quality. However, for beginners it is still recommended to start with a simpler option so that it is easier to understand the basic principles of weaving.

For children, making accessories from rubber bands will be not only interesting and fun, but also very useful, because this lesson develops their fine motor skills very well. In addition, adults can join the children, which will turn this process into an exciting family activity.

So, attractive and original toys can now show off on your things (keys, phone, etc.), and bring joy and pride to their owner, because they are made with their own hands.

How to make them? The following are master classes on making key chains with your own hands.

How to weave a gum keychain with a machine tool

First, we’ll study the braiding technique called the “French braid”.

The weaving process can be done on a regular machine, Monster Tail or slingshot, everything will be forgotten here solely from your desire and capabilities.

French braid is woven from 1, 2 or 3 colors of elastic bands. Before you begin the process, you must select the colors of the elastic bands for weaving. Bright, saturated tones are more suitable for girls, young people should stop at calmer colors - blue, black, white, dark green and so on.

It is also important to choose exclusively high-quality material so that during work or at the end of the gum they will not tear. Indeed, to spoil all the work, just one bursting gum is enough.

So, first prepare:

  • elastic bands of two colors (preferably pink and yellow);

  • slingshot;

  • hook;

  • S-shaped lock.

After all the necessary material is collected, you can begin work. An important point: when throwing gum, they must alternate color, do not forget about it, that is, there should not be two pink or yellow rubber bands in a row. So:

1) to start, take 1 pink and 1 yellow elastic and alternately put the figure eight on a slingshot without twisting;

2) behind a yellow elastic band, pink is pounced without twisting;

3) after that, a pink rubber band is removed from the right shoulder of the slingshot and left in the center on two upper ones;

4) then the middle yellow rubber is removed from the left shoulder;

5) another gum is pounced on the slingshot;

6) then, using a hook from the right shoulder, the middle pink loop is dropped into the center;

7) after that you need to remove the lower pink rubber from the left shoulder and transfer it to the center;

8) another pink gum is pounced on the slingshot;

9) then the lower yellow loop is thrown from the right shoulder to the center, and the middle yellow is from the left;

10) then, according to this scheme, we weave the product of the length we need. Make sure that on one side of the product there are yellow loops, on the other pink.

11) to complete the process, you need to remove the lower loops on both sides to the center of the outer ones. The other 2 elastic bands are transferred to one of the shoulders of the slingshot and fastened with a clasp. Do not forget to fasten the beginning of the chain with a plastic lock. Done!

How to weave a gum keychain without a machine tool

If the machine is missing, you can do without it. Let's figure out how to complete the process without a machine. Alternatively, prepare:

  • hook;

  • a plug;

  • ring of iron;

  • multi-colored elastic bands (8 pieces each).

The process of working without a machine is as follows:

1) the first gum (for example, gray) must be worn with an eight on a slingshot, 4 white each on the right and left horn;

2) on top - the next gray (8-shaped) gum, the bottom hooks through white and folds into the middle. Similarly, you need to do with the second side;

3) then 4 gum of a different color is added to the horn, then again the 8-shaped gray and then do the same as the previous version;

4) when each of the flowers appears on the horn, you need to put on top 1 more gray elastic, throw off the previous gray on it, remove it from the right horn and throw it on the left;

5) both ends of the gray gum from the left horn are put on a ring of iron and remove the completed keychain from the horn. Done!

That's all you need to know to make a keychain from an elastic band with your own hands. Turn your imagination to the maximum and forward to creativity!


Watch the video: DIY How to Make Shrink Charms with Recycled Plastic step by step (July 2024).